People-centred AI Institute logo


By connecting the minds of Surrey's three faculties, (Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences) we are bringing together domain experts to work alongside those advancing fundamental AI theory. With this unique eco-system, we are enabling co-creation and inclusivity where Surrey's wealth of knowledge and excellence will help shape the generation of people-centred AI research, training and innovation.

AI at Surrey has a thriving multi-disciplinary network of over 300 researchers across the University from over 20 groups spanning fundamental AI theory through to applications in health, nutrition, language, security, education, entertainment, finance, business, law, ethics, understanding and regulation of AI and autonomous decision-making systems.

If you are interested in a particular area or for general enquiries email us.

A wealth of interdisciplinary expertise

The executive leadership team of the new Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI, contains representation from across all faculties of the University and is responsible for implementing and evolving the Institute’s strategy to establish a leading international centre of excellence in people-centred AI research, training and innovation, and its application for the benefit of society.

Professional Services

Carolina Linberg

Carolina Lindberg

Administration Officer


Juanita West

Comms Officer


Megan Myers

EA to PAI Directors

Sylwia Wlodyk

Sylwia Wodyk

AI Training Manager (online)

Academic staff

Gustavo Carneiro

Prof. Gustavo Carneiro

Professor of AI and Machine Learning

Ayse Demirkan profile image

Dr Ayse Demirkan

Senior Lecturer in AI Multiomics for Health and Wellbeing

Anjan Dutta profile image

Dr Anjan Dutta

Lecturer in People-Centred AI

Mikolaj Firlej smiling

Dr Mikolaj Firlej

Lecturer in AI and Regulation

Yulia Gryaditskaya profile image

Dr Yulia Gryaditskaya

Lecturer in People Centred Artificial Intelligence

Bahareh Heravi profile image

Dr Bahareh Heravi

Reader in AI and Media

Diptesh Kanojia profile image

Dr Diptesh Kanojia

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence for Natural Language Processing

Erin Chao Ling profile image

Dr Erin Ling

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work

Benita Rose Mathew profile image

Benita Rose Mathew

Lecturer in AI and Fintech

Muhammad Awais profile image

Dr Muhammad Rana

Senior Lecturer in Trustworthy and Responsible AI. Leaading the research on foundation models and self-supervised learning

Erick Giovani Sperandio Nascimento profile image

Dr Erick Sperandio Nascimento

Associate Professor (Reader) in AI for Clean Air and Programme Lead of AI and Sustainability

Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad profile image

Dr Alireza Tamaddoni Nezhad

Lead for Trustworthy AI and Sustainable AI

Xiatian Zhu profile image

Dr Xiatian Zhu

Senior Lecturer in People-Centred AI

Surrey Future Fellows

The Surrey Future Fellows scheme is dedicated to identifying and empowering the upcoming generation of research leaders within the University. Through this initiative, individuals are provided with essential support to initiate and guide innovative research projects that align with the University's growth strategy.

In this academic track role, the initial three years are primarily research-focused, while offering the potential for subsequent appointments to permanent academic positions or external fellowships. Notably, the University has already appointed a total of 30 fellows, with six of them holding joint appointments at the AI Institute.

Sara Atito Ali Ahmed profile image

Dr Sara Ahmed

Surrey Future Fellow

Emily Corrigan-Kavanagh (formerly Corrigan-Doyle) profile image

Dr Emily Corrigan-Kavanagh

Surrey Future Fellow in Designing AI for Home Wellbeing, Surrey AI Fellow

Richard Green profile image

Dr Richard Green

Surrey Future Fellow

Bingxin Lu profile image

Dr Bingxin Lu

Surrey Future Fellow

Klara Wanelik profile image

Dr Klara Wanelik

Surrey Future Fellow

Research centres and groups

Explore the cross disciplinary network of researchers from centres and groups across the University working in artificial intelligence.

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Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI
University of Surrey
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