
Our identity is built on our eclectic academic staff, research fellows, research assistants and post-graduate researchers that boast expertise in both traditional psychological approaches and critical community approaches. Central to this identity is our Service Users and Carers Advisory Group which enables the team to ensure that lived experience is central to our research focus on a truly participatory manner.

Meet the team

Academic staff

Mark Cropley profile image

Professor Mark Cropley

Professor of Health Psychology

Bernadette Egan profile image

Dr Bernadette Egan

Senior Research Fellow/Senior Adviser NIHR Research Design Service South-East/Acting Co-Chair University of Surrey Ethics Committee

Hannah Frith profile image

Dr Hannah Frith

Associate Professor in Psychology

Kate Gleeson profile image

Dr Kate Gleeson

Research Director, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Catherine Huckle profile image

Dr Catherine Huckle

Joint Programme Director

Jane Iles profile image

Dr Jane Iles

Programme Director, PsychD Clinical Psychology Programme. Associate Professor. Clinical Psychologist

Mary John profile image

Mary John

Head of Department of Psychological Interventions

Christina Jones profile image

Professor Chrissie Jones

Professor in Clinical Health Psychology

Dr Oliver Mason

Reader in Clinical Psychology

Linda Morison profile image

Linda Morison

Visiting Lecturer

Jane Ogden profile image

Professor Jane Ogden

Professor of Health Psychology

Bob Patton profile image

Dr Bob Patton

Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Dr Gemma Perman

Teaching Fellow

Rebecca Read profile image

Dr Rebecca Read

Research Fellow

Laura Simonds profile image

Dr Laura Simonds

Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology Doctorate Programme

Kimberley Smith profile image

Dr Kimberley Smith

Senior lecturer in Clinical Health Psychology

Dr Katherine Wakelin

Research Fellow

Emma Isabella Williams profile image

Dr Emma Williams

Lecturer in Developmental Psychology

Postgraduate researchers

Ana Alvey

Postgraduate Research Student

Emily Atkinson profile image

Emily Atkinson

Postgraduate Research Student

Katie Aumayer

Postgraduate Research Student

Gagan Bangar

Postgraduate Research Student

Elizabeth Bodrell profile image

Lily Bodrell

Postgraduate Research Student

Alex Chamberlain

Postgraduate Research Student / Trainee Clinical Psychologist

Cathy Clifton profile image

Cathy Clifton

Postgraduate Research Student

Daniel Dowling profile image

Dan Dowling

Postgraduate Research Student

Areej Elgaziari

Postgraduate Research Student

Molly Foster

Postgraduate Research Student

Jessica Hughes

Postgraduate Research Student

Taneesha Jones-Seale

Postgraduate Research Student

Gabrielle Leen

Postgraduate Research Student

Oliver Lovick

Postgraduate Research Student

Gemma Lumsdale profile image

Gemma Lumsdale

Postgraduate Research Student

Louise Martin

Postgraduate Research Student

Lee Mcentire

Postgraduate Research Student

Lizzy Mcmanus

Postgraduate Research Student

Amy Millington

Postgraduate Research Student

Kirsty Muckle

Postgraduate research student

Veronika Nagy profile image

Veronika Nagy

Postgraduate Research Student

Andria Papageorgiou

Postgraduate Research Student

Laura Pettitt

Postgraduate Research Student

Emma Phelan

Postgraduate Research Student

Devon Rodwell

Postgraduate Research Student

Daniella Salmon

Postgraduate Research Student

Dr Nicole Samuel

Postgraduate Research Student

Vicky Simkin

Postgraduate Research Student

Alex Skolnick

Postgraduate Research Student

Elena Somovilla

Trainee Clinical Psychologist - Postgraduate Research Student

Raul Szekely profile image

Raul Szekely

Postgraduate Research Student

Paul Tomlin

Postgraduate Research Student

Dr Katherine Wakelin

Research Fellow

Abi Watkinson

Postgraduate Research Student

Sophie Williams

Postgraduate Research Student

Dan Willmott profile image

Dan Willmott

Exploring the contribution of interoceptive processes to addiction severity and readiness to change in smokers

External Collaborators

Professor Grant Devilly

Griffith University

Professor Colin Drummond

King's College London

Heather Gage profile image

Professor Heather Gage

Professor of Health Economics

Sue Jackson

UWE Bristol

Tinisha Kennedy

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Christos Kouimtsidis

SABP NHS Trust, Imperial College London

Naomi Spokes

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

Industry collaborators