Graduate Yasmin Veterinary Medicine and Science BVMSci (Hons) I'm currently a vet for the UK’s largest veterinary charity, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). I love working in the charity sector because we get to make a real difference for animals and people.
Student Thomas Hithersay Economics BSc (Hons) The amount of support that the employability team, professors, lecturers, and university staff provide the students here is amazing. I believe that Surrey is very “career-focused” and, as such, sees many of its students establish the foundations of successful careers here.
Student Daniel Hintner Acting MFA The student body within the course is also pretty international and assorted – with everyone drawing from their previous undergrads or past performing experiences, creating a rich soup of distinct practices, skills, and knowledge...
Graduate Stewart Cooper Business Economics BSc (Hons) The best thing about the course was how relevant and applicable it was to real life scenarios and how the theory had an impact on current events.
Graduate Nick Green Economics and Mathematics BSc (Hons) An Economics and Mathematics degree is gold dust on the job market!
Student Yash Kulthe Artificial Intelligence MSc My time at Surrey has had a profound impact on my employability post-graduation. The course content, which is always up-to-date with the latest trends, has equipped me with cutting-edge knowledge and skills.
Graduate Sophie Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) Since graduating from Surrey I have worked in sea turtle rescue, hands-on marine mammal care, ocean conservation and biology education... We need passionate people in these fields, now more than ever!
Student Christy Quirke Politics with Social Sciences Foundation Year Doing a Foundation year, you experience multiple lecturers as well as guest speakers; the wide range of specialists willing to offer assistance puts us students at an overwhelming advantage.
Student Kristiana Ivanova Cyber Security MSc Ever since I stepped foot on campus for the first time, Surrey felt like a home to me. With everyone at the university being so friendly and helpful I had no doubt, I’d have an incredible experience by choosing to study here.