Dr Kate Gleeson
University roles and responsibilities
- Research Director on the PsychD Clinical Psychology Training Programme
Affiliations and memberships
ResearchResearch interests
Self, identity and health, visual identity and qualitative methods of research including visual methods.
Research interests
Self, identity and health, visual identity and qualitative methods of research including visual methods.
Completed postgraduate research projects I have supervised
- Jane Roscoe (1993) Docudrama
- Bruce Bolam (2002) Ideologies of health: Towards a social psychology of health inequalities
- Jeremy Horwood (2007) The relationship between male identities and male images in the media
- Dan Russell (2008) Buying into Identity: Inclusion and Exclusion through Consumption Practices
- Emma Dures (2009) The experience of Epidermolysis Bullosa.
- Research methods.
Evidence that interpersonal interactions and self-appraisal in social context are crucial in developing self-understanding raises concerns about how pupils with autism spectrum disorder make sense of themselves in school settings where many experience social marginalisation. Metasynthesis was used to systematically extract and integrate findings from qualitative studies examining the mainstream school experiences of these students. Synthesised findings identified three, intermeshing, aspects of experience which contribute to many pupils with autism spectrum disorder making sense of themselves as ‘different’ to typical peers in a negative way: difficulties linked to autism spectrum disorder; interpersonal relationships, particularly with peers; and accessibility of the school environment. Typical pupils’ attitudes and responses towards peers with autism spectrum disorder, unusual sensory reactions to the physical school environment and individual sense-making about the self are highlighted as key areas requiring further research and intervention to improve the experiences, self-esteem and well-being of pupils with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive settings and to inform educational policy and practice.
Research into bereavement care for families who experience perinatal death has been identified as a priority by healthcare organisations, as poor bereavement care is associated with poor long-term outcomes.
Aims Experiencing shame can be a risk factor for relapse for people recovering from alcohol dependence, but for some it may act as a necessary protective factor for preventing relapse. Knowing how best to manage shame is therefore an important issue, yet the precise nature of the relationship between shame and alcohol dependence remains largely unexplored. Research Questions 1) In what ways do participants tell their stories of shame? 2) How is shame experienced and/or understood by those in recovery from alcohol dependence? Method Eight participants were recruited from Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) groups and invited to tell their story of recovery. Stories were then analysed using a narrative analysis, focusing on how participants narrated their stories and made sense of their experiences of shame in particular. Findings Participants spoke about an inherent deep-rooted negative view about themselves, which was present long before alcohol dependence developed. Alcohol served as a means of connection to others and a way of artificially relieving feelings of worthlessness. Recovery was about finding somewhere safe to talk about feelings of shame and make sense of these experiences. Conclusions The results indicate that management of shame is an important component of recovery programmes for alcohol dependence.
This qualitative research extends current theorizing on behavioural strategies for managing body distress by exploring how women manage body image through clothing practices. Eighty two women reported their subjective understanding of how body evaluation and clothing practices are interconnected in response to open-ended questionnaires. Thematic analysis of responses revealed that clothing practices are a mundane and agentic part of the adjustive and self-regulatory processes for managing distressing body image (cf. Cash, 2002b). Clothing is used strategically to manage bodily appearance and anxiety by hiding ‘problem areas’, accentuating ‘assets,’ and flattering the figure. Body image is actively negotiated and managed through everyday behaviours which fluctuate on ‘fat’ days and ‘thin’ days. These data illustrate the processes which underpin the active negotiation of body image and capture the fluidity of body evaluations and strategies for managing the appearance of the body. These findings raise a number of challenges for theorizing and research including the need to adopt methods which capture the dynamic interplay of body image processes, and the need to address body appreciation as well as distress.
In the general population, confiding is typically associated with increased well-being, reduced distress and strengthened relationships. However, there is a lack of research exploring the role of confiding among young people who have been in the care system. The current study employed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to guide the analysis of semi-structured interviews with eight young people with a range of care experiences, looking at the topic of confiding in others. Five themes emerged from the data analysis that indicated difficulties with confiding related to: holding unacceptable identities that are difficult to reveal to others; holding anticipations and expectations that confiding leads to harm; experiencing internal conflict between wanting to be open versus wanting to remain closed; and varying opportunities to develop trusted, confiding relationships across different environments within the care system. The findings suggest a need for safe, secure and stable care placements that can support the potential development of trusted confiding relationships wherein young people may be able to develop greater attachment security, and the capacity to build safe, supportive and trusted relationships through their lives. Implications for practice are discussed.
Background Disgust is a common emotion experienced by healthcare professionals which in extreme cases can contribute to neglect and abuse of patients. However, little research has explored how healthcare professionals experience disgust and what coping strategies they use to manage it. Aim To identify, evaluate and synthesise results from empirical papers that have explored how healthcare professionals experience, understand and manage disgust in clinical work. Design A narrative literature review. Data Sources Using the EBSCOHost interface, a range of databases were systematically searched alongside manual searches and citation chaining which yielded the 11 papers included in this review. Review Method Qualitative synthesis. Results Three major themes were identified: The professionals’ struggle to talk about disgust; the importance of boundaries: boundary breaching and boundary building; and the role of empathy in caring. Conclusion This review found that disgust is a common experience for healthcare professionals, yet it is not talked about or openly expressed. Professionals have developed ways to cope with disgust and use empathy as a main strategy to overcome it. The review suggests that healthcare professionals should consider ways of making disgust part of a wider conversation, allowing clinicians to engage with their feelings, rather than feel ashamed of them and hiding disgust away as a silent part of care.
Additional publications
Eccleston, C., Gleeson, K., Lee, N., Stainton Rogers, R., Stainton Rogers, W., Stenner, P. & Worrell, M. (1994) Textuality and Tectonics. Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
Stainton Rogers, R., Stenner P., Gleeson, K. & Stainton Rogers,W. (1995) Social Psychology - A Critical Agenda. Polity Press, London. (Reprinted 1996)
Book chapters
Jackson, S., Gleeson, K., & Smith, R.M. (2014) Pancreatic transplantation in patients with T1DM: a source of traumatic stress? In W Weimar & JJV Busschbach (Eds) Organ Transplantation: Ethical, Legal & Psychosocial Aspects. Germany: Pabst Science Publishers
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2012) Clothing and Embodiment: Men Managing Body Image and Appearance in K.A. Miller-Spillman, A. Reilly, P. Hunt-Hurst The Meanings of Dress, 3rd Edition, New York, Fairchild Books.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2012) Qualitative Data Collection: Asking the right questions? In D. Harper & A. Thompson Qualitative research methods in mental health and psychotherapy: An introduction for students and practitioners. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.
Gleeson, K. (2010) Polytextual Thematic Analysis for Visual Data - pinning down the analytic in P. Reavey (Ed.) Visual psychologies: using and interpreting images in qualitative research, Routledge.
Rumsey, N., Harcourt, D., Frith, H. & Gleeson, K (2005) Appearance matters: the history of appearance research. In Rumsey, N & Harcourt, D. (2005) The Psychology of Appearance. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Rumsey, N. , Harcourt, D., Clarke, A., Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2005) The challenges facing researchers in the area. In Rumsey, N & Harcourt, D. (2005) The Psychology of Appearance. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2004) Pretty in Pink - Young women presenting mature sexual identities. In A. Harris (Ed.) All About the Girl: Culture, Power and Identity. Routledge, New York and London.
Gleeson, K. (1987) "Representations de la Maladie Mentale" in Bellelli, G. (ed.) La Representation Sociale de la Maladie Mentale, University of Naples/E.A.E.S.P., Naples, Italy.
Academic journal papers (refereed)
Chebsey, C., Jackson, S., Gleeson, K., Winter, C., Storey, C., Hillman, J., Lewis, J., Cox, R., Heazell, A., Fox, R., et al. (2014) Joint perspective, joint decision making; improving maternity bereavement care for stillbirth. A mixed methods multicentre study in the UK providing an in-depth understanding of maternity bereavement. Arch. Dis. Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 99 Supl 1:A22
Chebsey, C., Siassakos, D., Draycott, T., Winter., C., Jackson, S., Gleeson., K., Storey, C., Fox, R., &Hillman, J. (2014) Joint perspective, joint decision making; improving maternity bereavement care for stillbirth: A mixed methods multi-centre study in the UK. BJOG - An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaeology, 121:95-95
Stevens, A., Cheston, R. & Gleeson, K. (2013) An exploration into the relationships people with dementia have with physical objects : an ethnographic study, Dementia, 2013, 12(6)697-712
Jackson, S. & Gleeson, K. (2013) The long-term psychosocial impact of corrective surgery for adults with strabismus. British Journal of Opthalmology, 97:1356-1357
Jackson, S., Morris, M. & Gleeson, K. (2013) The long-term psychosocial impact of corrective surgery for adults with strabismus. British Journal of Opthalmology, 97(4),419-422.
Dures, E., Rumsey, N., Morris, M., Gleeson, K. (2013) A cross sectional, observational survey to assess levels and predictors of psychological wellbeing in adults with epidermolysis bullosa" Health Psychology Research, 1:e4, 16-20.
Dick, K., Gleeson, K., Johnstone, L. & Weston, C. (2011) Staff beliefs about why people with learning disabilities self-harm: A Q-methodological study, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(3), 233-242.
Herlihy, J., Gleeson, K. & Turner, S. (2010) What assumptions about human behaviour underlie asylum judgments? Journal of Refugee Law 22( 3)
Gleeson, K. & Mortimore 2010. The process model for research supervision on the Bristol course. Clinical Psychology Forum, 213, September.
Dures, E., Rumsey, N., Morris, M., & Gleeson, K. (2010) Mixed methods in health psychology: Theoretical and practical considerations of the third paradigm. Journal of Health Psychology, 20(10), 1-10.
Dures, E., Morris, M., Gleeson, K., & Rumsey, N., (2010) An exploration of the Psychosocial Impact of Epidermolysis Bullosa. Qualitative Health Research, 21 (6), 771-782.
Dures, E. Rumsey, N., Morris, M. & Gleeson, K. (2010) 'You're whatever the patient needs at the time': The impact on health and social care professionals of supporting people with epidermolysis bullosa. Chronic Illness. 6, 215-227
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2008) Dressing the body: The role of clothing in sustaining body pride and managing body distress. Qualitative Methods of Research in Psychology, 5(2), 1-36
Atkinson, J. R., Gleeson, K., Cromwell, J.A. & O'Rourke, S. (2007) Exploring the perceptual characteristics of voice-hallucinations in deaf people. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry,12(4), 339-361
Gupta, V., Johnstone, L.C.& Gleeson, K. (2006) Exploring the meaning of separation in second-generation young South Asian women in Britain. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 80, 481-495.
Bolam, B. Murphy, S. & Gleeson, K. (2006) Place-identity and geographical inequalities in health: A qualitative Study. Psychology and Health, 21(3), 399-420.
Frith, H., Riley, S., Archer, L., & Gleeson, K. (2005) Editorial: Imag(in)ing Visual Methodologies. Qualitative Methods in Psychology. 2(3), 187-257.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2005) (De)constructing Body Image. Journal of Health Psychology, 11(1), 79-90.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2004) Clothing and Embodiment: Men Managing Body Image and Appearance. Psychology of Men and Masculinity 5(1), 40 - 48.
Bolam, B.L., Murphy, S. & Gleeson, K. (2004) Individualisation and inequalities in health: A qualitative study of social class based health identities. Social Science and Medicine, 59 (7), 1355-1365.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2003) Getting Noticed: Using Clothing to Negotiate Visibility. Psychology of Women Review, 5(2), 7-11.
Levene, R. & Gleeson, K. (2003) Standing Apart: Sizing Up Social Identity. Psychology of Women Review, 5(2) 17 - 22.
Frith, H. and Gleeson, K. (2003) Youth, Beauty and Pride: Privileging Young Bodies. Psychology of Women Review, 5(2), 23-27.
Bolam, B.L. Gleeson, K. & Murphy, S. (2003`Lay person' or `health expert'? Exploring theoretical and practical aspects of reflexivity in qualitative health research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, [On-line journal], 4(2). Available at http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-e/inhalt2-03-e-prov.ht.
Bolam, B., Hodgetts, D., Chamberlain, K., Murphy, S. & Gleeson, K. (2003) `Just do it': an analysis of accounts of control over health amongst lower socioeconomic status groups, Critical Public Health, 13(1), 15-31.
Gleeson, K. & Haslum, M. (2000) “Editorial - Special Feature on Postgraduate Research” in Feminism & Psychology, 10 (4), 481.
Gleeson, K. (1998) “What are we to do with people diagnosed as mentally ill, and does the community care?” Collected Original Resources in Education, 22(1) March.
Gleeson, K. & Marshall, H. (1997) "Editorial - Special Feature on Postgraduate Research", Feminism and Psychology, 7, (3)
Roscoe, J., Marshall, H. & Gleeson, K. (1995) "The television audience: A reconsideration of the taken-for-granted terms `active', `social', and `critical'" European Journal of Communication, 10(1), 87-108.
Kenealy, P., Gleeson, K. & Shaw, W (1991) "The Causal Relationship between Self-esteem and Self-perception of Attractiveness", Community and Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 1, 45-56.
Other publications
Stephens, A. , Cheston, R. & Gleeson, K. (2012) The use of naturally occurring objects within nursing homes by residents with dementia, Psychology Specialists Working with Older People Newsletter, Jan.
Published abstracts
Chebsey C, Jackson S, Gleeson K, Winter C, Storey C, Lewis J, Heazell A, Fox R, Draycott T, Siassakos D. Joint perspective, joint decision making: improving maternity bereavement care for stillbirth. A mixed methods multicentre study in the United Kingdom BJOG-An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 122:358-358 01 Apr 2015
Jackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2014) Is psychological support the missing ingredient in successful outcomes for pancreas transplantation: the importance of recognising and managing the "competitive patient". Endocrine Abstracts (2014) 35 P474
Jackson, S., Gleeson, K., & Smith, R.M. (2013) `How do I do normal when I don't know what normal is?' Patient struggles post pancreatic transplantation. Diabetic Medicine, 30, 176-176.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (De)Constructing Body Image. Journal of Health Psychology. ASSIA:Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts. (2007)
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. ( 2004)Body Imaging: Deconstructing the Concept of Body Image. British Psychological Society Proceedings, 12 (1).Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2004) Discourse and Gender identity: Vulnerable men in Media Representations, The British Psychological Society Proceedings, 12 (1).
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Invisible Bodies? Symposium BPS Psychology of Women Section Conference, Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11(1) Feb.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Young Women and Body Display. BPS Psychology of Women Section Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11(1) Feb.
Levene, R. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Embodied Practices, Disembodied Identities. BPS Psychology of Women Section Conference, Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11(1) Feb.
Cahill, P., Waite, J. & Gleeson, K. (2001) Investigating paradigms of helping and healing in mental health: Confused clients and potluck psychotherapy professionals? The British Psychological Society Proceedings 10(2), 2002.
Stuart, M., Alford, C., Gleeson, K., & Morris, M. (2001) Effects of `sedative' and `stimulant' placebo on psychomotor tasks, subjective measures, and descriptive reports (coded thematically using the `MACSSS Code'). Journal of Psychopharmacology,15(3) 127.
Stuart, M., Alford, C., Gleeson, K., & Morris, M. (2001) The MACSSS Code: Developing a system for the standardised quantification of verbal descriptive data of drug effects. Journal of Psychopharmacology,15(3) 126.
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2001) Masculinity and Sports: The construction of male identity in the media. The British Psychological Society Proceedings, 9(1), Feb. 2001.
Horwood, J. Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2000) Body Talk: The Media's Construction of Male Identity. The British Psychological Society Proceedings
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (1999) Construction of `other' men in media representations. The British Psychological Society Proceedings, 9(1), Feb. 2001.
Bolam, B., Murphy, S. & Gleeson, K. (1999) Conceptualising structural and behavioural explanations of health inequalities: The role of lay accounts. British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, York.
Horwood, J. & Gleeson, K. (1999) “Privileged parasites or treasured possessions? Social representations of students in the nineties. The British Psychological Society Proceedings, 7(2) August, 1999.
Daly, T. & Gleeson, K. (1998) “Women at work. Are their meetings more likely to be interrupted, and considered less work related than those of men?” Women and Psychology Conference, BPS.
Bloom, J. & Gleeson, K. (1998) “A discursive exploration of mothers' constructions of motherhood”. The British Psychological Society Proceedings
Gleeson, K. (1997) "What are we to do with people diagnosed as mentally ill, and does the community care?" WMBPsS Annual Conference Proceedings, BPS.
Gleeson, K. (1993) "Against Methodolatory : Q Methodology as artifice and artifact", EAESP.
Gleeson, K. (1993) "Communing with the community about the notion of care", EAESP.
Roscoe, J., Gleeson, K. & Marshall, H. "Making Sense of the Conflict in Northern Ireland Using Q-sort Methodology", The British Psychological Society Proceedings.
Stainton Rogers, R., Stainton Rogers, W.& Gleeson, K. (1993) "Going Critical? The Social Undone, Psychology Deconstructed", EAESP.
Gleeson, K. (1993) "Against Methodolatory : Q Methodology as artifice and artifact", EAESP.
Gleeson. K. (1993) "Communing with the community about the notion of care", EAESP.
Gleeson, K. (1988) "Out of Our Minds - Understandings of Mental Health and Mental Illness", The British Psychological Society Proceedings.
Conference papers (refereed) international
Marshall, L., Wilson, N. & Gleeson, K., (2014) Psychological Recovery from Assaultive Injury among Men of South Asian Origin: A Narrative Analysis. European Conference on Systemic Research in Therapy and Organisational Development. March 6-8 2014 University of Heidelberg in cooperation with EFTA, DGSF, SG, Heidehof Stiftung and hsi.
Jackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2013) Pancreatic transplantation in patients with T1DM: a source of traumatic stress? Poster presented at 2013 AIDPIT & EPITA Winter Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria 3rd joint ESOT/AIDPIT Winter meeting 31st AIDPIT workshop Poster Prize
Jackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2013) “Back to not-normal”: patient struggles post pancreatic transplantation. Poster presented at 2013 AIDPIT & EPITA Winter Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria
Jackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2013) Pancreatic transplantation in patients with T1DM: a source of traumatic stress? Paper presented at 3rd ELPAT Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Frith, H. and Gleeson, K. (2003) Ambiguity: A Problem or a Space for Understanding. Paper presented at the 'Qualitative Research: Creating Spaces for Understanding' Conference hosted by the Association for Qualitative Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 16-20.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2003) Comparing Subjectivities with Q-Methodology. Paper presented at the 'Qualitative Research: Creating Spaces for Understanding' Conference hosted by the Association for Qualitative Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 16-20.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2003) 'Are You Calling Me a Tart?': Women Policing Each Others Appearance in Everyday Contexts. Paper presented at the Australian Women's Studies Association Conference '(Other) Feminisms', at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 12-16.
Frith, H.& Gleeson, K. (2003) Spectacular Bodies? Paper presented at the Australian Women's Studies Association Conference '(Other) Feminisms', at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 12-16.
Frith, H., Gleeson, K. & Morey, Y. (2003) Getting Published. Paper presented at the Australian Women's Studies Association Conference '(Other) Feminisms', at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 12-16.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2003) (Ad)Dressing Ambiguity. Paper presented at the Making an Appearance: Fashion, Dress and Consumption Conference at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 10-13.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2003) Doing Looks and Looking: Young Women Fashioning the Gaze. Paper presented at the Making an Appearance: Fashion, Dress and Consumption Conference at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 10-13.
Gleeson, K & Frith, H. (2002) Visible Bodies: Young Girls Getting Noticed. NWSA 25th Anniversary Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 14-16 June.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Youthful Bodies: Pride and Privilege. NWSA 25th Anniversary Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 14-16 June.
Levene, R. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Standing Apart|: Sizing Up Social Identity. NWSA 25th Anniversary Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 14-16 June.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2000) Buying into identity: Young women negotiating and subverting the meaning of clothes. National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference, Simmons College, Boston, 14-18th June,
Bolam, B.L., Murphy, S., Gleeson, K. & Hogettes, D. Conceptualising structural and behavioural explanations of health inequalities: The role of lay accounts. An International Conference on Critical and Qualitative Approaches to Health Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada. July
Wrigley, M. and Gleeson, K. (1998) “The road to Damascus? Religious conversion as positive mental health. 7th International Conference on Narrative, University of Kentucky, 6th - 8th November.
Wrigley, M., & Gleeson, K. (1997) “Evolution of the narratively constructed professional identity.” Sixth International Conference on Narrative, University of Kentucky.
Stainton Rogers, R., Stainton Rogers, W.& Gleeson, K., (1993) "Going Critical ? The Social Undone, Psychology Deconstructed", EAESP General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 - 19 Sept..
Gleeson, K (1993) "Against Methodolatory : Q Methodology as artifice and artifact", EAESP General Meeting, Lisbon Portugal, 16 - 19 Sept.
Gleeson, K. (1993) "Communing with the community about the notion of care", EAESP General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 - 19 Sept.
Roscoe, J., Gleeson, K.& Marshall, H. (1993) "Making Sense of the Conflict in Northern Ireland Using Q-sort Methodology", British Psychological Society (NI Branch) Annual Conference, Virginia, Co. Cavan. 23 - 25 April.
Gleeson, K. (1986) Social Representations of the Mentally Ill", International Colloquium, Naples University/E.A.E.S.P., S. Maria di Castellabate, Italy, 7-10 Oct.
Conference Papers (refereed) NationalJackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2013) Pancreatic transplantation: revealing trauma in patientswith type 1 diabetes. Abstract accepted, but poster not presented at British Transplant Society Annual Congress, Bournemouth
Jackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2013) Pancreatic transplantation: revealing trauma in patients with type 1 diabetes. Poster presented at Diabetes UK Conference, Manchester
Smith RM, Jackson S & Gleeson K (2012) A pilot study to investigate the psycho-social impact of pancreatic transplant surgery in individuals with Type I diabetes. Research & Innovation Research Day, Southmead Hospital, N Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol.
Kaur, M. & Gleeson, K. (2012) What influences us to step out of role? Qualitative findings on how forensic nurses make sense of the processes leading to boundary crossings. Boundaries and Behaviours Forensic Nursing Conference, West London Mental Health NHS Trust, Friends Meeting House, Southall, London.15 November.
Gleeson, K. (2006) When description becomes prescription: People with learning disabilities on display. Appearance Matters 2: Developing Theory and Practice. Centre for Appearance Researech and the South West Branch of the BPS, The Assembly Rooms and Guildhall, Bath. 6-7 June.
Gleeson, K. (2004) The Body Image and Health Behaviour Gap. Structured Discussion: Theorising Identity in Health Psychology. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference. Edinburgh, 8-10 September.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2004) Ambiguating appearance: unsettling the links between displaying and reading visual identities. British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section Annual Conference, Brighton, 7-9 July.
Bundy, N. & Gleeson, K. (2004) To what extent does the Social Model enable us to see people labelled as having `learning disabilities' as `one of us'? Disability Studies: Putting theory into practice. Lancaster University, July.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2003) Appearing Ordinary: Negotiating, compensating, managing our inner “freak”. Appearance Matters - International Conference hosted by Centre for Appearance Research, The Watershed, Bristol, 3rd Dec 2003.
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2003) Body Imaging: Deconstructing the Concept of Body Image. British Psychological Society, Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Staffordshire University, September 3-5.
Gleeson, K & Frith, H. (2003) Visualising Text. Paper presented at the International Conference of Critical psychology, University of Bath, 27-31 August.
Bolam, B.L., Gleeson, K. & Murphy, S. The researcher interview as reflexive practice in qualitative lay health beliefs research. British Sociological Association, Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, University of York, England, 26-28 Sept.
Moss, T., Bould, E. , Gleeson, K. and Murphy, S. (2002) Diversity in subjective explanations of smoking: A q-methodological investigation into the meanings of cigarette consumption. In: 18th Annual Q Conference, Durham, UK, 2002.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Invisible Bodies? Symposium BPS Psychology of Women Section Conference, Birkbeck College, 5-7 July
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Young Women and Body Display. BPS Psychology of Women Section Conference, Birkbeck College, 5-7 July.
Levene, R. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Embodied Practices, Disembodied Identities. BPS Psychology of Women Section Conference, Birkbeck College, 5-7 July
Cahill, P., Waite, J. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Investigating paradigms of healing in mental health: Confused clients and potluck psychotherapy professionals? British Association of Counselling 8th Research Conference, London, May
Cahill, P., Waite, J. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Investigating paradigms of helping and healing in mental health: Confused clients and potluck psychotherapy professionals? Division of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference, Torquay, May
Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2001) Pretty in Pink - Young women presenting mature sexual identities. A New Girl Order: Young Women and the Future of Feminist Inquiry Conference, Kings College, London, 14 - 16 November
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2001) Identity - An equally accessible resource? BSA Youth Study Group Conference 'Global Youth? Young People in the Twenty-First Century', University ofPlymouth 3-5 Sept.
Frith, H. & Gleeson, K. (2001) Too much too young. Signalling mature sexual identities through clothing consumption. WSN (UK) Annual Conference 'Gender and Consumption: Leisure, Consumption and Women's Everyday Lives', Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, 12-14 July
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2000) Action men: Representations of sporting identities in male lifestyle magazines. Understanding the Social World Conference II, Huddersfield, 3-6th September
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2000) Masculinity and Sports: The construction of male identity in the media. The British Psychological Society, Lesbian and Gay Psychology Section Inaugural Annual Conference, University of Surrey, 18th July
Gleeson, K., & Frith, H. (2000) Getting Noticed: Using Clothes to cover and uncover identities. British Psychological Society - Psychology of Women Conference, Dundee, 12-14th July
Horwood, J. Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2000) Body Talk: The Media's Construction of Male Identity. The British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 6-8 Sept.
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (1999) Construction of `other' men in media representations. British Psychological Society, Social Section, Annual Conference, Lancaster University.
Bolam, B., Murphy, S. & Gleeson, K. (1999) Conceptualising structural and behavioural explanations of health inequalities: The role of lay accounts. British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, York.
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (1999) Discourse and Gender Identity: Vulnerable Men in Media Representations. The Psychology Postgraduate Affairs Group Annual Conference. Lancaster University 20-22 June.
Horwood, J. & Gleeson, K. (1999) Privileged parasites or treasure possessions? Social representations of students in the 90's. Postgraduate Affairs Group Annual Conference, University of Derby, 20-22 July.
Daly, T. and Gleeson, K. (1998) “Women at work. Are their meetings more likely to be interrupted, and considered less work related than those of men?” Women and Psychology Conference, BPS, 1st July.
Bloom, J. and Gleeson, K. (1998) “A discursive exploration of mothers' constructions of motherhood”. Women and Psychology Conference, BPS, 1st July
Gleeson, K. (1997) “What are we to do with people diagnosed as mentally ill, and does the community care?” British Psychological Society West Midlands Section Annual Conference, Cheltenham, 12th April.
Horwood, J. & Gleeson, K. (1997) Social Representations of Students in the Nineties. A Clebration of the Life and Works of William Stephenson. Durham University 12-14 Dec.
Green, D. & Gleeson, K. (1997) “Q-methodology as an aid to research in environmental issues.” Celebration of the Life and Work of Will Stephenson Conference, University of Durham, Dec.
Wrigley, M., & Gleeson, K. (1997) “Storytelling and its relationship to mental health nursing practice”. Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research, Oxford University.
Gleeson, K. (1989) "Mad Ways with the Peculiar - Discourses on Social Policy and The Mentally Ill", Workshop on Q-Methodology and the Interpretational Disciplines, University of Reading, 4-6 April.
Gleeson, K. (1988) "Out of Our Minds - Understandings of Mental Health and Mental Illness", B.P.S. Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Kent, 23-25 Sept..
Conference workshops
Frith, H., Gleeson, K. & Morey, Y. (2003) Getting Published. Workshop facilitated at the Australian Women's Studies Association Conference `(other)Feminisms', at the University of Queesnsland, Brisbane, Australia, July 12-16.
Woollett, A., Gleeson, K. & Frith, H. (2000) Getting Published: Some ideas and Issues. Workshop Facilitated at the National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference, Boston, June.
Conference posters
Breen, O., Wilson, N., & Gleeson, K. (2015) The meaning and experience of facial disfigurement following an assault: An IPA study.
Jackson S, Gleeson K & Smith RM (2014) Is psychological support the missing ingredient in successful outcomes for pancreas transplantation: the importance of recognising and managing the "competitive patient". ECE Conference, Poland.
Jackson, S., Gleeson, K. & Smith, R.M. (2013) Pancreatic transplantation revealing trauma in patients with Type 1 diabetes. British Transplant Society and Renal Association Congress, Bournemouth International Centre, 13-15 March.
Cahill, P., Waite, J. & Gleeson, K. (2002) Investigating paradigms of helping and healing in mental health: Confused clients and pot-luck psychotherapy professionals? British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy 8th Annual Research Conference, May 2002, London.
Gleeson, K & Heard, P. (2002) Profiling Graduate Skills, LTSN Conference, March 2002.
Stuart, M., Alford, C., Gleeson, K., & Morris, M. (2001) Effects of `sedative' and `stimulant' placebo on psychomotor tasks, subjective measures, and descriptive reports (coded thematically using the `MACSSS Code'). British Association of Psychopharmacology, Summer Meeting, 2001, Harrogate.
Stuart, M., Alford, C., Gleeson, K., & Morris, M. (2001) The MACSSS Code: Developing a system for the standardised quantification of verbal descriptive data of drug effects. British Association of Psychopharmacology, Harrogate, Summer Meeting, 2001.
Horwood, J., Gleeson, K. & Waite, J. (2000) Body Talk: The media's construction of male identity. British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Annual Conference,
Horwood, J. and Gleeson, K. (1997) “Masculine Culture and Context”. Celebration of the Life and Work of Will Stephenson Conference. University of Durham, Dec.
Theses and monographics
Gleeson, K. (1991 "Out of Our Minds - The Construction and Deconstruction of Madness", Doctoral Thesis, University of Reading.
Unpublished monographs and technical reports
Stainton Rogers, R., Stainton Rogers, W. & Gleeson, K. (1989) "What Do People Mean By Dependency", University of Reading.