Dr Dan Willmott
Academic and research departments
Clinical Intervention and Practice Research Group, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.About
My research project
Exploring the contribution of interoceptive processes to addiction severity and readiness to change in smokersThe aim and objectives of this study are to explore how “interoception”, the perception of internal bodily signals (such as feeling your heart beating), is related to people’s cigarette smoking behaviour in those who currently smoke or have quit smoking. We will attempt to understand this through recruiting current or ex-smokers and asking them to complete a series of questionnaires. Alongside this, we will directly measure interoception through a task that requires participants to count the number of heartbeats they feel in a certain amount of time.
The aim and objectives of this study are to explore how “interoception”, the perception of internal bodily signals (such as feeling your heart beating), is related to people’s cigarette smoking behaviour in those who currently smoke or have quit smoking. We will attempt to understand this through recruiting current or ex-smokers and asking them to complete a series of questionnaires. Alongside this, we will directly measure interoception through a task that requires participants to count the number of heartbeats they feel in a certain amount of time.