Chemistry and chemical engineering academic staff

Take a look at our chemistry and chemical engineering academic staff.

Head of school

Adrian Dobbs profile image

Professor Adrian Dobbs

Head of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Academic staff

Esat Alpay profile image

Professor Esat Alpay

Associate Dean (Education)

Bahman Amini Horri profile image

Dr Bahman Amini Horri

Associate Professor of Energy Materials and Sustainability Fellow at the Institute for Sustainability

Milan Antonijevic profile image

Dr Milan Antonijevic

Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Melanie Bailey profile image

Professor Melanie Bailey

Theme Leader for Health and Food Technologies, EPSRC Fellow, and Reader in Analytical Science

Lewis Baker profile image

Dr Lewis Baker

Senior Lecturer in Chemical and Process Engineering - Foundation Year

Natalie Belsey profile image

Dr Natalie Belsey

Senior Lecturer & Principal Scientist at NPL

Nathaniel Bingham profile image

Dr Nathaniel Bingham

Lecturer in Chemistry

Madeleine Bussemaker profile image

Dr Madeleine Bussemaker

Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

Qiong Cai profile image

Professor Qiong Cai

Professor in Sustainable Energy and Materials; Sustainability Fellow; Theme Leader on Chemicals for Net-Zero within the Institute for Sustainability

Dr Daniela Carta

Lecturer in Physical Chemistry

Ralph Chadeesingh profile image

Dr Ralph Chadeesingh

Senior Teaching Fellow in Chemical Process Engineering

Tao Chen profile image

Professor Tao Chen

Professor in Chemical Engineering; Associate Dean (International)

Carol Crean profile image

Dr Carol Crean

Reader in Physical and Materials Chemistry

Ian Cunningham profile image

Dr Ian Cunningham

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry

Melis S. Duyar profile image

Dr Melis Duyar

Senior Lecturer in Chemical and Process Engineering

Dr Monica Felipe-Sotelo

Lecturer in Radiation and Analytical Chemistry

Siddharth Gadkari profile image

Dr Siddharth Gadkari

Lecturer in Chemical Process Engineering

Brendan Howlin profile image

Professor Brendan Howlin

Professor of Computational Chemistry

Vasanth Kumar Kannuchamy profile image

Dr Vasanth Kumar Kannuchamy

Lecturer of Chemical and Process Engineering

Oleksiy Klymenko profile image

Dr Oleksiy Klymenko

Lecturer in Chemical Process Engineering

Kelly Kousi profile image

Dr Kalliopi Kousi

Lecturer of Chemical Engineering

Judy Lee profile image

Dr Judy Lee

Reader, Director of Learning and Teaching for Chemical and Process Engineering

Dulcie Mulholland profile image

Professor Dulcie Mulholland

Professor of Organic Chemistry

Anh Phan profile image

Dr Anh Thi Van Phan

Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

Aditya Putranto profile image

Dr Aditya Putranto

Senior Lecturer and Sustainability Fellow at Institute of Sustainability

Ian Riddlestone profile image

Dr Ian Riddlestone

Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry

Peter Roth profile image

Dr Peter Roth

Senior Lecturer in Applied Organic/Polymer Chemistry and School Postgraduate Research Director

Marco Sacchi profile image

Dr Marco Sacchi

Associate Professor and Royal Society University Research Fellow in Physical and Computational Chemistry, Theme Leader in Sustainable Energy and Materials Research

Patrick Sears profile image

Dr Patrick Sears

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry and Forensic Analysis

Daniel Sebastia-Saez profile image

Dr Juan Daniel Sebastia Saez

Lecturer of Chemical Engineering

Michael Short profile image

Dr Michael Short

Senior Lecturer of Process Systems Engineering

Rex Thorpe profile image

Professor Rex Thorpe

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Dimitrios Tsaoulidis profile image

Dr Dimitrios Tsaoulidis

Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

Scott Turner profile image

Dr Scott Turner

Senior Lecturer in Solid State Materials, Asscoate Head of Education

John Varcoe profile image

Professor John Varcoe

Professor in Materials Chemistry and Director of Research

David Watson profile image

Dr David Watson

Senior Lecturer in Physical and Materials Chemistry and Undergraduate Admissions Tutor

Daniel Whelligan profile image

Dr Daniel Whelligan

Senior Lecturer in Organic/Medicinal Chemistry

James Wright profile image

Dr James Wright

Lecturer in Physical, Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry

Charley Wu profile image

Professor Charley Wu

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Lei Xing profile image

Dr Lei Xing

Lecturer in Digital Chemical Engineering / Fellow of Institute for Sustainability / Fellow of Institute for People-Centred AI

Jin Xuan profile image

Professor Jin Xuan

Associate Dean (Research and Innovation)

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School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
University of Surrey
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