Professor Qiong Cai
Academic and research departments
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Institute for Sustainability.About
Prof Qiong Cai is specialised in multiscale materials design using both experimental and computational approaches for sustainable energy storage and conversion applications including fuel cells, batteries, electrolysers, and catalytic conversion of chemicals. She has worked across disciplines and collaborates widely with colleagues from physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science within Surrey and from different national and international institutions. Her group work at nano-scale materials synthesis and design, meso-scale electrode engineering and 3D microstructure modelling, and system-level modelling and optimization.
Qiong has three young children in local primary and secondary schools, and she shares childcare and school runs with her husband who is a secondary school teacher.
Prior to joining Surrey, she was a research associate at Imperial College London (2007-2012), working on fuel cells and hydrogen electrolysers. She obtained her PhD degree in Chemical Engineering (2007) from University of Edinburgh (UK) with the support of an Overseas Research Scholarship from the Universities UK, where she worked on fundamental understanding of porous materials. Her MEng training (2003) was in Materials Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University (China), where she worked on experimental materials synthesis.
University roles and responsibilities
- Academic Integrity Officer (2013-2016, 2020 - date)
- Director of Postgraduate Research (2016 - 2017)
- University HPC Cluster Stakeholder Group
- University Ethics Committee (Deputy Chair for Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences))
Affiliations and memberships
ResearchResearch interests
My group work at the interface of materials science and chemical / electrochemical engineering, to develop materials-centred research for applications in energy conversion and storage. Our research aims to address the following key questions: (1) How does a material and its structure affect the chemical and physical processes? (2) How is the performance related to the materials structure and the processes? (3) How can we better design a material to give better performance? We combine multiscale materials modelling (including density functional theory, molecular dynamics, and lattice Boltzmann method) with experimental approaches, to understand the fundamental mechanisms, design and optimise materials for better performance.
Current research areas include:
Electrochemical Energy Storage
- Li/Na/K ion batteries
- Redox flow batteries
- Li-sulphur batteries
- Al-ion batteries
- Zn-ion batteries
Hydrogen Production and Utilisation
- Anion exchange membrane fuel cells
- Anion exchange membrane electrolysers
- Solid oxide electrolysers
- Solid oxide fuel cells
Catalytic Conversion
- Catalytic conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals
- Catalytic conversion of chemicals
Research projects
This EPSRC funded UK-HyRES Hub is driving the research and will deliver solutions to research challenges that must be overcome for widespread adoption of hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels. Prof Cai is the Theme Lead for end use of hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels.
Research Fellow: Dr Emre KILIÇ (10/2023 - )
PhD Student: Fiona McAllister (04/2024 - )
We are leading the development of Machine-learning assisted multiscale modelling approach, combining with the measurements from novel operando experimental techniques at ESRF, ALBA and DESY synchrotrons and at the lab-scale, to bring a conceptual understanding of the in-situ anode formation and, based on this, innovative improvement approaches to enable zero-excess solid-state batteries.
Research Fellows:
Dr Neubi Xavier (07/2023 - )
Dr Yuheng Du (04/2024 - )
This EPSRC funded project, in collaboration with Robert Gordon University and the National Nuclear Laboratory, is to investigate manufacturing and operation of tubular solid oxide electrolysers for hydrogen production.
Research Fellow: Dr Ajith Kumar Soman (10/2022-11/2023)
Within this EPSRC funded consortium, Prof Cai is the WP leader for Simulations and Optimization of Net-zero Energy Systems within UKCOMES, bringing long-standing experience in 3D electrode microstructure and process modelling for electrochemical energy technologies. We have developed an advanced 3D pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modelling framework, which incorporates the multiphysical processes including the gas-liquid two phase flow, transport of ions, electrons, gas/liquid species within the 3D microstructure, coupled with electrochemical reactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface.
Research staff: Dr Duo Zhang; Dr Yuheng Du
PhD students: Mr Juan Huang
Dilithium Phthalocyanine Derivatives as Electrolyte Additives for Li-metal Batteries (2022-2024)This project is funded by Royal Society, to facilitate the collaboration with Prof Cheng Hu at Shandong University, in developing novel electrolyte additives for Li-metal and Li-S batteries.
In this Faraday Institution funded project -LiSTAR, we use DFT and molecular modelling to help design cathode materials and electrolyte solutions, and understanding the anode-electrolyte interface. This project is in collaboration with UCL, Imperial College London, University of Southampton, University of Nottingham, University of Cambridge, and University of Oxford.
Research Fellows:
Dr Matthias Golomb (09/2024 - date)
Dr Ali Nasrallah (07/2023 - 08/2024)
Dr Elaheh Hojaji Najafabadi (06/2021 - 02/2023)
Dr Lefteri Andritsos (04/2020 - 06/2021)
In this EPSRC ISCF Wave 1 funded project, we worked on Multiscale Materials Modelling Workpackage. This project is in collaboration with Prof Magda Titirici at Imperial College London and Prof Alan Drew at Queen Mary University of London, to combine material synthesis, advanced characterisation and multiscale materials modelling for developing advanced carbon materials and fundamental understanding of Na ion storage mechanisms for Na-ion batteries.
Research Staff: Dr Emilia Olsson (who became an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam from 01/09/2021)
A low cost electrochemical technology for water purification (October 2016 -March 2017)In this EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funded project, we developed a binder solution for making electrodes for capacitive deionization. We presented a paper (The Effect of Novel Binders on the Performance of Capacitive Deionization for Water Purification) at Chem Eng Day UK 2017 and won BP Prize for Water Research.
Research staff: Dr Maggie Svensson (who is now the Lab Manager at Smart Separations Ltd)
In this SUPERGEN H2FC funded project, we developed and synthesized nitrogen-doped carbon-based electrocatalyst derived from a cheap clay materials for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). We tested this carbon based ORR electrocatalyst in anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs), and demonstrated the record high performance (700 mW/cm^2) for carbon based ORR electrocatalyst in AEMFCs.
Research staff: Dr Yaxiang Lu (who is now an Associate Professor at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
Designing nanoporous carbons as anode materials for sodium ion batteries (September 2015 - March 2017)Within this project, we used molecular dynamics modelling to unravel the effects of the pore geometry and size, surface charge on the pore wall, type of organic solvents and salt ions within the electrolyte solution on the storage of Na ions in nanoporous carbons.
Research staff: Dr Argyrios Karatrantos (who is now a research scientist at Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology, and a Visiting Researcher at the University of Surrey).
Research collaborations
We collaborate with leading groups across different disciplines - Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering. Currently we have active collaborations with:
Prof Fikile Brushett (MIT, USA)
Prof Caroline Zaiping Guo (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Prof Suojiang Zhang (Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Prof Xiangping Zhang (Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Prof Nigel Brandon (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Anthony Kucernak (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Magda Titirici (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Alan Drew (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Prof Guoping Lian (Unilever, UK)
Prof John Varcoe (University of Surrey, UK)
Prof Ravi Silva (University of Surrey, UK)
Prof Charley Wu (University of Surrey, UK)
Dr Tomas Ramirez Reina (University of Surrey, UK)
Dr Bahman Amini-Horri (University of Surrey, UK)
Dr Yunlong Zhao (University of Surrey, UK)
Indicators of esteem
Plenary/Keynote/Invited Talks at National and International Conferences
Plenary: A multiscale journal into fuel cells and electrolysis hydrogen production, H2FC SUPERGEN Researcher Conference, University of St Andrews, 8-9 June 2022.
Keynote: Design of sustainable electrode materials for electrochemical energy devices, The 29th CSCST-SCI Conference, University of Birmingham, 06-07 September 2022.
Keynote: Multiscale modelling for battery electrode materials design, 3rd International Conference on Energy Storage Materials (ICEnSM), Shenzhen, China, 29 November – 01 December 2019.
Keynote: Lattice-Boltzmann model for liquid water transport and oxygen diffusion in cathode of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with electrochemical reaction, The VI Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Advanced Batteries, Porto, Portugal, 19-23 June 2017.
Invited talk: Understanding the role of porous structure in the performance of redox flow batteries, The Annual Meeting of UK Redox Flow Battery Network, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 12 September 2019.
Invited talk: Lattice Boltzmann model study on redox flow battery, Imperial-MIT Workshop on Redox Flow Batteries, Imperial College London, UK, 07 December 2017.
Invited talk: Towards multi-scale materials design for energy storage and conversion, UK-China Workshop on Efficient Energy Utilisation, Nanjing, China, 10-13 August 2017.
Invited talk: Design of nanoporous carbon materials for sodium ion batteries, The International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Advanced Nanomaterials, University of Surrey, 14 September 2016.
Invited Seminars at Universities and Institutions
1. Multiscale modelling aided materials design for energy storage and conversion, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 24 July 2019.
2. Multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, 15 May 2019.
3. Multiscale materials modelling for energy conversion and storage, UCL, London, UK, 10 September 2018.
4. Multiscale modelling led materials design and formulation engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, 04 July 2018.
5. Multiscale modelling led materials design and formulation engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 02 July 2018.
6. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 06 February 2018.
7. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, 30 August 2017.
8. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, 28 August 2017.
9. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China, 25 August 2017.
10. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 20 August 2017.
11. Modelling solid oxide fuel cells: linking molecular mechanisms with system design, SusHGEN Spring School on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 22 March 2012.
12. Hydrogen production using solid oxide electrolysers: from materials structure to system design, The Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 04 January 2012.
13. Hydrogen production through steam electrolysis: designing the solid oxide electrode materials and electrolysis stack, at EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research), Switzerland, 6th August 2009.
Conference Organization and Chairing
Co-organiser for MRS Spring Meeting Symposium CH01-Advanced Characterization Techniques for Electrochemistry—Accelerating Research and Development of Energy Materials, San Francisco, USA, 10-14 April 2023.
Session Chair at the 22nd Topical Meeting “Materials Engineering and Process, Optimization at Electrified Solid/Liquid Interfaces” of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 15-18 April 2018.
Session Chair at the UK STFC Battery Network Meeting, Abingdon, UK, 30-31 May 2017.
Session Chair at International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Advanced Nanomaterials, University of Surrey, Guildford, 12-14 September 2016.
Session Chair at 12th EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM, Luzern, Switzerland, 5-8th July 2016.
Session Chair at HYSYDAYS 2009 - 3rd World Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems, Turin, Italy, 07-09 October 2009.
Regular Referee for International Journals
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; Energy Storage Materials;
Journal of Materials Chemistry A; Journal of Power Sources;
Applied Energy; Journal of Energy Chemistry;
ChemElectroChem; Electrochimica Acta;
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Fuel Cells;
Langmuir; Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling;
Chemical Engineering Science; Scientific Reports...
Research interests
My group work at the interface of materials science and chemical / electrochemical engineering, to develop materials-centred research for applications in energy conversion and storage. Our research aims to address the following key questions: (1) How does a material and its structure affect the chemical and physical processes? (2) How is the performance related to the materials structure and the processes? (3) How can we better design a material to give better performance? We combine multiscale materials modelling (including density functional theory, molecular dynamics, and lattice Boltzmann method) with experimental approaches, to understand the fundamental mechanisms, design and optimise materials for better performance.
Current research areas include:
Electrochemical Energy Storage
- Li/Na/K ion batteries
- Redox flow batteries
- Li-sulphur batteries
- Al-ion batteries
- Zn-ion batteries
Hydrogen Production and Utilisation
- Anion exchange membrane fuel cells
- Anion exchange membrane electrolysers
- Solid oxide electrolysers
- Solid oxide fuel cells
Catalytic Conversion
- Catalytic conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals
- Catalytic conversion of chemicals
Research projects
This EPSRC funded UK-HyRES Hub is driving the research and will deliver solutions to research challenges that must be overcome for widespread adoption of hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels. Prof Cai is the Theme Lead for end use of hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels.
Research Fellow: Dr Emre KILIÇ (10/2023 - )
PhD Student: Fiona McAllister (04/2024 - )
We are leading the development of Machine-learning assisted multiscale modelling approach, combining with the measurements from novel operando experimental techniques at ESRF, ALBA and DESY synchrotrons and at the lab-scale, to bring a conceptual understanding of the in-situ anode formation and, based on this, innovative improvement approaches to enable zero-excess solid-state batteries.
Research Fellows:
Dr Neubi Xavier (07/2023 - )
Dr Yuheng Du (04/2024 - )
This EPSRC funded project, in collaboration with Robert Gordon University and the National Nuclear Laboratory, is to investigate manufacturing and operation of tubular solid oxide electrolysers for hydrogen production.
Research Fellow: Dr Ajith Kumar Soman (10/2022-11/2023)
Within this EPSRC funded consortium, Prof Cai is the WP leader for Simulations and Optimization of Net-zero Energy Systems within UKCOMES, bringing long-standing experience in 3D electrode microstructure and process modelling for electrochemical energy technologies. We have developed an advanced 3D pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modelling framework, which incorporates the multiphysical processes including the gas-liquid two phase flow, transport of ions, electrons, gas/liquid species within the 3D microstructure, coupled with electrochemical reactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface.
Research staff: Dr Duo Zhang; Dr Yuheng Du
PhD students: Mr Juan Huang
This project is funded by Royal Society, to facilitate the collaboration with Prof Cheng Hu at Shandong University, in developing novel electrolyte additives for Li-metal and Li-S batteries.
In this Faraday Institution funded project -LiSTAR, we use DFT and molecular modelling to help design cathode materials and electrolyte solutions, and understanding the anode-electrolyte interface. This project is in collaboration with UCL, Imperial College London, University of Southampton, University of Nottingham, University of Cambridge, and University of Oxford.
Research Fellows:
Dr Matthias Golomb (09/2024 - date)
Dr Ali Nasrallah (07/2023 - 08/2024)
Dr Elaheh Hojaji Najafabadi (06/2021 - 02/2023)
Dr Lefteri Andritsos (04/2020 - 06/2021)
In this EPSRC ISCF Wave 1 funded project, we worked on Multiscale Materials Modelling Workpackage. This project is in collaboration with Prof Magda Titirici at Imperial College London and Prof Alan Drew at Queen Mary University of London, to combine material synthesis, advanced characterisation and multiscale materials modelling for developing advanced carbon materials and fundamental understanding of Na ion storage mechanisms for Na-ion batteries.
Research Staff: Dr Emilia Olsson (who became an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam from 01/09/2021)
In this EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funded project, we developed a binder solution for making electrodes for capacitive deionization. We presented a paper (The Effect of Novel Binders on the Performance of Capacitive Deionization for Water Purification) at Chem Eng Day UK 2017 and won BP Prize for Water Research.
Research staff: Dr Maggie Svensson (who is now the Lab Manager at Smart Separations Ltd)
In this SUPERGEN H2FC funded project, we developed and synthesized nitrogen-doped carbon-based electrocatalyst derived from a cheap clay materials for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). We tested this carbon based ORR electrocatalyst in anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs), and demonstrated the record high performance (700 mW/cm^2) for carbon based ORR electrocatalyst in AEMFCs.
Research staff: Dr Yaxiang Lu (who is now an Associate Professor at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
Within this project, we used molecular dynamics modelling to unravel the effects of the pore geometry and size, surface charge on the pore wall, type of organic solvents and salt ions within the electrolyte solution on the storage of Na ions in nanoporous carbons.
Research staff: Dr Argyrios Karatrantos (who is now a research scientist at Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology, and a Visiting Researcher at the University of Surrey).
Research collaborations
We collaborate with leading groups across different disciplines - Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering. Currently we have active collaborations with:
Prof Fikile Brushett (MIT, USA)
Prof Caroline Zaiping Guo (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Prof Suojiang Zhang (Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Prof Xiangping Zhang (Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Prof Nigel Brandon (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Anthony Kucernak (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Magda Titirici (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Alan Drew (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Prof Guoping Lian (Unilever, UK)
Prof John Varcoe (University of Surrey, UK)
Prof Ravi Silva (University of Surrey, UK)
Prof Charley Wu (University of Surrey, UK)
Dr Tomas Ramirez Reina (University of Surrey, UK)
Dr Bahman Amini-Horri (University of Surrey, UK)
Dr Yunlong Zhao (University of Surrey, UK)
Indicators of esteem
Plenary/Keynote/Invited Talks at National and International Conferences
Plenary: A multiscale journal into fuel cells and electrolysis hydrogen production, H2FC SUPERGEN Researcher Conference, University of St Andrews, 8-9 June 2022.
Keynote: Design of sustainable electrode materials for electrochemical energy devices, The 29th CSCST-SCI Conference, University of Birmingham, 06-07 September 2022.
Keynote: Multiscale modelling for battery electrode materials design, 3rd International Conference on Energy Storage Materials (ICEnSM), Shenzhen, China, 29 November – 01 December 2019.
Keynote: Lattice-Boltzmann model for liquid water transport and oxygen diffusion in cathode of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with electrochemical reaction, The VI Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Advanced Batteries, Porto, Portugal, 19-23 June 2017.
Invited talk: Understanding the role of porous structure in the performance of redox flow batteries, The Annual Meeting of UK Redox Flow Battery Network, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 12 September 2019.
Invited talk: Lattice Boltzmann model study on redox flow battery, Imperial-MIT Workshop on Redox Flow Batteries, Imperial College London, UK, 07 December 2017.
Invited talk: Towards multi-scale materials design for energy storage and conversion, UK-China Workshop on Efficient Energy Utilisation, Nanjing, China, 10-13 August 2017.
Invited talk: Design of nanoporous carbon materials for sodium ion batteries, The International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Advanced Nanomaterials, University of Surrey, 14 September 2016.
Invited Seminars at Universities and Institutions
1. Multiscale modelling aided materials design for energy storage and conversion, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 24 July 2019.
2. Multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, 15 May 2019.
3. Multiscale materials modelling for energy conversion and storage, UCL, London, UK, 10 September 2018.
4. Multiscale modelling led materials design and formulation engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, 04 July 2018.
5. Multiscale modelling led materials design and formulation engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 02 July 2018.
6. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 06 February 2018.
7. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, 30 August 2017.
8. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, 28 August 2017.
9. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China, 25 August 2017.
10. Towards multiscale materials design for energy conversion and storage, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 20 August 2017.
11. Modelling solid oxide fuel cells: linking molecular mechanisms with system design, SusHGEN Spring School on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 22 March 2012.
12. Hydrogen production using solid oxide electrolysers: from materials structure to system design, The Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 04 January 2012.
13. Hydrogen production through steam electrolysis: designing the solid oxide electrode materials and electrolysis stack, at EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research), Switzerland, 6th August 2009.
Conference Organization and Chairing
Co-organiser for MRS Spring Meeting Symposium CH01-Advanced Characterization Techniques for Electrochemistry—Accelerating Research and Development of Energy Materials, San Francisco, USA, 10-14 April 2023.
Session Chair at the 22nd Topical Meeting “Materials Engineering and Process, Optimization at Electrified Solid/Liquid Interfaces” of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 15-18 April 2018.
Session Chair at the UK STFC Battery Network Meeting, Abingdon, UK, 30-31 May 2017.
Session Chair at International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Advanced Nanomaterials, University of Surrey, Guildford, 12-14 September 2016.
Session Chair at 12th EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM, Luzern, Switzerland, 5-8th July 2016.
Session Chair at HYSYDAYS 2009 - 3rd World Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems, Turin, Italy, 07-09 October 2009.
Regular Referee for International Journals
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; Energy Storage Materials;
Journal of Materials Chemistry A; Journal of Power Sources;
Applied Energy; Journal of Energy Chemistry;
ChemElectroChem; Electrochimica Acta;
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Fuel Cells;
Langmuir; Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling;
Chemical Engineering Science; Scientific Reports...
Postgraduate research supervision
Primary Supervisor
Fiona McAllister (04/2024 - ) Development of sustainable catalysts for NOx removal to enable zero-emission H2 and NH3 combustion
Aparna Unnikrishnan (01/2024 - ) Computational modelling of the dry coating process for sustainable Li-ion battery electrode manufacturing (in collaboration with Addionics Ltd)
Ramsha Khan (01/2022 - ) Developing sustainable electrocatalysts for hydrogen production via anion exchange membrane electrolysers (funded by Breaking the Barrier PhD studentship at Surrey)
Jinlong Bai (10/2022 - ) Understanding the performances of Li-ion batteries under mechanical abuse conditions (Surrey-Nanjing Technology University joint PhD programme)
Ju'an Huang (10/2021 - ) Modelling of 3D composite cathode microstructures of all solid-state batteries (funded by CSC)
Second Supervisor
Nita Srinivasan (10/2024 - ) Green Chemical and Hydrogen Production via Plastic Waste Electrolysis for Chemical Sector Decarbonisation (First supervisor Dr Hui Luo, Co-supervisors Prof Robert Dorey & Prof Qiong Cai)
Thorin Daniel (10/2022 - ) AI-assisted design of green hydrogen and ammonia production systems (first supervisor Prof Jin Xuan)
Shailza Saini (07/2022 - ) Development of exsolved catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation reactions (first supervisor Dr Kelly Kousi)
Mahsa Masoudi (01/2022 - ) Development of novel catalysts for improving the electrochemical performance of Li‒CO2 batteries (first supervisor Dr Siddharth Gadkari)
Xiangwen Wang (10/2021 - ) Electrochemical and thermal modelling of lithium-ion batteries with silicon/graphite anode (first supervisor Dr Guohong Tian)
Shaoyin Li (04/2021 - ) Development of gel electrolyte for solid-state Zn-ion batteries (first supervisor Dr Yunlong Zhao, University of Surrey-Zhengzhou University Joint PhD programme)
Completed PhD Students
Ruizhi Zhang (01/2021 - 01/2025) Development of novel electrolytes for aqueous Zn-ion batteries operating at low temperatures (University of Surrey-University of Wollongong Joint PhD programme)
Delika Weragoda (10/2020 - 09/2024) A novel battery thermal management system based on capillary driven evaporative cooling (first supervisor Dr Guohong Tian)
Yi Gong (10/ 2020 - 09/2024) Development of mesh sensors for in-situ multiparameter monitoring of Li-ion batteries (first supervisor Dr Yunlong Zhao)
Jing Li (10/2020 - 05/2024) Developing nanomaterials for low temperature solid oxide electrolysis hydrogen production (first supervisor Dr Bahman Amini-Horri)
Paweenuch Teerasumran (01/2020 - 09/2023) Development of Testing Platforms to Study Gelation Kinetics of Antiperspirant Actives (in collaboration with Unilever)
Tengfei He (10/2020 - 09/2023 ) Experiment-assisted modelling of thermal behaviour of the cylindrical lithium-ion batteries from charge/discharge processes to thermal runaways (in collaboration with Nanjing Technology University)
Yiming Jiang (10/2020 - 09/2023 ) The physics of supersonic spontaneously combusting hydrogen flame and its inhibition (in collaboration with Nanjing Technology University)
Ning Mao (10/2020 - 08/2023) Experimental investigation of the thermal runaway mechanisms of lithium-ion batteries under overcharge and other conditions (in collaboration with Prof Zhirong Wang at Nanjing Technology University)
Yameng Fan (10/2019 - 06/2023) Investigation of Cobalt-free lithium-rich layered oxide cathodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries (in collaboration with Prof Zaiping Guo at University of Wollongong)
Nicola Piasentin (07/2019 - 05/2023) Molecular dynamics modelling of skin hydration and permeation of chemicals (first supervisor Prof Guoping Lian, in collaboration with Unilever)
Juyan Zhang (10/2018 - 10/2022) Development of novel rechargeable Al-ion batteries (in collaboration with Institute of Process Engineering, second-supervisor Dr Yunlong Zhao at ATI Surrey)
Qirui Tian (04/2019 - 08/2022) Micro- and Nano-encapsulation for drug delivery (first supervisor Prof Guoping Lian, in collaboration with IPE and Unilever)
Tianhao Yu (10/2018 - 11/2021) A Modelling Study on the Molecular Mechanisms of Ionic Liquid-Based Separation Processes (co-supervisors Prof Guoping Lian at Unilever and Dr Lei Liu at Institute of Process Engineering)
Mattia Turchi (10/2016 - 12/2019) Multi-scale modelling of thermodynamic equilibrium of solute partitioning in multiphase complex product formulations (second supervisor Prof Guoping Lian, in collaboration with Unilever)
Utsab Guharoy (07/2015 - 12/2018) First principle investigation of CO2 utilization reactions on advanced heterogeneous catalysts (co-supervisor Dr Tomas Ramirez Reina)
Mehdi Choolaei (10/2016 - 01/2021) Developing nanomaterials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells (first supervisor Dr Bahman Amini-Horri)
Joshua Bates (10/2015 - 10/2019) Modelling and prediction of electrochemical performance for Li-O2 and Li-S batteries (first supervisor Dr Tina Lekakou, in collaboration with NPL)
Postgraduate research supervision
MSc: ENGM 287 Advanced Electrochemical Systems, Module Leader
Undergraduate: ENG1078 Engineering Materials and Sustainability, Module Leader
Supervision of MEng Research Projects
Supervision of MSc Dissertation Projects
Undergraduate Courses I have taught over the past years:
Sustainable development goals
My research interests are related to the following:

For a complete list of my publications please visit my Google Scholar webpage or my ResearchGate webpage.
Invited Book Chapters
J. Zhang, L. Zhang, Q. Cai, Al-ion Batteries, in Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies Beyond Li-ion Batteries, Elsevier, published in 2025.
E. Olsson, Q. Cai, Computational Studies on Na-Ion Electrode Materials, in Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology, Wiley, published in December 2022.
A. Karatrantos, E. Olsson, Q. Cai, Computational Modelling and analysis of Sodium-Ion Battery Electrolytes, in Handbook of Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials and Characterization, Jenny Stanford Publishing, published in December 2022
All-solid-state lithium batteries (ASSLBs) are a promising next generation energy storage technology comparing to conventional lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Although ASSLBs have high thermal stability, thermal degradation and thermal runaway can still occur. The thermal characteristics of the cathode of ASSLBs play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the interface with the electrolyte. It is important to understand the thermal characteristics of ASSLBs, which is highly associated with specific microstructure geometrics of composite cathodes. Here, this paper presents a 3D lattice Boltzmann heat conduction model to simulate the effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of the multiphase solid-state cathodes, which is composed of active material LCO (LiCoO2) and solid electrolyte LLZO (Li7La3Zr2O12), generated using the discrete element method (DEM) with different porosities, volumetric ratios, particle size ratios, and various composite tortuosities. The findings indicate that porosity, volumetric fraction, and particle size all exert the decisive factor on ETC. Tortuosity emerges as a non-negligible factor influencing thermal conductivity, highlighting the importance of microstructural optimization. •LBM modelling of heat conduction in cathode microstructures of ASSLBs generated using DEM.•An equivalent packed particles heat conduction experiment for model validation.•Porosity and component volume fraction dominantly influence the heat conduction in cathodes.•Particle size and tortuosity are intertwined and have non-negligible effect on heat conduction.
All-solid-state lithium batteries (ASSLBs) are a promising next generation energy storage technology comparing to conventional lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Although ASSLBs have high thermal stability, thermal degradation and thermal runaway can still occur. The thermal characteristics of the cathode of ASSLBs play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the interface with the electrolyte. It is important to understand the thermal characteristics of ASSLBs, which is highly associated with specific microstructure geometrics of composite cathodes. Here, this paper presents a 3D lattice Boltzmann heat conduction model to simulate the effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of the multiphase solid-state cathodes, which is composed of active material LCO (LiCoO2) and solid electrolyte LLZO (Li7La3Zr2O12), generated using the discrete element method (DEM) with different porosities, volumetric ratios, particle size ratios, and various composite tortuosities. The findings indicate that porosity, volumetric fraction, and particle size all exert the decisive factor on ETC. Tortuosity emerges as a non-negligible factor influencing thermal conductivity, highlighting the importance of microstructural optimization. •LBM modelling of heat conduction in cathode microstructures of ASSLBs generated using DEM.•An equivalent packed particles heat conduction experiment for model validation.•Porosity and component volume fraction dominantly influence the heat conduction in cathodes.•Particle size and tortuosity are intertwined and have non-negligible effect on heat conduction.
Batteries that extend performance beyond the intrinsic limits of Li-ion batteries are among the most important developments required to continue the revolution promised by electrochemical devices. Of these next-generation batteries, lithium sulfur (Li-S) chemistry is among the most commercially mature, with cells offering a substantial increase in gravimetric energy density, reduced costs and improved safety prospects. However, there remain outstanding issues to advance the commercial prospects of the technology and benefit from the economies of scale felt by Li-ion cells, including improving both the rate performance and longevity of cells. To address these challenges, the Faraday Institution, the UK's independent institute for electrochemical energy storage science and technology, launched the Lithium Sulfur Technology Accelerator (LiSTAR) programme in October 2019. This Roadmap, authored by researchers and partners of the LiSTAR programme, is intended to highlight the outstanding issues that must be addressed and provide an insight into the pathways towards solving them adopted by the LiSTAR consortium. In compiling this Roadmap we hope to aid the development of the wider Li-S research community, providing a guide for academia, industry, government and funding agencies in this important and rapidly developing research space.
The aqueous zinc-ion battery (AZIB) is a promising option for grid-scale energy storage, but it faces challenges from parasitic water-related reactions and limited operational temperature range. Replacing H2O molecules in the solvation sheath of Zn2+ with strongly solvating co-solvents can effectively suppress water-related side reactions. However, the excessive Zn2+–co-solvent interaction can cause a large activation energy of desolvation (Ea) and the decomposition of the co-solvent may introduce non-ionic conductive solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) species. Hence, we propose a weakly solvating electrolyte that adopts diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (G2) as a soft co-solvent. The G2 has a moderate Gutmann donor number (19 kcal mol−1) and a low dielectric constant (7.4), which reduces the presence of water in the solvation sheath and enhances Zn2+–anion interaction. This electrolyte achieves an optimal Ea and a robust anion-derived SEI (ZnS–ZnSO3–ZnF2) on the zinc anode, allowing highly reversible Zn plating/stripping for over 7500 hours. The strong G2–H2O interaction enables G2 to bind free H2O and reconstruct the hydrogen bond network, which prevents water decomposition and widens the electrolyte's operational temperature range (−60 °C to 60 °C). The Zn//KV12O30−y·nH2O (KVOH) full battery delivers a high-capacity retention of 91.2% following 8000 cycles at 5.0 A g−1 at room temperature. It also achieves capacity retention of 82.9% over 4000 cycles (0.1 A g−1) at −45 °C and 86.5% for 1200 cycles (5.0 A g−1) at 60 °C, respectively. This work optimizes interface chemistry and temperature adaptability of AZIBs, offering guidance for designing weakly solvating aqueous-based electrolytes towards practical application.
Developing solid-state ionic conductors with desirable charge-transport efficiency and reasonable durability is a fundamental and long-lasting challenge for solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Ceria-based electrolytes, as one of the most common types of electrolytes for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs), offer a high surface-exchange coefficient and faster kinetics in the triple phase boundaries (TPBs); however, they suffer to some extent of electronic conductivity in the reducing atmosphere and gradual phase transitions. Here in this work, we have reported a novel co-doped IT-SOFC electrolyte composite combining the apatite structure of Lanthanum Silicate (LSO) with the fluorite structure of Gadolinium-doped Ceria (GDC), which showed a high ionic conductivity and a minimal electronic leak. The resulting GDC-LSO composite electrolyte also achieved an OCV (open-circuit voltage) of 1 V at 800 °C, implying a significant improvement in the OCV values reported for the typical ceria-based electrolytes (∼0.75 V). The sample was prepared using 40 wt% GDC and 60 wt% LSO (40GDC-60LSO) showed a maximum electrical conductivity of 25 mS cm−1 at 800 °C with good densification properties (>95 % relative density). The cell electrochemical performance measurement was conducted using a 3.0 vol% humified H2 stream at the anode side while the cathode side was exposed to the air at 800 °C. The interdiffusion of cations between La3+ in the LSO phase and Ce4+ and Gd3+ in the GDC phase was detected by XRD and EDX results after sintering samples at 1500 °C for 4 h using 0.5 wt% PVA or 0.5 wt% Ethyl cellulose (EC) as the binder. The proposed GDC-LSO composite could help better understand the influence of compositional constituents and processing variables on the densification and electrical properties of the electrolyte materials for the IT-SOFCs.
•A 3D ECT-TR model has been established.•TR risk of the battery is in the cycle process >charge process > discharge process.•The TR characteristics of the battery will be affected by environment temperature, heat transfer coefficient and C-rates.•A risk map approach is taken to make recommendations for ensuring the safe use of batteries under different conditions. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) may experience thermal runaway (TR) accidents during charge and discharge processes. To ensure the safe operation of batteries, it is very important to analyse the TR characteristics during charge and discharge processes. In this work, we have developed a coupled electrochemical thermal (ECT) – TR (ECT-TR) model for a commercial 18,650 type 2.6 Ah NCM523/graphite battery. This model allows for the examination of TR features under different ambient temperatures, effective heat transfer coefficients (h), and C-rates during both charge and discharge processes. We first analysed the temporal evolution of the battery's surface center temperature and the heat generated by chemical reactions under a spectrum of environmental variables. Subsequently, we introduce a battery risk map that delineates distinct zones, including the safe zone, battery chemical reaction zone, battery failure zone, and TR zone, across varying environmental conditions. The results suggest that the battery's TR risk during the charge process exceeds that during the discharge process, with both exhibiting reduced risk compared to that during the cycle process. However, it is noteworthy that the risk of accelerated battery aging due to chemical reactions is more pronounced in the discharge process compared to the charge process.
Hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen production stand at the forefront of efforts to achieve net-zero emissions. Among these technologies, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and electrolysers (SOEs) are distinguished as particularly promising for broad practical application, offering superior efficiency, robust stability, cost-effectiveness, and inherent safety. Lowering the operating temperature can significantly facilitate their commercialization by improving the stability and reducing the costs associated with electrodes and the fabrication process. Furthermore, reducing the operating temperature to 600 degrees C enables the utilization of heat sources from industrial processes, such as steel production or various combustion systems, effectively enhancing energy recycling efficiency. At low and intermediate temperatures, SOFCs and SOECs' performance heavily relies on electrolyte conductivity. Therefore, rationally improving electrolyte conductivity under a relatively low temperature plays an important role in facilitating the widespread application of SOFCs and SOECs on a large scale. Aimed at practical application, this work delivers an extensive review of cutting-edge modification strategies intended to enhance the conductivity of several promising electrolytes and outlines the characterisation methods utilised to assess their properties. It further investigates novel synthesis techniques aimed at reducing the sintering temperature. Moreover, this paper provides a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of electrolytes tailored for large-scale implementation in SOFCs and SOECs.
Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have attracted increased interest because of the high theoretical energy density, low cost, and environmental friendliness. Conducting polymers (CPs), as one of the most promising materials used in Li-S batteries, can not only facilitate electron transfer and buffer the large volumetric change of sulfur benefiting from their porous structure and excellent flexibility, but also enable stronger physical/chemical adsorption capacity toward polysulfides (LiPSs) when doped with abundant heteroatoms to promote the sulfur redox kinetics and achieve the high sulfur loading. This review firstly introduces the properties of various CPs including structural CPs (polypyrrole (PPy), polyaniline (PANi), polyethylene dioxothiophene [PEDOT]) and compound CPs (polyethylene oxide (PEO), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly(acrylic acid) [PAA]), and their application potential in Li-S batteries. Furthermore, the research progress of various CPs in different components (cathode, separator, and interlayer) of Li-S batteries is systematically summarized. Finally, the application perspective of the CPs in Li-S batteries as a potential guidance is comprehensively discussed.
Practical operation of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries with high sulfur loading and efficient/stable sulfur con-version requires the suppression of the lithium polysulfides (LiPSs) shuttling and the facilitation of ion and electron transfer on the electrode material surface. Herein, a multifunctional current collector, composed of Ag@polypyrrole (PPy) coated electrospun carbon nanofibers (CNF) framework, was rationally designed to construct a highly efficient catalytic/absorptive/conductive network to improve the performance of Li-S batteries under practical operation condition. At the molecular scale, the Ag@PPy molecular not only effectively inhibits LiPSs shuttle effect, but also achieves the fast sulfur catalysis and depolarization during charge transfer due to the high conductivity of Ag nanoparticles. At the electrode scale, the three-dimensional (3D) robust fibrous nano -structure provides abundant physical space to realize high sulfur loading, maintains electrode integrity during large volume change of active sulfur and under mechanical abuse condition, as well as enables the high-flux Li+ diffusion and electrolyte flow. Consequently, Li-S batteries with the CNF/Ag@PPy current collector delivered excellent cycling stability (capacity fading of 0.048% per cycle over 500cycles at 1.0C) and high energy density (234.2 Wh kgcell-1 under high sulfur loading of 9.77 mg cm-2). Flexible Li-S batteries are also fabricated indicating the feasibility of the CNF/Ag@PPy current collector in flexible devices.
Using inorganic fibrous membranes as protective layers has yielded success in suppressing dendrite growth. However, conventional fibrous membranes usually have large voids and low affinity for Li, promoting inhomogeneous charge distribution and allowing some dendrites to grow. Herein, we introduce a highly aligned TiO2/SiO2 (A-TS) electrospun nanofiber membrane as a protective layer for the Li metal anode. The A-TS membrane is fabricated by a custom-made electrospinning system with an automatic fiber alignment collector that allows control of the fibers’ orientation. At the scale of the individual fibers, their high binding energies with Li can attract more “dead” Li by reacting with the SiO2 component of the composite, avoiding uncontrollable deposition on the metal anode. At the membrane scale, these highly ordered structures achieve homogeneous contact and charge distribution on the Li metal surface, leaving no vulnerable areas to nucleate dendrite formation. Additionally, the excellent mechanical and thermal stability properties of the A-TS membrane prevent any potential puncturing by dendrites or thermal runaway in a battery. Hence, an A-TS@Li anode exhibits stable cycling performance when used in both Li–S and Li–NCM811 batteries, highlighting significant reference values for the future design and development of high-energy-density metal-based battery systems. [Display omitted] •A highly aligned lithiophilic TiO2/SiO2 (A-TS) electrospun nanofiber membrane is developed.•A custom-made electrospinning system is introduced to control the orientation of the fibers in the membrane.•Suppressing dendrite growth at both membrane and fiber scales to achieve excellent cycling performance in various batteries.
Thermal runaway (TR) of Li-ion batteries (LIBs) presents a disastrous safety hazard and a significant barrier to the wider adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Internal short circuit (ISC) induced by mechanical abuse is one of the causes of battery TR. This paper uses hemispherical indentation tests to trigger ISC in the battery at different temperatures and studies the battery deformation and fracture mode. Results show as the initial temperature increases, the battery hardness and strength decrease, and the fracture mode of the laminar structure changes from shear fracture to localized rupture. In the shear fracture mode, the ISC homogeneously heats the battery, and it does not directly trigger TR. In the localized rupture mode, the ISC is only induced at the layers close to the indenter and generates a hot spot exceeding 200 °C, leading to the initiation of TR. Therefore, the mechanical properties of batteries under different conditions need to be studied in more detail to develop batteries that are safer under mechanical abuse. •Three deformation phases: Compaction and plasticity, destabilization, and collapse.•The hardness and strength of the battery decrease as the temperature increases.•The deformation is concentrated locally at higher temperatures.•Shear fracture at low temperatures and localized rupture at high temperatures.•Shear fracture causes gradual heating, and localized rupture directly triggers TR.
The aim of this study is to investigate new materials that can be employed as cathode hosts in Li-S batteries, which would be able to overcome the effect of the shuttling of soluble polysulfides and maximize the battery capacity and energy density. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations are used to determine the adsorption energy of lithium sulfides in two types of cathode hosts: lithiated 1T-MoS2 (1T-LixMoS2) and hybrid 1T-LixMoS2/graphene. Initial simulations of lithiated 1T-MoS2 structures led to the selection of an optimized 1T-Li0.75MoS2 structure, which was utilized for the formation of an optimized 1T-Li0.75MoS2 bilayer and a hybrid 1T-Li0.75MoS2/graphene bilayer structure. It was found that all sulfides exhibited super-high adsorption energies in the interlayer inside the 1T-Li0.75MoS2 bilayer and very good adsorption energy values in the interlayer inside the hybrid 1T-Li0.75MoS2/graphene bilayer. The placement of sulfides outside each type of bilayer, over the 1T-Li0.75MoS2 surface, yielded good adsorption energies in the range of -2 to -3.8 eV, which are higher than those over a 1T-MoS2 substrate.
Green hydrogen from water electrolysis is a key driver for energy and industrial decarbonization. The prediction of the future green hydrogen cost reduction is required for investment and policy-making purposes but is complicated due to a lack of data, incomplete accounting for costs, and difficulty justifying trend predictions. A new AI-assisted data-driven prediction model is developed for an in-depth analysis of the current and future levelized costs of green hydrogen, driven by both progressive and disruptive innovations. The model uses natural language processing to gather data and generate trends for the technological development of key aspects of electrolyzer technology. Through an uncertainty analysis, green hydrogen costs have been shown to likely reach the key target of
The diffusion of cations in organic solvent solutions is important for the performance of metal-ion batteries. In this article, pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance experiments and fully atomistic molecular dynamic simulations were employed to study the temperature-dependent diffusive behavior of various liquid electrolytes representing 1M propylene carbonate solutions of metal salts with bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (TFSI-) or hexafluorophosphate (PF6-) anions commonly used in lithium-ion batteries and beyond. The experimental studies revealed the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients for the propylene carbonate (PC) solvent and for the anions following an Arrhenius type of behavior. It was observed that the PC molecules are the faster species. For the monovalent cations (Li+, Na+, K+), the PC solvent diffusion was enhanced as the cation size increased, while for the divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+), the opposite trend was observed, i.e., the diffusion coefficients decreased as the cation size increased. The anion diffusion in LiTFSI and NaTFSI solutions was found to be similar, while in electrolytes with divalent cations, a decrease in anion diffusion with increasing cation size was observed. It was shown that non-polarizable charge-scaled force fields could correspond perfectly to the experimental values of the anion and PC solvent diffusion coefficients in salt solutions of both monovalent (Li+, Na+, K+) and divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) cations at a range of operational temperatures. Finally, after calculating the radial distribution functions between cations, anions, and solvent molecules, the increase in the PC diffusion coefficient established with the increase in cation size for monovalent cations was clearly explained by the large hydration shell of small Li+ cations, due to their strong interaction with the PC solvent. In solutions with larger monovalent cations, such as Na+, and with a smaller solvation shell of PC, the PC diffusion is faster due to more liberated solvent molecules. In the salt solutions with divalent cations, both the anion and the PC diffusion coefficients decreased as the cation size increased due to an enhanced cation-anion coordination, which was accompanied by an increase in the amount of PC in the cation solvation shell due to the presence of anions.
A 3D microstructure model is used to investigate the effect of the thickness of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrode on its performance. The 3D microstructure model, which is based on 3D Monte Carlo packing of spherical particles of different types, can be used to handle different particle sizes and generate a heterogeneous network of the composite materials from which a range of microstructural properties can be calculated, including phase volume fraction, percolation and three phase boundary (TPB) length. The electrode model can also be used to perform transport and electrochemical modelling such that the performance of the synthetic electrode can be predicted. The dependence of the active electrode thickness, i.e. the region of the anode, which is electrochemically active, on operating over-potential, electrode composition and particle size is observed. Operating the electrode at an over-potential of above 200 mV results in a decrease in the active thickness with increasing over-potential. Reducing the particle size dramatically enhances the percolating TPB density and thus the performance of the electrode at smaller thicknesses; a smaller active thickness is found with electrodes made of smaller particles. Distributions of local current generation throughout the electrode reveal the heterogeneity of the 3D microstructure at the electrode/electrolyte interface and the dominant current generation in the vicinity of this interface. The active electrode thickness predicted using the model ranges from 5 μm to 15 μm, which corresponds well to many experimental observations, supporting the use of our 3D microstructure model for the investigation of SOFC electrode related phenomena. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hard carbons are among the most promising materials for alkali-ion metal anodes. These materials have a highly complex structure and understanding the metal storage and migration within these structures is of utmost importance for the development of next-generation battery technologies. The effect of different carbon structural motifs on Li, Na, and K storage and diffusion are probed using density functional theory based on experimental characterizations of hard carbon samples. Two carbon structural models—the planar graphitic layer model and the cylindrical pore model—are constructed guided by small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy characterization. The planar graphitic layers with interlayer distance 6.5 Å, when the graphitic layer separation becomes so wide that there is negligible interaction between the two graphitic layers. The cylindrical pore model, reflecting the curved morphology, does not increase metal storage, but significantly lowers the metal migration barriers. Hence, the curved carbon morphologies are shown to have great importance for battery cycling. These findings provide an atomic-scale picture of the metal storage and diffusion in these materials.
The constant increase in global energy demand and stricter environmental standards are calling for advanced energy storage technologies that can store electricity from intermittent renewable sources such as wind, solar, and tidal power, to allow the broader implementation of the renewables. The grid-oriented sodium-ion batteries, potassium ion batteries and multivalent ion batteries are cheaper and more sustainable alternatives to Li-ion, although they are still in the early stages of development. Additional optimisation of these battery systems is required, to improve the energy and power density, and to solve the safety issues caused by dendrites growth in anodes. Electrolyte, one of the most critical components in these batteries, could significantly influence the electrochemical performances and operations of batteries. In this review, the definitions and influences of three critical components (salts, solvents, and additives) in electrolytes are discussed. The significant advantages, challenges, recent progress and future optimisation directions of various electrolytes for monovalent and multivalent ions batteries (i.e. organic, ionic liquid and aqueous liquid electrolytes, polymer and inorganic solid electrolytes) are summarised to guide the practical application for grid-oriented batteries.
Electrochemical energy storage (EES) devices are expected to play a critical role in achieving the global target of "carbon neutrality" within the next two decades. Potassium-ion batteries (KIBs), with the advantages of low cost and high operating voltage, and they could become a major component of the required energy-material ecosystems. Carbon-based materials have shown promising properties as anode materials for KIBs. However, the key limitation of carbon anodes lies in the dramatic mechanical stress originating from large volume fluctuation during the (de)potassiation processes, which further results in electrode pulverization and rapid fading of cycling performance. Here, a controllable self-assembly strategy to synthesize uniform dual-heteroatom doped mesoporous carbon sphere (DMCS) anodes with unique radial pore channels is reported. This approach features a modified Stober method combined with the single-micelle template from the molecule-level precursor design. The DMCS anodes demonstrate exceptional rate capability and ultrahigh cycling stability with no obvious degradation over 12 000 cycles at 2 A g(-1), which is one of the most stable anodes. Furthermore, finite element simulations quantitatively verify the stress-buffering effect of the DMCS anodes. This work provides a strategy from the perspective of stress evolution regulation for buffering mechanical stress originating from large volume fluctuations in advanced KIBs electrodes.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The effective conductivity of thick-film solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrodes plays a key role in their performance. It determines the ability of the electrode to transport charge to/from reaction sites to the current collector and electrolyte. In this paper, the validity of the recently proposed 3D resistor network model for the prediction of effective conductivity, the ResNet model, is investigated by comparison to experimental data. The 3D microstructures of Ni/10ScSZ anodes are reconstructed using tomography through the focused ion beam and scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) technique. This is used as geometric input to the ResNet model to predict the effective conductivities, which are then compared against the experimentally measured values on the same electrodes. Good agreement is observed, supporting the validity of the ResNet model for predicting the effective conductivity of SOFC electrodes. The ResNet model is then combined with the volume-of-fluid (VOF) method to integrate the description of the local conductivity (electronic and ionic) in the prediction of electrochemical performance. The results show that the electrochemical performance is in particular sensitive to the ionic conductivity of the electrode microstructure, highlighting the importance of an accurate description of the local ionic conductivity.
Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells have higher efficiency and energy density and are capable of rapidly adjusting to power demands. Effective water management is one of the key issues for increasing the efficiency of PEMFC. In the current study, a three-dimensional (3D) lattice Boltzmann model is developed to simulate the water transport and oxygen diffusion in the gas diffusion layer (GDL) of PEM fuel cells with electrochemical reaction on the catalyst layer taken into account. In this paper, we demonstrate that this model is able to predict the liquid and gas flow fields within the 3D GDL structure and how they change with time. With the two-phase flow and electrochemical reaction coupled in the model, concentration of oxygen through the GDL and current density distribution can also be predicted. The model is then used to investigate the effect of microporous layer on the cell performance in 2D to reduce the computational cost. The results clearly show that the liquid water content can be reduced with the existence of microporous layer and thus the current density can be increased.
An ever present challenge for Li-ion batteries is the formation of metallic dendrites on cycling that dramatically reduces cycle life and leads to the untimely failure of the cell. In this work we investigate the modes of Li-cluster formation on pristine and defective graphene. Firstly, we demonstrate that on a defect free surface the cluster formation is impeded by the thermodynamic instability of \ce{Li_2} and \ce{Li_3} clusters. In contrast, the presence of a vacancy dramatically favours clustering. This provides insights into the two modes of Li-growth observed: for the pristine basal plane if the Li-Li repulsion of the small clusters can be overcome then plating type behaviour would be predicted (rate / voltage dependent and at any point on the surface); whilst dendritic growth would be predicted to nucleate from vacancy sites, either pre-existing in the material or formed as a result of processing.
This study reports a Li–S battery cathode of high volumetric capacity enabled by novel micro- and mesostructuring. The cathode is based on monodisperse highly porous carbon nanospheres derived from a facile template- and surfactant-free method. At the mesoscale, the nanospheres structure into interconnected close-packed clusters of a few microns in extent, thus facilitating the fabrication of dense crack-free high areal sulfur loading (5 mg cm−2) cathodes with high electrical conductivity and low cathode impedance. A combination of the nitrogen doping (5 wt%), high porosity (2.3 cm3 g−1), and surface area (2900 m2 g−1) at the microscale enables high sulfur immobilization and utilization. The cathode delivers among the best reported volumetric capacity to date, above typical Li-ion areal capacity at 0.2 C over 200 cycles and low capacity fading of 0.1% per cycle at 0.5 C over 500 cycles. The compact cathode structure also ensures a low electrolyte requirement (6 µL mg−1), which aids a low overall cell weight, and further, among the best gravimetric capacities published to date as well.
The irreversible migration of transition metals is a primary issue, resulting in detrimental structural changes and poor battery performance in Li-rich layered oxide (LLO) cathodes. Herein, we propose that manipulating the migration of transition metals between octahedral and tetrahedral sites effectively inhibits undesirable phase transitions by stabilizing the delithiated structure of LLOs at high potential. This is demonstrated by introducing Cr into the Co-free LLO,Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2. A new spinel-like phase, accompanied by significant lattice variation, was observed in the heavily cycled Co-free LLO at high potential by using operando synchrotron characterizations. Benefiting from a well-maintained solid-solution reaction after long-term cycling, Cr-doped Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 delivers up to 99% of its initial discharge capacity after 200 cycles at 1C (∼200 mAh g−1), far surpassing the pristine material (∼74%). The work provides valuable insights into the structural degradation mechanisms of LLOs and underscores the importance of stabilizing the delithiated structure at high potential.
Lithium–sulfur batteries (LSBs) are a class of new‐generation rechargeable high‐energy‐density batteries. However, the persisting issue of lithium polysulfides (LiPs) dissolution and the shuttling effect that impedes the efficiency of LSBs are challenging to resolve. Herein a general synthesis of highly dispersed pyrrhotite Fe1−xS nanoparticles embedded in hierarchically porous nitrogen‐doped carbon spheres (Fe1−xS‐NC) is proposed. Fe1−xS‐NC has a high specific surface area (627 m2 g−1), large pore volume (0.41 cm3 g−1), and enhanced adsorption and electrocatalytic transition toward LiPs. Furthermore, in situ generated large mesoporous pores within carbon spheres can accommodate high sulfur loading of up to 75%, and sustain volume variations during charge/discharge cycles as well as improve ionic/mass transfer. The exceptional adsorption properties of Fe1−xS‐NC for LiPs are predicted theoretically and confirmed experimentally. Subsequently, the electrocatalytic activity of Fe1−xS‐NC is thoroughly verified. The results confirm Fe1−xS‐NC is a highly efficient nanoreactor for sulfur loading. Consequently, the Fe1−xS‐NC nanoreactor performs extremely well as a cathodic material for LSBs, exhibiting a high initial capacity of 1070 mAh g−1 with nearly no capacity loss after 200 cycles at 0.5 C. Furthermore, the resulting LSBs display remarkably enhanced rate capability and cyclability even at a high sulfur loading of 8.14 mg cm−2.
The main challenge in lithium sulphur (Li-S) batteries is the shuttling of lithium polysulphides (LiPSs) caused by the rapid LiPSs migration to the anode and the slow reaction kinetics in the chain of LiPSs conversion. In this study, we explore 1T-MoS2 as a cathode host for Li-S batteries by examining the affinity of 1T-MoS2 substrates (pristine 1T-MoS2, defected 1T-MoS2 with one and two S vacancies) toward LiPSs and their electrocatalytic effects. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations are used to determine the adsorption energy of LiPSs to these substrates, the Gibbs free energy profiles for the reaction chain, and the preferred pathways and activation energies for the slow reaction stage from Li2S4 to Li2S. The obtained information highlights the potential benefit of a combination of 1T-MoS2 regions, without or with one and two sulphur vacancies, for an improved Li-S battery performance. The recommendation is implemented in a Li-S battery with areas of pristine 1T-MoS2 and some proportion of one and two S vacancies, exhibiting a capacity of 1190 mAh/g at 0.1C, with 97% capacity retention after 60 cycles in a schedule of different C-rates from 0.1C to 2C and back to 0.1C.
Permeability and partition coefficients of the skin barrier are important for assessing dermal absorption, bioavailability, and safety of cosmetics and medicine. We use the Potts and Guy equation to analyse the dependence of skin permeability on the hydrophobicity of permeants and highlight the significant differences in published datasets. Correlations of solute partition to skin are examined to understand the likely causes of the differences in the skin permeability datasets. Recently published permeability datasets show weak correlation and low dependence on hydrophobicity. As expected, early datasets show good correlation with hydrophobicity due to the related derivation. The weaker correlation of later datasets cannot be explained by the partition to skin lipids. All the datasets of solute partition to skin lipid showed a similar correlation to hydrophobicity where the log-linear correlation coefficient of partition is almost the same of the log-linear coefficient of Potts and Guy equation. Weak correlation and dependence of the late permeability datasets with SC lipid/water partition and that they are significantly under predicted by the Potts and Guy equation suggests either additional non-lipid pathway at play or a weaker skin barrier property.
Complex formulations such as emulsions are widely used for enhancing the solubility and delivery of functional ingredients. Many experiments have been reported to evaluate how functional chemical compounds partition between phases of complex structures of micelles and emulsions. A great challenge is to predict these thermodynamic properties of wide chemicals. Here we explore a multi-scale approach for in-silico prediction of the partition coefficient in two steps: At first a molecular dynamic simulation (MD’s) is performed to determine the micelle and emulsion structure of the simulated system. In the second stage the predicted micellar and emulsion structure file is processed in COSMOtherm to determine the Gibbs free energy profile and so the partition coefficient of the whole structure of the aggregate. We report initial progress in predicting the micelle-water partition of a wide chemical space in a model SDS micelle system. The predicted partition coefficient is then compared to published experimental data in order to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the methodology. Further work will be carried for real-world emulsion systems to achieve a good agreement between calculated and experimental data.
A new activation method, supercritical water activation (650°C, 32 Pa), and a traditional method, steam activation (650°C), were used to prepare phenolic resin based activated carbons. Based on pore structure characterization of the samples by nitrogen adsorption and weight loss behavior of the starting materials by TG/ DSC analysis, the effects of the two different activation methods and the degree of carbonization of the starting materials on the evolution of the pore structure of phenolic resin-based activated carbons were obtained. Results show that: (1) supercritical water activation benefits the development of mesoporosity, while steam activation benefits the development of microporosity; (2) activated carbons with high specific surface area and mesoporosity were obtained at a low degree of burn-off from phenolic resin-based carbons carbonized to a low degree.
The δ-MnO2 nanowires are fabricated and chemically bonded with the carbon black that has appropriate amounts of oxygen containing functional groups. These short δ-MnO2 nanowires are (006) crystal plane-dominated and the hybrid (δ-MnO2 nanowires/carbon black) exhibits enhanced electrocatalytic activity towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The half-wave potential (0.82 V (vs. RHE)) and limiting-current density (5.47 mA cm−2) of the hybrid in alkaline medium are close to those of 20 wt% Pt/C, respectively. The hybrid is used as cathodic catalyst in a Zn-air battery cell, which displays a peak power density of 138.0 mW cm−2, comparable to that using Pt/C catalyst (142.8 mW cm−2). This excellent catalytic performance is attributed to the unique microstructure of the hybrid that accelerates the kinetics of ORR. Furthermore, the ORR catalytic mechanism is also systematically analysed based on the microstructural characterization and electrochemical response.
High capacity electrode materials are the key for high energy density Li-ion batteries (LIB) to meet the requirement of the increased driving range of electric vehicles. Here we report the synthesis of a novel anode material, Bi2MoO6/palm-carbon composite, via a simple hydrothermal method. The composite shows higher reversible capacity and better cycling performance, compared to pure Bi2MoO6. In 0–3 V, a potential window of 100 mA/g current density, the LIB cells based on Bi2MoO6/palm-carbon composite show retention reversible capacity of 664 mAh·g−1 after 200 cycles. Electrochemical testing and ab initio density functional theory calculations are used to study the fundamental mechanism of Li ion incorporation into the materials. These studies confirm that Li ions incorporate into Bi2MoO6 via insertion to the interstitial sites in the MoO6-layer, and the presence of palm-carbon improves the electronic conductivity, and thus enhanced the performance of the composite materials.
A hybrid molecular dynamics simulation/pore network model (MD/PNM) approach is developed for predicting diffusion in nanoporous carbons. This approach is computationally fast, and related to the structure of the real material. The PNM takes into account both the geometrical (a distribution of pore sizes) and topological (the pore network connectivity) characteristics of nanoporous carbons, which are obtained by analysing adsorption data. The effective diffusion coefficient is calculated by taking the transport diffusion coefficients in single slit-shaped model pores from MD simulation and then computing the effective value over the PNM. The reliability of this approach is evaluated by comparing the results of the PNM analysis with a more rigorous, but much slower, simulation applied to a realistic model material, the virtual porous carbon (VPC). We obtain good agreement between the diffusion coefficients for the PNM and the VPC, indicating the reliability of the hybrid MD/PNM method and it can be used in industry for materials design. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CO2 reforming of methane is an effective route for carbon dioxide recycling to valuable syngas. However conventional catalysts based on Ni fail to overcome the stability requisites in terms of resistance to coking and sintering. In this scenario, the use of Sn as promoter of Ni leads to more powerful bimetallic catalysts with enhanced stability which could result in a viable implementation of the reforming technology at commercial scale. This paper uses a combined computational (DFT) and experimental approach, to address the fundamental aspects of mitigation of coke formation on the catalyst’s surface during dry reforming of methane (DRM). The DFT calculation provides fundamental insights into the DRM mechanism over the mono and bimetallic periodic model surfaces. Such information is then used to guide the design of real powder catalysts. The behaviour of the real catalysts mirrors the trends predicted by DFT. Overall the bimetallic catalysts are superior to the monometallic one in terms of long-term stability and carbon tolerance. In particular, low Sn concentration on Ni surface effectively mitigate carbon formation without compromising the CO2 conversion and the syngas production thus leading to excellent DRM catalysts. The bimetallic systems also presents higher selectivity towards syngas as reflected by both DFT and experimental data. However, Sn loading has to be carefully optimized since a relatively high amount of Sn can severely deter the catalytic performance.
Hydrogen production using solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOECs) has attracted increasing research attention as it may provide a cost-effective and green route to hydrogen generation especially when coupled to a source of renewable or nuclear energy. Developing control strategies for the SOEC stack to respond to changes or disturbances that may occur during its operation is necessary to support the development and demonstration of this technology. A one-dimensional (1D) dynamic model of a planar SOEC stack developed at Imperial College has been employed to study optimal control strategies. In this paper, some preliminary results are reported for two control strategies during a change of operating regime - maximizing hydrogen production and minimizing electrical energy consumption. The results offer optimal control policies for the chosen situations and provide a good starting point for identifying the optimal control strategy in practical operation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
In this study fully atomistic grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations have been employed to study the behaviour of electrolyte salt (NaPF6) and different non-aqueous (organic) solvents in carbon nanopores, to reveal the structure and storage mechanism. Organic solutions of Na+ and PF6 - ions at 1 M concentrations were considered, based on the conditions in operational sodium ion batteries and supercapacitors. Three organic solvents with different properties are selected: ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC), ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC). The effects of solvents, pore size and surface charge were quantified by calculating the radial distribution functions and ionic density profiles. It is shown that the organic solvent properties and nanopore confinement can affect the structure of the organic electrolyte solution. For the pore size range (1-5 nm) investigated in this paper, the surface charge used in this study, can alter the sodium ions but not the solvent structure inside the pore.
SOFC electrodes are typically porous composite materials bringing ionic, electronic and pore phases into intimate contact. These electrodes must fulfill a broad range of criteria from diffusion and electrocatalysis to mechanical support and redox tolerance. Historically design and optimisation have been largely empirical and characterisation of electrode microstructures at sub-micron length scales has been restricted to two-dimensional electron microscopy. In recent years, the development and application of focused ion beam and X-ray nano tomography tools has enabled characterisation of electrode microstructures in three dimensions providing unprecedented access to a wealth of microstructural information (see e. g [1,2]). As well as improving our understanding of existing electrode geometries, these tools have also been successfully applied to evaluate design and manufacturing strategies. With improved availability and functionality of high-resolution tomography tools, we can start to explore the effects of processing and operation on microstructure and performance. Using the unique benefits of non-destructive synchrotron X-ray nano-CT, we have explored microstructural evolution processes in-situ, using so-called "4D tomography", facilitating an improved understanding of electrode aging and durability. These tomography platforms are however most powerful when used in conjunction with relevant simulation tools [3,4]. Here we present the results of finite element simulations, exploring coupled electrochemistry and transport and stress in composite SOFC electrodes, utilising experimentally derived microstructural frameworks. ©The Electrochemical Society.
Na ion batteries (NIBs) are considered as a promising low cost and sustainable energy storage technology. To better design nanoporous carbons as anode materials for NIBs, molecular dynamics simulations have been employed to study the behavior of Na+ ions (as well as PF6- ions) confined within carbon nanopores, in the presence of non aqueous (organic) solvent. The effects of pore size and surface charge density were quantified by calculating ionic density profiles and concentration within the pores. Carbon slit pores of widths 0.72-10 nm were considered. The carbon surfaces were charged with densities ranging from 0 (neutral pores), -0.8e/nm2 , -1.2e/nm2 , -2e/nm2 . Organic solutions of Na+ and PF6− at 1M concentrations were considered at operating sodium ion batteries conditions. As the surface charge density increases, more Na+ ions enter the pores. In all pores, when the surface is highly charged the Na+ ions move toward the negatively charged graphene surfaces because of counterion condensation effects. In some instances our results reveal the formation of multiple layers of adsorbed Na+ inside the pores. Both nanopore width and surface charge alter the density profiles of ions and solvent inside the pores.
Stratum corneum (SC) is the main barrier of human skin where the inter-corneocytes lipids provide the main pathway for transdermal permeation of functional actives of skin care and health. Molecular dynamics (MD) has been increasingly used to simulate the SC lipid bilayer structure so that the barrier property and its affecting factors can be elucidated. Among reported MD simulation studies, solute partition in the SC lipids, an important parameter affecting SC permeability, has received limited attention. In this work, we combine MD simulation with COSMOmic to predict the partition coefficients of dermatologically relevant solutes in SC lipid bilayer. Firstly, we run MD simulations to obtain equilibrated SC lipid bilayers with different lipid types, compositions, and structures. Then, the simulated SC lipid bilayer structures are fed to COSMOmic to calculate the partition coefficients of the solutes. The results show that lipid types and bilayer geometries play a minor role in the predicted partition coefficients. For the more lipophilic solutes, the predicted results of solute partition in SC lipid bilayers agree well with reported experimental values of solute partition in extracted SC lipids. For the more hydrophilic molecules, there is a systematical underprediction. Nevertheless, the MD/COSMOmic approach correctly reproduces the phenomenological correlation between the SC lipid/water partition coefficients and the octanol/water partition coefficients. Overall, the results show that the MD/COSMOmic approach is a fast and valid method for predicting solute partitioning into SC lipids and hence supporting the assessment of percutaneous absorption of skin care ingredients, dermatological drugs as well as environmental pollutants.
Recently, the replacement of expensive platinum-based catalytic materials with nonprecious metal materials to electrolyze water for hydrogen separation has attracted much attention. In this work, Ni0.85Se, MoS2 and their composite Ni0.85Se/MoS2 with different mole ratios are prepared successfully, as electrocatalysts to catalyze the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in water splitting. The result shows that MoS2/Ni0.85Se with a molar ratio of Mo/Ni = 30 (denoted as M30) has the best catalytic performance towards HER, with the lowest overpotential of 118 mV at 10 mA cm -2, smallest Tafel slope of 49 mV dec -1 among all the synthesized materials. Long-term electrochemical testing shows that M30 has good stability for HER over at least 30 h. These results maybe due to the large electrochemical active surface area and high conductivity. This work shows that transition metal selenides and sulfides can form effective electrocatalyst for HER.
In electrochemistry, numerical models are used to predict the activity of energy storage devices such as batteries and supercapacitors. Novel battery technologies, such as lithium-sulphur batteries, benefit from simulation studies in optimising their materials, and more specifically in this study, their porous cathodes. Porous carbon is typically used as the electrode in different supercapacitor configurations, as well as the cathode structural material in Li-S batteries. Previous models in the literature simulate the porous electrodes with a single uniform pore size. In this project a novel model has been devised, incorporating multiple pore sizes of the electrode material, determined from a pore size distribution.
Unexpected self-ignition flame resulting from accidental release of pressurized hydrogen can induce a jet flame after it flows into the unconfined space. The flame evolution in the near-field region of the tube exit is important for the formation of jet flame. This paper presents a study on the physics for the evolution of spontaneously combusting hydrogen flame near the tube exit. Effects of release pressure and tube length are explored. Results show that the flame evolution is controlled by both the shock wave and vortex formed in the near-field region around the nozzle. Although two different types of flame evolution can be formed, both of them undergo the same four stages: initial flame, flame under the effect of shock wave, flame under the effect of vortex and stable combustion. The initial location of the vortex in the two types is different, which is the reason for the presence or absence of the flame separation phenomenon. If the vortex is formed inside the flame, flame separation is induced. In addition, two types of flame can transform into each other depending on the tube length. A hybrid flame can be clearly identified in the transition region in which the tube length varies from 300 mm to 700 mm. It has also been found that the flame in the transition region has features of both types and is easy to be extinguished.
The application of Li-rich layered oxides is hindered by their dramatic capacity and voltage decay on cycling. This work comprehensively studies the mechanistic behaviour of cobalt-free Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 and demonstrates the positive impact of two-phase Ru doping. A mechanistic transition from the monoclinic to the hexagonal behaviour is found for the structural evolution of Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2, and the improvement mechanism of Ru doping is understood using the combination of in operando and post-mortem synchrotron analyses. The two-phase Ru doping improves the structural reversibility in the first cycle and restrains structural degradation during cycling by stabilizing oxygen (O2−) redox and reducing Mn reduction, thus enabling high structural stability, an extraordinarily stable voltage (decay rate
This work reports the preparation of nanocrystalline Ni-Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95 (NiO-GDC) anode powders using a novel single-step co-precipitation synthesis method (carboxylate route) based on ammonium tartrate as a low-cost green precipitant. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the synthesised powder showed the complete calcination/crystallisation of the resultant precipitates to take place at 500 °C. The prepared NiO-GDC powder was coated on a GDC electrolyte disc and co-sintered at 1300 °C. A mixture of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ and GDC was used as the cathode material and subsequently coated onto the anode-electrolyte bilayer, resulting in the fabrication of a NiO-GDC|GDC|La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ-GDC cell. The crystallite size of both NiO and CeO2 phases were estimated using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) profiles and were calculated to be ~14 nm. Applied H2 temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) analysis indicated a synergetic effect among different anode composites' constituents, where an intense interaction between the dispersed NiO nanocrystalline particles and the GDC crystallite phase had weakened the metal-oxygen bonds in the synthesised anode composites, resulting in a strikingly high catalytic activity at temperatures as low as 300 °C. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the electrochemical performance of the fabricated cells were measured over a broad range of operating temperatures (500–750 °C) and H2/Ar-ratios of the anode fuel (e.g. 100%–15%). Quantitative analysis from the EIS data and the application of the distribution of relaxation times (DRT) method allowed for the estimation of the activation energies of the anodic high and intermediate frequency processes that were 0.45 eV and 0.76 eV, respectively. This is the first report of a NiO-GDC synthesis, where a considerable improvement in activation energy is observed at the low-temperature region. Such low activation energies were later associated with the adsorption/desorption process of water molecules at the surface of NiO-GDC composite, indicating a high activity towards hydrogen oxidation.
This study delves into the critical safety issue of thermal runaway (TR) in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), particularly focusing on the physical and chemical changes occurring in the electrode materials during temperature escalation. We investigate a commercial 18650 type 2.6 Ah Li[Ni5Co2Mn3]O2/graphite battery, tracing changes from room temperature to the point of TR. Our findings reveal that the negative electrode experiences gradual decomposition and regeneration of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film, reacting with the electrolyte to form compounds such as Li2CO3 and LiF on its surface. Similarly, the positive electrode also generates Li2CO3 on its surface as temperature rises. Notably, at 185 °C, there is a partial disintegration of the positive electrode particles, accompanied by a structural transformation from the LiMO2 (M representing Ni, Co, and Mn) R-3m layered structure to a disordered spinel LiM2O4. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the TR mechanism in LIBs, offering valuable insights for material researchers in designing safer battery systems.
A two dimensional, along the channel, non-isothermal, two-phase flow, anode partial flooding model was developed to investigate the effects of relative humidity, stoichiometric flow ratio and channel length, as well as their interactive influence, on the performance of a PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cell. Liquid water formation and transport at the anode due to the condensation of supersaturated anode gas initiated by hydrogen consumption was considered. The model considered the heat source/ sink in terms of electrochemical reaction, Joule heating and latent heat due to water phase-transfer. The non-uniform temperature distributions inside the MEA (membrane electrode assembly) and channels at various stoichiometric flow ratios were demonstrated. The Peclet number was used to evaluate the contributions of advection and diffusion on liquid water and heat transport. Results indicated that higher anode relative humidity is required to the improved cell performance. As the decrease in the anode relative humidity and increase in channel length, the optimal cathode relative humidity was increased. The initial increase in stoichiometric flow ratio improved the limiting current densities. However, the further increases led to limited contributions. The Peclet number indicated that the liquid water transport through the electrode was mainly determined by the capillary diffusion mechanism.
The need for better microplastic removal from wastewater streams is clear, to prevent potential harm the microplastic may cause to the marine life. This paper aims to investigate the efficacy of electrocoagulation (EC), a well-known and established process, in the unexplored context of microplastic removal from wastewater streams. This premise was investigated using artificial wastewater containing polyethylene microbeads of different concentrations. The wastewater was then tested in a 1 L stirred-tank batch reactor. The effects of the wastewater characteristics (initial pH, NaCl concentration, and current density) on removal efficiency were studied. Microbead removal efficiencies in excess of 90% were observed in all experiments, thus suggesting that EC is an effective method of removing microplastic contaminants from wastewater streams. Electrocoagulation was found to be effective with removal efficiencies in excess of 90%, over pH values ranging from 3 to 10. The optimum removal efficiency of 99.24% was found at a pH of 7.5. An economic evaluation of the reactor operating costs revealed that the optimum NaCl concentration in the reactor is between 0 and 2 g/L, mainly due to the reduced energy requirements linked to higher water conductivity. In regard to the current density, the specific mass removal rate (kg/kWh) was the highest for the lowest tested current density of 11 A/m2, indicating that low current density is more energy efficient for microbead removal.
In this work, electrochemical-simultaneous removal of copper and zinc from simulated binary-metallic industrial wastewater containing different ratios of copper to zinc was studied using a packed-bed continuous-recirculation flow electrolytic reactor. The total nominal initial concentration of both metals, circulating rate of flow and nominal initial pH were held constant. Parameters affecting the removal percent and current efficiency of removal, such as applied current and time of electrolysis were investigated. Results revealed that increased current intensity accelerated the removal of metals and diminish current efficiency. It was also observed that selective removal of both metals is possible when the applied current was of small intensity. Moreover, the factors that led to loss of faradaic efficiency were discussed.
A two-dimensional, along-the-channel, two-phase flow, non-isothermal model is developed which represents a low temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. The model describes the liquid water profiles and heat distributions inside the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and gas flow channels as well as effectiveness factors of the catalyst layers. All the major transport and electrochemical processes are taken into account except for reactant species crossover through the membrane. The catalyst layers are treated as spherical agglomerates with inter-void spaces, which are in turn covered by ionomer and liquid water films. Liquid water formation and transport at the anode is included while water phase-transfer between vapour, dissolved water and liquid water associated with membrane/ionomer water uptake, desorption and condensation/evaporation are considered. The model is validated by experimental data and used to numerically study the effects of electrode properties (contact angel, porosity, thickness and platinum loading) and channel geometries (length and depth) on liquid water profiles and cell performance. Results reveal low liquid water saturation with large contact angle, low electrode porosity and platinum loading, and short and deep channel. An optimal channel length of 1 cm was found to maximise the current densities at low cell voltages. A novel channel design featured with multi-outlets and inlets along the channel was proposed to mitigate the effect of water flooding and improve the cell performance.
Molecular dynamics simulations have been employed to study the structural properties of non-aqueous (organic) electrolyte solutions confined within carbon nanopores. The effects of pore size and surface charge density were quantified by calculating ionic density profiles and concentration within the pores. Graphene slit pores of widths 0.72-10 nm were considered. The graphene surfaces were charged with densities ranging from 0 (neutral pores), -0.8e/nm2 , -1.2e/nm2 , -2e/nm2. As the surface charge density increases, more Na+ ions enter the pores. When the graphene surface is highly charged the Na+ ions are adsorbed due to counterion condensation effect.
In this article fully atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations were employed to study the behaviour of electrolyte salts (NaPF6, NaBF4, and NaTFSI) and different organic solvents (PC, EC, and EMC) in cylindrical carbon nanotubes, in order to reveal the storage mechanism. Organic solutions at 1 M concentrations were considered in bulk reservoir solutions, at the operational condition of sodium ion batteries. The effects of the solvents, nanotube diameter, and different anions (PF6 -, BF4-, and TFSI-) are quantified by calculating the number of ions inside the nanotubes, solvation number and radial distribution functions. The solvent, anion and cylindrical nanoconfinement can influence the organic electrolyte solution structure.
Selective conversion of CO2 to CO via the reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction is an attractive CO2 conversion process, which may be integrated with many industrial catalytic processes such as Fischer−Tropsch synthesis to generate added value products. The development of active and cost friendly catalysts is of paramount importance. Among the available catalyst materials, transition metal phosphides (TMPs) such as MoP and Ni2P have remained unexplored in the context of the RWGS reaction. In the present work, we have employed density functional theory (DFT) to first investigate the stability and geometries of selected RWGS intermediates on the MoP (0001) surface, in comparison to the Ni2P (0001) surface. Higher adsorption energies and Bader charges are observed on MoP (0001), indicating better stability of intermediates on the MoP (0001) surface. Furthermore, mechanistic investigation using potential energy surface (PES) profiles showcased that both MoP and Ni2P were active toward RWGS reaction with the direct path (CO2* → CO* + O*) favorable on MoP (0001), whereas the COOH-mediated path (CO2* + H* → COOH*) favors Ni2P (0001) for product (CO and H2O) gas generation. Additionally, PES profiles of initial steps to CO activation revealed that direct CO decomposition to C* and O* is favored only on MoP (0001), while H-assisted CO activation is more favorable on Ni2P (0001) but could also occur on MoP (0001). Furthermore, our DFT calculations also ascertained the possibility of methane formation on Ni2P (0001) during the RWGS process, while MoP (0001) remained more selective toward CO generation.
Developing the low-cost, highly active carbonaceous materials for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts has been a high-priority research direction for durable fuel cells. In this paper, two novel N-doped carbonaceous materials with flaky and rod-like morphology using the natural halloysite as template are obtained from urea nitrogen source as well as glucose (denoted as GU) and furfural (denoted as FU) carbon precursors, respectively, which can be directly applied as metal-free electrocatalysts for ORR in alkaline electrolyte. Importantly, compared with a benchmark Pt/C (20wt%) catalyst, the as-prepared carbon catalysts demonstrate higher retention in diffusion limiting current density (after 3000 cycles) and enhanced methanol tolerances with only 50-60mV negative shift in half-wave potentials. In addition, electrocatalytic activity, durability and methanol tolerant capability of the two N-doped carbon catalysts are systematically evaluated, and the underneath reasons of the outperformance of rod-like catalysts over the flaky are revealed. At last, the produced carbonaceous catalysts are also used as cathodes in the single cell H2/O2 anion exchange membrane fuel cell (AEMFC), in which the rod-like FU delivers a peak power density as high as 703 mW cm−2 (vs. 1106 mW cm−2 with a Pt/C benchmark cathode catalyst).
Solid-state lithium batteries (SSLBs) have been broadly accepted as a promising candidate for the next generation lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) with high energy density, long duration, and high safety. The intrinsic non-flammable nature and electrochemical/thermal/mechanical stability of solid electrolytes are expected to fundamentally solve the safety problems of conventional LIBs. However, thermal degradation and thermal runaway could also happen in SSLBs. For example, the large interfacial resistance between solid electrolytes and electrodes could aggravate the joule heat generation; the anisotropic thermal diffusion could trigger the uneven temperature distribution and formation of hotspots further leading to lithium dendrite growth. Considerable research efforts have been devoted to exploring solid electrolytes with outstanding performance and harmonizing interfacial incompatibility in the past decades. There have been fewer comprehensive reports investigating the thermal reaction process, thermal degradation, and thermal runaway of SSLBs. This review seeks to highlight advanced thermal-related analysis techniques for SSLBs, by focusing particularly on multiscale and multidimensional thermal-related characterization, thermal monitoring techniques such as sensors, thermal experimental techniques imitating the abuse operating condition, and thermal-related advanced simulations. Insightful perspectives are proposed to bridge fundamental studies to technological relevance for better understanding and performance optimization of SSLBs.
Rechargeable aluminum ion batteries (AIBs) are one of the most promising battery technologies for future large-scale energy storage due to their high theoretical volumetric capacity, low-cost, and high safety. However, the low capacity of the intercalation-type cathode materials reduces the competitiveness of AIBs in practical applications. Herein, a conversion-type FeF3-expanded graphite (EG) composite is synthesized as a novel cathode material for AIBs with good conductivity and cycle stability. Combined with the introduction of a single-wall carbon nanotube modified separator, the shuttle effect of the intermediate product, FeCl2, is significantly restrained. Moreover, enhanced coulombic efficiency and reversible capacity are achieved. The AIB exhibits a satisfying reversible specific capacity of 266 mAh g(-1) at 60 mA g(-1) after 200 cycles, and good Coulombic efficiency of nearly 100% after 400 cycles at a current density of 100 mA g(-1). Ex situ X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy are applied to explore the energy storage mechanism of FeF3 in AIBs. The results reveal that the intercalation of Al3+ species and the reduction of Fe3+ species occurrs in the discharge process. These findings are meaningful for the fundamental understanding of the FeF3 cathode for AIBs and provide unprecedented insight into novel conversion type cathode materials for AIBs.
Two-dimensional nanoporous graphene (NPG) with uniformly distributed nanopores has been synthesized recently and shown remarkable electronic, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties with potential applications in several fields. Here, we explore the potential application of NPG as an anode material for Li-, Na-, K-, Mg-, and Ca-ion batteries. We use density functional theory calculations to study structural properties, defect formation energies, metal binding energies, charge analysis, and electronic structures of NPG monolayers. Pristine NPG can bind effectively K+ cations but cannot sufficiently bind the other metal cations strongly, which is a prerequisite of an efficient anode material. However, upon substitution with oxygen-rich functional groups (e.g., O, OH, and COOH) and doping with heteroatoms (B, N, P, and S), the metal binding ability of NPG is significantly enhanced. Of the considered systems, the S-doped NPG (S-NPG) binds the metal cations most strongly with binding energies of −3.87 (Li), −3.28 (Na), −3.37 (K), −3.68 (Mg), and −4.97 (Ca) eV, followed by P-NPG, O-NPG, B-NPG, and N-NPG. Of the substituted NPG systems, O-substituted NPG exhibits the strongest metal binding with binding energies of −3.30 (Li), −2.62 (Na), −2.89 (K), −1.67 (Mg), and −3.40 eV (Ca). Bader charge analysis and Roby–Gould bond indices show that a significant amount of charge is transferred from the metal cations to the functionalized NPG monolayers. Electronic properties were studied by density of states plots, and all the systems were found to be metallic upon the introduction of metal cations. These results suggest that functionalized NPG could be used as a global anode material for Li-, Na-, K-, Mg-, and Ca-ion batteries.
The need for sustainable and large-scale energy supply has led to significant development of renewable energy and energy storage technologies. Divalent metal ion (Mg, Ca, and Zn) batteries are promising energy storage technologies for the sustainable energy future, but the need for suitable electrode materials have limited their commercial development. This paper investigates, at the atomic scale, the adsorption and migration of Mg, Ca, and Zn on pristine and defective graphene surfaces, to bring insight into the metal storage and mobility in graphene and carbon-based anodes for divalent metal ion batteries. Such atomistic studies can help address the challenges facing the development of novel divalent metal battery technologies, and to understand the storage differences between divalent and monovalent metal-ion batteries. The adsorption of Ca on the graphene-based system is shown to be more energetically favorable than the adsorption of both Mg and Zn, with Ca showing adsorption behavior similar to the monovalent ions (Li, Na, and K). This was further investigated in terms of metal migration on the graphene surface, with much higher migration energy barriers for Ca than for Mg and Zn on the graphene systems, leading to the trapping of Ca at defect sites to a larger extent.
Metal sulfides such as Bismuth sulfide (Bi.sub.2S.sub.3) hold immense potential to be promoted as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), owing to their high theoretical gravimetric and volumetric capacities. However, the poor electrical conductivity and volume expansion during cycling hinder the practical applications of Bi.sub.2S.sub.3. In this work, we used pyrrole and glucose as carbon source to design the surface carbon coating on the surface of Bi.sub.2S.sub.3 particles, to improve the structural stability of Bi.sub.2S.sub.3. Two composite materials were synthesized -- Bi.sub.2S.sub.3 coated with nitrogen doped carbon (Bi.sub.2S.sub.3@NC), and Bi.sub.2S.sub.3 coated with carbon (Bi.sub.2S.sub.3@C). When used as anode active materials, both Bi.sub.2S.sub.3@NC and Bi.sub.2S.sub.3@C showed improved performance compared to Bi.sub.2S.sub.3, which confirms surface carbon coating as an effective and scalable way for the modification of Bi.sub.2S.sub.3 material. The electrode based on Bi.sub.2S.sub.3@NC materials demonstrated higher performance than that of Bi.sub.2S.sub.3@C, with an initial discharge capacity of 1126.5 mA h/g, good cycling stability (500 mA h/g after 200 cycles at 200 mA/g) and excellent rate capability. Finally, Li storage and migration mechanisms in Bi.sub.2S.sub.3 are revealed using first principle density functional theory calculations.
Hard carbons have shown considerable promise as anodes for emerging sodium-ion battery technologies. Current understanding of sodium-storage behaviour in hard carbons attributes capacity to filling of graphitic interlayers and pores, and adsorption at defects, although there is still considerable debate regarding the voltages at which these mechanisms occur. Here, ex situ23Na solid-state NMR and total scattering studies on a systematically tuned series of hard carbons revealed the formation of increasingly metallic sodium clusters in direct correlation to the growing pore size, occurring only in samples which exhibited a low voltage plateau. Combining experimental results with DFT calculations, we propose a revised mechanistic model in which sodium ions store first simultaneously and continuously at defects, within interlayers and on pore surfaces. Once these higher energy binding sites are filled, pore filling occurs during the plateau region, where the densely confined sodium takes on a greater degree of metallicity.
This is an extensive review on the application of thermally sprayed coatings with functional properties for electrolysers. Such coatings are critical and vital constituents (as catalysts (anode/cathode), solid electrolyte, and transport layer, including corrosion-prone parts such as bipolar plates) of the water splitting electrolysis process for hydrogen production. Thermal spray coatings have the advantage of providing thick and functional coatings from a range of engineering materials. The associated coating processes provide good control of coating thickness, morphology, microstructure, pore size and porosity, and residual strain in the coatings through selection of suitable process parameters for any coating material of interest. This review consolidates scarce literature on thermally sprayed components which are critical and vital constituents (e. g., catalysts (anode/cathode), solid electrolyte, and transport layer, including corrosion-prone parts such as bipolar plates) of the water splitting electrolysis process for hydrogen production. The research shows that there is a gap in thermally sprayed feedstock material selection strategy as well as in addressing modelling needs that can be crucial to advancing applications exploiting their catalytic and corrosion-resistant properties to split water for hydrogen production. Due to readily scalable production enabled by thermal spray techniques, this manufacturing route bears potential to dominate the sustainable electrolyser technologies in the future. While the well-established thermal spray coating variants may have certain limitations in the manner they are currently practiced, deployment of both conventional and novel thermal spray approaches (suspension, solution, hybrid) is clearly promising for targeted development of electrolysers.
It is widely accepted that the commercial application of lithium–sulfur batteries is inhibited by their short cycle life, which is primarily caused by a combination of Li dendrite formation and active material loss due to polysulfide shuttling. Unfortunately, while numerous approaches to overcome these problems have been reported, most are unscalable and hence further hinder Li–S battery commercialization. Most approaches suggested also only tackle one of the primary mechanisms of cell degradation and failure. Here, we demonstrate that the use of a simple protein, fibroin, as an electrolyte additive can both prevent Li dendrite formation and minimize active material loss to enable high capacity and long cycle life (up to 500 cycles) in Li–S batteries, without inhibiting the rate performance of the cell. Through a combination of experiments and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, it is demonstrated that the fibroin plays a dual role, both binding to polysulfides to hinder their transport from the cathode and passivating the Li anode to minimize dendrite nucleation and growth. Most importantly, as fibroin is inexpensive and can be simply introduced to the cell via the electrolyte, this work offers a route toward practical industrial applications of a viable Li–S battery system.
Spontaneous ignition resulting from the accidental release of high-pressure hydrogen is an important safety issue, and the self-ignition flame can eventually induce a jet flame. However, the links between the self-ignition flame inside a tube and an external jet flame are unclear. Hence, this paper presents a study on how the self-ignition flame transforms into the jet flame in the near-field region of the nozzle. Effects of release pressure and tube length are investigated. Changes in release conditions can lead to changes in the flow characteristics of the self-combustible jet at the nozzle. Results show that the difference in the flow parameters is manifested in three aspects, which directly contribute to the diversity of transition forms. The expansion processes and shock structure govern the flame transition. The expansion process consists of two typical stages, which lead to two different flame morphologies. Besides, the presence of discontinuous surfaces in the shock wave structure can cause the self-ignition flame to extinguish or re-ignition in some transition processes, resulting in the flame appearing in different zones during different transitions. Finally, five forms of flame transition are proposed and their formation reasons are analyzed. Dominant factors and links between different transitions are eventually identified.
Hard carbon (HC) anodes together with ethylene carbonate (EC)-based electrolytes have shown significant promise for high-performing sodium-ion batteries. However, questions remain in relation to the initial contact between the carbon surface and the EC molecules. The surface of the HC anode is complex and can contain both flat pristine carbon surfaces, curvature, nanoscale roughness, and heteroatom defects. Combining density functional theory and experiments, the effect of different carbon surface motifs and defects on EC adsorption are probed, concluding that EC itself does not block any sodium storage sites. Nevertheless, the EC breakdown products do show strong adsorption on the same carbon surface motifs, indicating that the carbon surface defect sites can become occupied by the EC breakdown products, leading to competition between the sodium and EC fragments. Furthermore, it is shown that the EC fragments can react with a carbon vacancy or oxygen defect to give rise to CO2 formation and further oxygen functionalization of the carbon surface. Experimental characterization of two HC materials with different microstructure and defect concentrations further confirms that a significant concentration of oxygen-containing defects and disorder leads to a thicker solid electrolyte interphase, highlighting the significant effect of atomic-scale carbon structure on EC interaction.
In this paper, a computational study of Li, Na, and K adsorption and migration on pristine and defective graphene surfaces is conducted to gain insight into the metal storage and mobility in carbon-based anodes for alkali metal batteries. Atomic level studies of the metal adsorption and migration on the graphene surface can help address the challenges faced in the development of novel alkali metal battery technologies, as these systems act as convenient proxies of the crystalline carbon surface in carbon-based materials including graphite, hard carbons and graphene. The adsorption of Li and K ions on the pristine graphene surface is shown to be more energetically favourable than Na adsorption. A collection of defects expected to be found in carbonaceous materials are investigated in terms of metal storage and mobility, with N- and O-containing defects found to be the dominant defects on these carbon surfaces. Metal adsorption and migration at the defect sites show that defect sites tend to act as metal trapping sites, and metal diffusion around the defects is hindered when compared to the pristine surface. We identify a defect where two C sites are substituted with O and one C site with N as the dominant surface defect, and find that this defect is detrimental to metal migration and hence the battery cycling performance.
In this work, three pouch batteries based on different cathode materials including LiCoO2 (LCO), Li(Ni0.6Mn0.2Co0.2)O2 (NMC622), and LiFePO4 (LFP) are studied. The thermal runaway (TR) characteristics, flame evolution, internal morphology and functional group changes during the TR process caused by overcharge are comprehensively compared for the first time. The LFP battery takes the shortest time to reach TR under overcharging conditions, followed by the LCO battery, and the NMC622 battery. However, the TR behaviour of LiFePO4 batteries is the safest, as they do not ignite but instead generate a large amount of smoke. The highest temperature reached is only about 310 °C. In contrast, LCO and NMC622 batteries undergo severe combustion processes with peak temperatures exceeding 1000 °C. Sparks and jet fires are the predominant flame forms, with jet fire in particular being a major factor in the propagation of TR. The dynamic changes of flame characteristic parameters are also quantitatively analysed, including maximum temperature, inflame height, inflame area and inflame probability map. With the increase of charging rate, the flame spread for the LCO and NMC622 batteries is bigger. Under the overcharge condition of 2 C, LCO batteries exhibit the highest flame height of 341.7 mm, while NMC622 batteries exhibit the largest flame area of 0.3 m2. After TR, drastic morphological and chemical changes are observed for the LCO and NMC622 cathodes, while the LFP cathode maintained a better dense structure with minor chemical changes.
Emerging sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have aroused great attention in large-scale energy storage. However, it is still a great challenge to develop suitable electrode materials due to the large radius of Na+. This work demonstrates a strategy to synthesize hierarchical tubular MoS2 via a facial hydrothermal method with the assistance of tetramethylammonium bromide (TMAB). The results show that sufficient amounts of TMA(+) ions are necessary to form the hierarchical tubular structures of MoS2. The obtained tubular MoS2 displays a high diffusion coefficient of Na+ ions, a high specific capacity of 652.5 mAh/g at the current density of 100 mA/g after 50 cycles, and a good cycling stability (94.2% of the initial capacity can be retained after 100 cycles at 1000 mA/g). In situ XRD during the discharge/charge process displays a reversible intercalation/deintercalation of Na+ into MoS2 layers followed by a conversion-type reaction. Systematic analyses reveal that the enhanced electrochemical performance is attributed to its tubular hierarchical structures with the wall composed of loosely stacked nanosheets, which can provide nearly unobstructed ion transportation paths, sufficient active sites, and enough space to mitigate the effects of the volume change during the discharge/charge process. This synthetic approach can be easily extended to other metal oxides and metal sulfides with hierarchical structures for versatile applications.
A strong correlation exists between the performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and their electrode microstructures, requiring an improved understanding of this relationship if more effective application-specific SOFC electrodes are to be designed. A model has been developed capable of generating a random 3D electrode microstructure and predicting its performance by analyzing structure properties such as porosity, percolation of the various phases and the length and distribution of triple phase boundaries. A Monte Carlo process is used initially to randomly position spherical particles of the three different phases, in a packed bed. Next, the pore former particles are removed. The remaining particles are then expanded uniformly to represent the sintering process, resulting in a network of particles of ionic and electronic phases overlapping each other, creating a distinctive, examinable electrode. This paper presents the impact of a range of technologically important parameters such as particle size and sintering expansion coefficient on electrode performance.
The effect of the pore wall model on the self-diffusion coefficient and transport diffusivity predicted for methane in graphitic slit pores by equilibrium molecular dynamics (EMD) and non-equilibrium MD (NEMD) is investigated. Three pore wall models are compared-a structured wall and a smooth (specular) wall, both with a thermostat applied to the fluid to maintain the desired temperature, and a structured wall combined with the diffuse thermalizing scattering algorithm of MacElroy and Boyle (Chem. Eng. J., 1999, 74, 85). Pore sizes ranging between 7 and 35 Å and five pressures in the range of 1-40 bar are considered. The diffuse thermalizing wall yields incorrect self-diffusion coefficients and transport diffusivities for the graphitic slit pore model and should not be used. Surprisingly, the smooth specular wall gives self-diffusion coefficients inline with those obtained using the structured wall, indicating that this computationally much faster wall can be used for studying this phenomenon provided the fluid-wall interactions are somewhat weaker than the fluid-fluid interactions. The structured wall is required, however, if the transport diffusivity is of interest. © the Owner Societies.
The effective conductivity of a thick-film solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrode is an important characteristic used to link the microstructure of the electrode to its performance. A 3D resistor network model, the ResNet model, developed to determine the effective conductivity of a given SOFC electrode microstructure was introduced in earlier work (Rhazaoui et al., Chem. Eng. Sci. 99, 161-170, 2013). The approach is based on the discretization of each structure into voxels (small cubic elements discretizing the microstructure). In this paper, synthetic structures of increasing complexity are analyzed before an optimum discretization resolution per particle diameter is determined. The notion of Volume Elements (VEs), based on the Volume-Of-Fluid method, is then introduced in the model to allow larger structures to be modelled and is used to analyze synthetic structures as well as an experimental Ni/10ScSZ electrode. The behaviour of the model output is examined with respect to increasing aggregation resolutions for several synthetic microstructures of varying compositions, with the aid of extracted skeletonized paths of charge-conducting pathways. A ratio of VE size to voxel size of 5 is shown to be appropriate. The first comparison of calculated and measured effective conductivities is presented for the Ni/10ScSZ electrode considered. The computed effective conductivities are found to be consistent with observations made on the microstructure itself and skeletonized network paths, and support the findings of earlier work with respect to the minimum sample size required to characterize the entire anode from which it is extracted.
Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and fatty acids are common ingredients in many cosmetic products. Understanding how neutral and charged fatty acid compounds partition between micellar and water phases is crucial to achieve the optimal design of the product formulation. In this paper, we first study the formation of mixed SLES and fatty acid micelles using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Micelle/water partition coefficients of neutral and charged fatty acids are then calculated using COSMOmic as well as a MD approach based on the potential of mean force (PMF) calculations performed using umbrella sampling (US). The combined US/PMF approach was performed with both the additive, non-polarizable CHARMM general force field (CGenFF) and the classical Drude polarizable force field. The partition coefficients for the neutral solutes are shown to be accurately calculated with the COSMOmic and additive CGenFF US/PMF approaches, while only the US/PMF approach with the Drude polarizable force field accurately calculated the experimental partition coefficient of the charged solute. These results indicate the utility of the Drude polarizable force field as a tool for the rational development of mixed micelles.
Unexpected spontaneous combustion and shock waves can occur when high-pressure hydrogen leaks into pipelines, whilst irregular leakage ports affect their features. In this paper, shock waves and self-ignition are experimentally and numerically studied after the pressurized hydrogen is released through the partially open inlet. And the effects of tube length and release pressure are investigated. Pressure signals, light signals, and flame images are used to characterize the shockwave, self-ignition, and flame propagation. Results show that the shock-affected region can be formed near the partially open inlet. It is accompanied by complex wave structures, shock wave interactions, and shock wave focusing. The contact surface is distorted and deformed. The flow field parameters near the inlet change dramatically and are unevenly distributed, which affect the overpressure characteristics recorded by the pressure sensors. The initial intensity of the shock wave is lower than that in tubes with the fully open inlet at the early stage of the leakage. In addition, the partially open inlet influences the critical pressure at which spontaneous ignition occurs and the flame evolution inside or outside the tube. It has an inhibition effect on spontaneous ignition, but this inhibition effect weakens with increasing tube length.
A comprehensive discussion of the approaches for developing carbon-based sulfur hosts is presented, encompassing structural design and functional optimization. The recent implementation of effective machine learning methods in discovering carbon-based sulfur hosts has been systematically examined. The challenges and future directions of carbon-based sulfur hosts for practically application have been comprehensively discussed. A summary of the strengths and weaknesses, along with the outlook on carbon-based sulfur hosts for practical application has been incorporated. As the need for high-energy–density batteries continues to grow, lithium-sulfur (Li–S) batteries have become a highly promising next-generation energy solution due to their low cost and exceptional energy density compared to commercially available Li-ion batteries. Research into carbon-based sulfur hosts for Li–S batteries has been ongoing for over two decades, leading to a significant number of publications and patents. However, the commercialization of Li–S batteries has yet to be realized. This can be attributed, in part, to the instability of the Li metal anode. However, even when considering just the cathode side, there is still no consensus on whether carbon-based hosts will prove to be the best sulfur hosts for the industrialization of Li–S batteries. Recently, there has been controversy surrounding the use of carbon-based materials as the ideal sulfur hosts for practical applications of Li–S batteries under high sulfur loading and lean electrolyte conditions. To address this question, it is important to review the results of research into carbon-based hosts, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and provide a clear perspective. This review systematically evaluates the merits and mechanisms of various strategies for developing carbon-based host materials for high sulfur loading and lean electrolyte conditions. The review covers structural design and functional optimization strategies in detail, providing a comprehensive understanding of the development of sulfur hosts. The review also describes the use of efficient machine learning methods for investigating Li–S batteries. Finally, the outlook section lists and discusses current trends, challenges, and uncertainties surrounding carbon-based hosts, and concludes by presenting our standpoint and perspective on the subject.
Sodium ion batteries are a promising alternative to current lithium ion battery technology, providing relatively high capacity and good cycling stability at low cost. Hard carbons are today the anodes of choice but they suffer from poor rate performance and low initial coulombic efficiency. To improve the understanding of the kinetics of sodium mobility in these materials, muon spin rotation spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations were used to probe the intrinsic diffusion of sodium in a characteristic hard carbon sample. This revealed that atomic diffusion between sites is comparable to that observed in transition metal oxide cathode materials in sodium ion batteries, suggesting that the poor rate performance is not limited by site–site jump diffusion rates. In addition, diffusion was observed in the sodium that is irreversibly stored during the first cycle, suggesting that some of these sodium atoms are not immobilised in the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer but are still blocked from long range diffusion, thereby rendering the sodium electrochemically inactive.
The porous structure of the electrodes in redox flow batteries (RFBs) plays a critical role in their performance. We develop a framework for understanding the coupled transport and reaction processes in electrodes by combining lattice Boltzmann modelling (LBM) with experimental measurement of electrochemical performance and X-ray computed tomography (CT). 3D pore-scale LBM simulations of a non-aqueous RFB are conducted on the detailed 3D microstructure of three different electrodes (Freudenberg paper, SGL paper and carbon cloth) obtained using X-ray CT. The flow of electrolyte and species within the porous structure as well as electrochemical reactions at the interface between the carbon fibers of the electrode and the liquid electrolyte are solved by a lattice Boltzmann approach. The simulated electrochemical performances are compared against the experimental measurements with excellent agreement, indicating the validity of the LBM simulations for predicting the RFB performance. Electrodes featuring one single dominant peak (i.e., Freudenberg paper and carbon cloth) show better electrochemical performance than the electrode with multiple dominant peaks over a wide pore size distribution (i.e., SGL paper), whilst the presence of a small fraction of large pores is beneficial for pressure drop. This framework is useful to design electrodes with optimal microstructures for RFB applications.
The penetration of intermittent renewable energies requires the development of energy storage technologies. High temperature electrolysis using solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOECs) as a potential energy storage technology, provides the prospect of a cost-effective and energy efficient route to clean hydrogen production. The development of optimal control strategies when SOEC systems are coupled with intermittent renewable energies is discussed. Hydrogen production is examined in relation to energy consumption. Control strategies considered include maximizing hydrogen production, minimizing SOEC energy consumption and minimizing compressor energy consumption. Optimal control trajectories of the operating variables over a given period of time show feasible control for the chosen situations. Temperature control of the SOEC stack is ensured via constraints on the overall temperature difference across the cell and the local temperature gradient within the SOEC stack, to link materials properties with system performance; these constraints are successfully managed. The relative merits of the optimal control strategies are analyzed.
The pore size distribution (PSD) and the pore-network connectivity of a porous material determine its properties in applications such as gas storage, adsorptive separations, and catalysis. Methods for the characterization of the pore structure of porous carbons are widely used, but the relationship between the structural parameters measured and the real structure of the material is not yet clear. We have evaluated two widely used and powerful characterization methods based on adsorption measurements by applying the methods to a model carbon which captures the essential characteristics of real carbons but (unlike a real material) has a structure that is completely known. We used three species (CH, CF, and SF) as adsorptives and analyzed the results using an intersecting capillaries model (ICM) which was modeled using a combination of Monte Carlo simulation and percolation theory to obtain the PSD and the pore-network connectivity. There was broad agreement between the PSDs measured using the ICM and the geometric PSD of the model carbon, as well as some systematic differences which are interpreted in terms of the pore structure of the carbon. The measured PSD and connectivity are shown to be able to predict adsorption in the model carbon, supporting the use of the ICM to characterize real porous carbons. © 2007 American Chemical Society.
The intersecting capillaries model (ICM), combined with the Monte Carlo simulation approach, was applied to characterize a computer-generated microporous "model carbon" with known structure, in order to evaluate the realism of this characterization method. The "partial" PSDs for three species (CH, CF and SF) were obtained by comparing the Monte Carlo simulated isotherms in the slit pores of the ICM with the isotherms generated from the model carbon. There is good agreement between model carbon-generated isotherms and the isotherms predicted based on the overall PSDs (by combining the partial PSDs). The overall PSD agree well with the real PSD of the model carbon in their dominant pore size range. These results support the validity and the realism of this characterization method for the characterization of porous carbons. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study reports the potential application of Ni2P as highly effective catalyst for chemical CO2 recycling via dry reforming of methane (DRM). Our DFT calculations reveal that the Ni2P (0001) surface is active towards adsorption of the DRM species, with the Ni hollow site being the most energetically stable site and Ni-P and P contributes as co-adsorption sites in DRM reaction steps. Free energy analysis at 1000 K found CH-O to be the main pathway for CO formation. The competition of DRM and reverse water gas shift (RWGS) is also evidenced with the latter becoming important at relatively low reforming temperatures. Very interestingly oxygen seems to play a key role in making this surface resistant towards coking. From microkinetic analysis we have found greater oxygen surface coverage than that of carbon at high temperatures which may help to oxidize carbon deposits in continuous runs. The tolerance of Ni2P towards carbon deposition was further corroborated by DFT and micro kinetic analysis. Along with the higher probability of C oxidation we identify poor capacity of carbon diffusion on the Ni2P (0001) surface with very limited availability of C nucleation sites. Overall, this study opens new avenues for research in metal-phosphide catalysis and expands the application of these materials to CO2 conversion reactions.
In conventional heat pipe based battery thermal management systems the thermal contact between the battery and the heat pipe is enhanced by means of heat conductive elements. These additional elements introduce multiple layers of thermal resistance and contribute to increased weight. This paper aims to address this issue by minimizing the contact thermal resistance and potentially reduce this additional weight. The proposed solution relies on capillary-driven evaporative cooling (CDEC), wherein a wick structure is directly integrated onto the battery's surface to enable direct cooling. To demonstrate this concept, an experimental study was conducted by affixing a Copper foam to an emulated battery block, and using ethanol and Novec 7000 as cooling media. The CDEC system's thermal performance was assessed under three heating conditions, and different operating conditions. The results indicated that the copper foam with higher pore density outperformed the other due to its greater wetting height. The maximum cell surface temperature was maintained around 40 °C for a continuous 50 W heat input. Furthermore, the thermal resistance of the system was lowered by a factor of 6 compared to an air-cooled system. The thermal resistance ranged from a minimum of 0.32 to a maximum of 1.5 K/W, which were comparatively low compared to some existing battery thermal management system designs. This paper introduces an innovative battery cooling concept, presents experimental evidence of its feasibility, and demonstrates its ability to effectively regulate battery temperature within acceptable limits even under high heat loads, while minimizing overall thermal resistance.
New materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion are the key to the electrification and sustainable development of our modern societies. Molecular modelling based on the principles of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics as well as empowered by machine learning techniques can help us to understand, control and design electrochemical energy materials at atomistic precision. Therefore, this roadmap, which is a collection of authoritative opinions, serves as a gateway for both the experts and the beginners to have a quick overview of the current status and corresponding challenges in molecular modelling of electrochemical energy materials for batteries, supercapacitors, CO 2 reduction reaction, and fuel cell applications.
The vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) has emerged as a promising technology for large-scale storage of intermittent power generated from renewable energy sources due to its advantages such as scalability, high energy efficiency and low cost. In the current study, a three-dimensional(3D) Lattice Boltzmann model is developed to simulate the transport mechanisms of electrolyte flow, species and charge in the vanadium redox flow battery at the micro pore scale. An electrochemical model using the Butler-Volmer equation is used to provide species and charge coupling at the surface of active electrode. The detailed structure of the carbon paper electrode is obtained using X-ray Computed Tomography(CT). The new model developed in the paper is able to predict the local concentration of different species, over-potential and current density profiles under charge/discharge conditions. The simulated capillary pressure as a function of electrolyte volume fraction for electrolyte wetting process in carbon paper electrode is presented. Different wet surface area of carbon paper electrode correspond to different electrolyte volume fraction in pore space of electrode. The model is then used to investigate the effect of wetting area in carbon paper electrode on the performance of vanadium redox flow battery. It is found that the electrochemical performance of positive half cell is reduced with air bubbles trapped inside the electrode.
This work compares the thermal runaway characteristics and heat generation of LiCoO2(LCO), Li(Ni0·6Mn0·2Co0.2)O2 (NMC622) and LiFePO4 (LFP) batteries with the same capacity under thermal abuse, and provides an in-depth study of the electro-thermal behaviour and internal physical-chemical changes under mechanical abuse, forming basis for understanding thermal runaway and safe use of batteries. The overheating test shows that the LCO battery is the most dangerous during thermal runaway because of higher heat generation, followed by the NMC622 and LFP batteries. However, the LFP battery is more prone to thermal runaway than the NMC622 and LCO batteries under adiabatic environment due to the shortest time to trigger thermal runaway. The nail penetration test shows the NMC622 battery has the worst internal short circuit tolerance, followed by the LCO and LFP batteries. The LFP material is less affected by nail penetration and extrusion, and the LFP battery at 50% state of charge (SOC) has the lowest risk of thermal runaway. The particles and crystal structures of the LCO and NMC622 materials are obviously damaged due to nail penetration, especially the LCO, which produces a new phase LiAlCo0·8O2. The risk of thermal runaway of the battery increases with the increase of SOC. TR and ISC are abbreviations for thermal runaway and internal short circuit respectively. [Display omitted] •Comparison of thermal electrothermal of batteries under thermal and mechanical abuse.•Quantified thermal runaway initial time and risk for different batteries.•Internal short circuit tolerance ability: LFP > LCO > NMC622.•LiAlCo0·8O2 was generated during nail penetration for LCO battery.
The Steam-Iron process, based on the redox reaction of iron oxides (FeO + 4H ↔ 3Fe + 4HO), is an interesting alternative to other methods of storing and generating pure hydrogen. In order to evaluate the ability of the Steam-Iron process to supply hydrogen to a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), a mathematical model for the oxidation process in a fixed bed reactor has been developed and is used to estimate the behaviour of the reactor under various operating conditions (e.g. amount of iron, steam flow rate, temperature). As a result of the simulations, information is provided for the preliminary design of the reactor and the selection of optimal reaction conditions. Furthermore, we have shown that the Steam-Iron reactor can be successfully integrated with an SOFC, and two system options have been explored to determine the overall system efficiency. © 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Herein, the development of a 3D pore-scale lattice Boltzmann (LB) model for simulating the transport processes and electrochemical performance of the porous electrodes in Li-ion batteries is reported. The model captures the transport of ions, electrons, and liquid electrolyte species, coupled with the electrochemical reactions at the interface between the active material and the liquid electrolyte with complex boundary conditions. The model-predicted discharge curves of a realistic nickel-manganese-cobalt battery electrode are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental measurement on the same electrode, demonstrating the validity of the model prediction. The LB model is then applied to simulate a series of electrode structures generated using the discrete-element method, to understand the effects of particle size and distribution, porosity, pore size distribution, surface area, and tortuosity on the performance of the electrode. It is revealed that surface area and pore size distribution are the dominant factors for the performance, and electrodes with structured patterns are beneficial for achieving uniform local distribution of Li and current densities within the electrode. The LB model provides insightful understanding of spatial distribution of Li and local phenomenon in 3D electrode structures, and can be a useful tool for designing next-generation battery electrodes.
Micro‐Mesoporous Hard Carbons as Sodium‐Ion Battery Anodes In article number 2101267, Hande Alptekin, Maria Crespo‐Ribadeneyra, Maria‐Magdalena Titirici, and co‐workers investigate hard carbons with tailored bimodal porosities as sodium‐ion anodes. The nature of the innermost solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) sub‐layer controls the performance. F‐containing salts enable a stable SEI, yet enhanced electrolyte decomposition seems unavoidable in carbonate‐based solvents compared to ether‐based systems.
The thermal stability of overcharged lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and heat contribution ratio of different components during thermal runaway are unclear. This paper investigates the thermal stability changes of the full battery and components after overcharging. The degradation mechanism of thermal stability induced by overcharging is revealed. The onset temperature of exothermic reactions of LIBs decreases with the increase of state of charge (SOC) - to as low as 31.7 °C at 165% SOC - due to internal short-circuit caused by separator piercing. The activation energy of exothermic side reactions decreases with the increase of SOC. The heat contribution ratio of different battery components is revealed, showing about 80% contribution from cathode at 100% and 120% SOC during thermal runaway. However, the heat contribution ratio from anode becomes bigger (about 60%) at SOC ≥140%, because of a large amount of heat released by the reaction of the electrolyte and lithium deposited at the anode side. Overcharge accelerates the phase transition of cathode crystal structure from a layered rhombohedral structure (R-3m) to the disordered spinel (Fd-3m) phase, which reduces the thermal stability of LIBs. These findings provide a theoretical basis for material-level safe design to reduce the occurrence of thermal runaway. [Display omitted] •Estimating the heat contribution ratio of electrodes during thermal runaway.•Degradation mechanism of thermal stability of overcharged LIBs-material is revealed.•Characterization parameters and heat generated of the LIBs are investigated.
Diffusion of lithium ions in organic solvent solutions is important to the performance of lithium ion batteries. In this article, fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to study the diffusive behavior of LiPF6 electrolyte salt and propylene carbonate in solutions at different temperatures in direct comparison to experimental diffusivity data. Organic solutions at 1 M concentrations were considered at the operational conditions of Lithium ion batteries. We show that non-polarizable scaled charge force fields can predict, quantitatively, the diffusion of Li+ and PC solvent in a range of operational temperatures. Such type of force fields are much less computational demanding than polarizable or ReaxFF models. Diffusion follows an Arrhenius type of behavior. van Hove autocorrelation functions show a nonGaussian type of movement for ions and PC solvent. The Li+ is moving by a mixed-vehicular mechanism. Moreover, the nearest neighbour distances of the Li+- carbonyl oxygen in these PC solutions is predicted accurately using the scaled charges GAFF, in agreement to experiments. Furthermore, quantitative prediction of modeled ionic conductivity in comparison to experiments can be achieved in a range of temperatures. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A significant risk for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is fire and explosions caused by thermal runaway (TR). A TR model for LIBs with various states of charge (SOCs) can help design safer battery modules. In this work, the TR mechanism of a commercial Li[Ni5Co2Mn3]O2/graphite 18650 type cylindrical battery with various SOCs has been investigated through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests on the single and mixed components. Then, a three-dimensional (3D) TR model is developed to predict the battery TR behaviours under different SOCs. This model fits well with the accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC) test results of the batteries with various SOCs. Furthermore, the validated model and ARC experiment results are employed to investigate the TR mechanism of different SOC batteries. The results show that the reaction onset temperature for cathode-anode and anode-electrolyte roughly advances as the SOC increases and the reaction enthalpy of the cathode-anode, anode-electrolyte and cathode increases with the increase of SOC. Cathode-anode, anode-electrolyte are the main heat generation in the process of battery TR, and their proportion of heat generation will decrease with the decrease of SOC. •The battery thermal runaway mechanism with various SOCs are characterized by DSC tests and ARC tests.•Four exothermic reactions are determined as the dominant heat sources.•The model parameters of each reactions of the battery with various SOCs are obtained.•A three-dimensional thermal runaway model of the battery with various SOCs is established.
Oxides composed of an oxygen framework and interstitial cations are promising cathode materials for lithium‐ion batteries. However, the instability of the oxygen framework under harsh operating conditions results in fast battery capacity decay, due to the weak orbital interactions between cations and oxygen (mainly 3 d –2 p interaction). Here, a robust and endurable oxygen framework is created by introducing strong 4 s –2 p orbital hybridization into the structure using LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 oxide as an example. The modified oxide delivers extraordinarily stable battery performance, achieving 71.4 % capacity retention after 2000 cycles at 1 C. This work shows that an orbital‐level understanding can be leveraged to engineer high structural stability of the anion oxygen framework of oxides. Moreover, the similarity of the oxygen lattice between oxide electrodes makes this approach extendable to other electrodes, with orbital‐focused engineering a new avenue for the fundamental modification of battery materials. Strong molecular bonding formed by Ge 4 s and O 2 p orbitals contributes to a robust and endurable metal–oxygen framework of the spinel oxide structure, which is not achievable via common 3 d –2 p orbital hybridization alone, making the oxide cathodes exhibit extraordinarily stable electrochemical performance in lithium‐ion batteries.
The application of Li metal anodes in high energy-density batteries is hindered by the uncontrolled dendrite growth and rapid capacity fading. Herein, we demonstrate that dilithium phthalocyanine (Li2Pc) is highly effective for the regulation of ion solvation and transport towards dendrite-free Li metal anodes. The strong interactions of Li2Pc with the solvents generate an apparent solvation sheath surrounding the large phthalocyanine ligand, where the dipole-dipole interactions of the solvents are weakened. This promotes the anion solvation in the outer solvation sheath, which suppresses the mobility of the anions for apparently increased Li+ transference number and facilitates the dissociation of the solute for a higher ionic conductivity. The resulting uniform Li+ flux alleviates the space charge to impede the growth of dendrites. Stable Li plating/stripping of 800 h (1 mA cm(-2), 1 mAh cm(-2)) and dendrite-free Li deposition up to 10 mA cm(-2), 10 mAh cm(-2 )are achieved in Li/ Li cells and the Li/Cu cells exhibit a high average CE of 98.3% over 150 cycles at 1 mA cm(-2), 1 mAh cm(-2). Stable cycling of Li-S full cells at the condition of N:P = 2:1 are also demonstrated with high average CEs of 98.29%.
Solid-state electrolytes (SSEs) have been thrust into the limelight for the revival of energy-dense lithium metal batteries, but still face the challenge of failure caused by the dendrite penetration. Mounting evidence indicates that dendrite penetration is related to the mechanical failure in SSEs, which calls for mechanical engineering to tackle this problem. This work reports a proof of concept that ion implantation induced surface compressive stress enables resistance in the dendrite penetration. A deterministic sequential multiple ion energies implantation is used to generate compressive stress, with implanted Xe ions distributed in a range of 160-600 angstrom from the surface. The symmetric lithium cells show that pellets with an implantation dose of 10(13) Xe cm(-2) exhibit stable stripping/plating cycles and extended lifespan, while a lower dose of 10(12) Xe cm(-2) cannot create sufficient stress to prevent dendrite penetration, and an excessive dose of 10(14) Xe cm(-2) leads to structural destruction and a decrease in stress. This improved performance is attributed to the induced surface compressive stress balanced over crystal grains, which is confirmed by grazing incidence diffraction techniques. The author's efforts demonstrate the usefulness of surface compressive stress to suppress dendrite penetration, offering more insight into rational stress-strain engineering as opposed to empirical optimization.
As one of the most competitive candidates for the next-generation energy storage systems, the emerging rechargeable zinc metal battery (ZMB) is inevitably influenced by beyond-room-temperature conditions, resulting in inferior performances. Although much attention has been paid to evaluating the performance of ZMBs under extreme temperatures in recent years, most academic electrolyte research has not provided adequate information about physical properties or practical testing protocols of their electrolytes, making it difficult to assess their true performance. The growing interest in ZMBs is calling for in-depth research on electrolyte behavior under harsh practical conditions, which has not been systematically reviewed yet. Hence, in this review, we first showcase the fundamentals behind the failure of ZMBs in terms of temperature influence and then present a comprehensive understanding of the current electrolyte strategies to improve battery performance at harsh temperatures. Last, we offer perspectives on the advance of ZMB electrolytes toward industrial application. This work summarized the latest electrolyte progress on beyond room-temperature applications of zinc metal batteries.
High-level safety is of vital importance to the continuous pursuit of high-energy-density batteries in the increasingly electrified world. The thermal instability and dendrite-induced issues of conventional polypropylene (PP) separators often cause internal short circuits and thermal runaway in batteries. Herein, a thermally stable and dendrite-resistant separator (F-PPTA@PP) is constructed using a dual-functional and easy-to-commercialize design strategy of thermally safe poly-p-phenylene-terephthamide nanofibers and plasma-induced lithiophilic fluorine-containing groups. In situ thermal monitoring, in situ optical observation, and multiphysics simulation demonstrate that F-PPTA@PP can suppress thermal shrinkage of the separator and the formation of hotspots, and also promote uniform lithium deposition. Subsequently, lithium metal batteries are assembled, featuring an initial capacity of 194.1 mAh g(-1) at 0.5 C with a low-capacity attenuation of 0.02% per cycle over 1000 cycles. When operating under extreme conditions, i.e., -10 and 100 degrees C, ultrafast charging/discharging rates up to 30 C, lean electrolyte (2.4 mu L mg(-1))/high mass-loading (10.77 mg cm(-2)) or lithium-sulfur batteries, F-PPTA@PP separator still enables competitive electrochemical performance, highlighting its plausible processing scalability for high-safety energy storage systems.
Hypothesis: Essential oils (EOs) are common additives in daily products by virtue of their olfactory, physicochemical, and biological characteristics. However, EOs are physicochemically unstable and susceptible to degradation or loss, leading to limited shelf life and inadequate efficacy. Herein we propose a new bi-layered encapsulation structure in combination with complex coacervation and self-coating of polydopamine (PDA) on membrane emulsified mono-dispersion of EOs droplets.Experiments: A mono-dispersed EOs emulsion stabilized by nonionic surfactants was produced by membrane emulsification, wherein the EOs droplets were applied as soft templates to deposit a superficial PDA layer. Under alkaline conditions, gelatin (GE) was bound to the PDA layer and further applied as in situ coacervation sites for gum Arabic (GA). Structural identification and morphological observation proved the successful preparation of bi-layered EOs capsules.Findings: Compared with traditional complex coacervation strategies, current novel bi-layered capsules showed significantly improved structural stability, thermal stability, providing better protection of EOs with sustained release properties. Moreover, the encapsulation efficiency and loading content were both proved higher for the bi-layered system. The first report on PDA-coating onto surfactants-absorbed macroemulsion droplets also provides an in-depth insight into applying PDA as versatile intermediate functional biomaterials.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The development and optimization of high‐performance anode materials for alkali metal ion batteries is crucial for the green energy evolution. Atomic scale computational modeling such as density functional theory and molecular dynamics allows for efficient and adventurous materials design from the nanoscale, and have emerged as invaluable tools. Computational modeling cannot only provide fundamental insight, but also present input for multiscale models and experimental synthesis, often where quantities cannot readily be obtained by other means. In this review, an overview of three main anode classes; alloying, conversion, and intercalation‐type anodes, is provided and how atomic scale modeling is used to understand and optimize these materials for applications in lithium‐, sodium‐, and potassium‐ion batteries. In the last part of this review, a novel type of anode materials that are largely predicted from density functional theory simulations is presented. These 2D materials are currently in their early stages of development and are only expected to gain in importance in the years to come, both within the battery field and beyond, highlighting the ability of atomic scale materials design. Computational materials design has greatly accelerated the alkali‐ion battery field. This review shows that computational modeling is an integral part of the battery research environment and a powerful tool to support experimental studies, to unravel important atomic scale properties and features to gain fundamental understanding of properties and mechanisms that are challenging to obtain solely from experimental analysis and measurements.
Solute partition in multiphase fluids is an important thermodynamic phenomenon and performance attribute for a wide range of product formulations of foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Experimental evaluation of partition coefficients in complex product formulations is empirical, difficult and time consuming. In-silico methods such as fragment constant method and group contribution method require parameter fitting to the experimental data and are limited to relatively simple fluids. Recently, a method combining molecular dynamics (MD) and quantum chemical (QC) calculation of screening charge density function has been reported. The method does not only use fundamental properties of intermolecular force and charge density function, which does not require parameter fitting to the experimental data, but also applies to complex fluid structures such as micelles. In this work, the predictive accuracy of the combined method of MD and QC is evaluated. Using widely available octanol-water partition coefficients as a case study, the performance of the combined MD and COSMOmic for predicting octanol/water partition coefficients has been compared with those of the EPI Suite™ fragment constant method, UNIFAC group contribution method and COSMOtherm. The prediction of the combined MD/COSMOmic method is the closest to the best performing fragment constant method which was specifically designed for the octanol-water system. The combined MD/QC method proves to be the most promising and robust method applicable to a wide range of complex structures of multiphase fluid systems.
Nanocrystalline gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) was synthesized by a single step, low cost and environmentally friendly method using ammonium tartrate as an inexpensive, green and novel precipitant. The precipitate obtained during the process was calcined at 400 and 600 °C and the effect on the final microstructural properties of the powders of differing process variables were studied. The synthesized GDC samples were analysed using a range of different techniques, including XRD, TG/DSC, FESEM, STEM, and FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies. The thermal (TG/DSC), XRD and Raman spectroscopic analyses confirm the formation of a single crystalline phase with a cubic (fluorite) unit cell and formed at a low calcination temperature (400 °C). XRD profiles permitted estimation of crystallite sizes as
Rare earth oxides have shown great promise in a variety of applications in their own right, and as the building blocks of complex oxides. A great deal of recent interest has been focused on Sm₂O₃, which has shown significant promise as a high-k dielectric and as a ReRAM dielectric. Experimentally, these thin films range from amorphous, through partially crystalline, to poly-crystalline, dependent upon the synthetic conditions. Each case presents a set of modelling challenges that need to be defined and overcome. In this work, the problem of modelling amorphous Sm₂O₃ is tackled, developing an atomistic picture of the effect of amorphization on Sm₂O₃ from a structural and electronic structure perspective.
By the virtue of their olfactory, physicochemical, and biological characteristics, essential oils (EOs) have drawn wide attention as additives in daily chemicals like perfume or personal care products. Nevertheless, they are physicochemically unstable and susceptible to degradation or loss. Microencapsulation offers a feasible strategy to stabilize and prolong release of EO. This review summarizes the recognized benefits and functional properties of various preparation and characterization methods, wherein innovative fabrication strategies and their formation mechanisms are especially emphasized. Progress in combining detecting/measuring technologies with kinetic modelling are discussed, to give an integral approach of controlling the dynamic release of encapsulated EOs. Moreover, new development trends of EOs capsules are also highlighted.
Liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) is an important technique to separate aromatics from aliphatics since these compounds have very similar boiling points and cannot be separated by distillation. Ionic liquids (ILs) are considered as potential extractants to extract aromatics from aliphatics. In this paper, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to predict the extraction property (i.e., capacity and selectivity) of ILs for the LLE of aromatics from aliphatics. The extraction properties of seven different ILs including [C2mim][Tf2N], [C2mim][TFO], [C2mim][SCN], [C2mim][DCA], [C2mim][TCM], [C4mim][Tf2N], and [C8mim][Tf2N] were investigated. Results show that ILs with shorter alkyl chain cations and [Tf2N]− anion exhibit better extraction efficiency than other ILs, which is in agreement with previously reported experimental data on the extraction of toluene from aliphatics and further validated the reliability of the proposed model. The binding energies between ILs and organic molecules were calculated by the density functional theory, which help explain the different extraction behaviors of different ILs. The symmetry-adapted perturbation theory analysis was performed to further understand the interaction mechanisms between ILs and organics. Our study shows that the [Tf2N]− anion also has the best extraction capability for heavier aromatics (o-xylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene) from common aliphatics (heptane and octane). The MD modeling approach can be a low-cost in silico tool for the high-throughput fast screening of ILs for the LLE of aromatics from aliphatics.
The utilisation of ZIF-8 membrane with encapsulated ionic liquids (IL@ZIF-8 composite membrane) has been demonstrated as one of the most efficient approaches for CO2/CH4 separation. However, compared to pure ZIF-8 membrane, the mechanisms behind the CO2/CH4 selectivity enhancement caused by the encapsulation of ILs still remain indistinct. Here, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed to investigate the separation and diffusion of gas molecules in the IL@ZIF-8. The simulated results show that the selectivity enhancement is because the adsorbed CO2/CH4 ratio has been increased when ILs are encapsulated into ZIF-8. Detailed analysis indicates that the diffusion of CO2/CH4 molecules follows three different pathways of the hexagonal microstructure of IL@ZIF-8 composite, of which the route to the nearest composite cells (route I) has the highest possibility, and gives the smallest mean diffusion displacement. Lastly, the effect of CO2/CH4 ratio in the initial gas mixture has been explored, and we found that CO2/CH4 selectivity is related to the concentration of CO2, where three regions with different slopes have been classified. The diffusion mechanisms of CO2/CH4 in IL@ZIF-8 composite were investigated by MD simulations, including diffusion routes and effects of CO2 concentration. [Display omitted] •The diffusion mechanisms of CO2/CH4 molecules in IL@ZIF-8 composite were fully investigated by MD simulations.•A route with minimum length for gas molecules diffusion has been identified based the mean diffusion displacement analysis.•MD simulation reveals a general relationship between the CO2/CH4 selectivity and CO2 concentration.
The overcharge of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) can not only cause irreversible battery degradation and failure but also trigger detrimental thermal runaway. This paper presents a systematic investigation of the electrical and thermal behaviors of LIBs during overcharge up to thermal runaway, and reveals the underlying physical, structural, and chemical changes at each electrode at different stages of overcharge using microscopic and spectroscopy characterizations. The overcharge process of LIBs with Li(Ni0.6Mn0.2Co0.2)O2 cathodes can be divided into four stages. Stage I involves the decomposition of LiMnO2 and LiNiO2 to MnO and NiO, respectively, accompanied by a slight collapse of the cathode. During stage II, the cathode forms a relatively stable hexagonal phase H3 while Li plating occurs at the anode surface. Moreover, NiO and Ni(OH)2 decompose into metallic Ni and release a large amount of heat. During stage III, MnO2 is formed on the cathode, which is irreversibly damaged, and unstable substance LiH is formed on the anode, which accelerates thermal runaway onset. During stage IV, the battery ruptures at approximately 174% state of charge (SOC), followed by thermal runaway in just 20 s. During overcharge, the crystallinity of the cathode decreases with the increase of SOC. Upon charging LIBs to different SOCs, the side reactions produce different substances. The red mark represents the new substances that may be produced in each stage, which participate in the next reaction, and generate abundant heat and gas, eventually leading to thermal runaway. [Display omitted] •A comprehensive and systematic investigation of LIB overcharge behavior is presented.•The decomposition mechanism of the NMC311 cathode during overcharge is speculated.•The evolution of the electrode crystal structure during LIB overcharge is examined.•A four-stage degradation and failure process during LIB overcharge is revealed.•The findings help to understand the thermal runaway behavior during LIB overcharge.
Supercritical water (SCW) has been employed as an efficient activating agent for th preparation of activated carbon microspheres (P-ACS) with developed mesopores from phenolic-resin. Several processing factors that influenced the activation reaction, including activation temperature, activation duration, supercritical pressure and water flow rate were investigated. Increasing activation temperature and duration lead to larger porosity and higher specific surface area as demonstrated in the samples. Supercritical pressure change has little effect on the activation; however, there are indications that a slight increase in mesoporosity can be obtained when the pressure was raised to 36 MPa or higher. Higher water flow rate slightly enhanced the development of microporosity but had little effect on the mesoporosity. Compared with the traditional steam activation, SCW activation can produce P-ACS with more mesoporosity and higher mechanical strength. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fabricating the magnesium alloy with fine grains, low dislocation density, and weak grain orientation is of crucial importance to enhance its anode performance for primary aqueous battery. However, this structure mode can hardly be realized for bulk magnesium alloy via the conventional approaches such as plastic working. Herein, we construct an AZ31 magnesium alloy with ultrafine grains (667.28 ± 291.35 nm) by using the spark plasma sintering of the alloy powder that has been treated via high-energy ball milling. This alloy exhibits weak grain orientation and its dislocation density is not increased compared to the precursor alloy. Benefiting from the unique microstructure, the modified AZ31 displays significantly more active behaviour with enhanced capacity during the discharge of Mg-air battery, as compared with the precursor AZ31 that has the grain size of 472.89 ± 154.31 μm. Furthermore, the impact of ultrafine grains on the discharge behaviour is also analysed based on microstructure characterization and electrochemical response.
Anode materials with superior electrochemical performance are urgently needed for the development of sodium (Na)-ion batteries (NIBs). Ternary phosphides can deliver better electrochemical performance than binary counterparts due to the synergistic effect created by their multinary components. However, ternary phosphides can suffer from severe volume expansion during cycling due to their high crystallinity, leading to poor cycle performance. Here we, for the first time, synthesize the amorphous ternary phosphorus chalcogenide P4SSe2 compound, via a facile and scalable high energy ball milling method. This amorphous P4SSe2 compound shows great tolerance to volume expansion and fast kinetics, owing to its stepwise reaction and intermediate electrochemical products with superior conductivity. When applied as an anode for NIBs, the as-synthesized P4SSe2 delivers a reversible specific capacity of 1038 mA h g−1 with an initial coulombic efficiency up to 87%. Additionally, it shows more durable cycle life in the diglyme electrolyte than that in the EC:DEC electrolyte, which can be attributed to favorable molecular energy levels and stronger solvation energy, as confirmed by density functional theory calculations and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profile experiments, thus leading to the formation of an inorganic inner layer in solid electrolyte interphase films and preventing electrode material degradation from continuous side reactions with the electrolyte. Broadly, this study may excite more research interest in the synthesis of amorphous ternary phosphides and their application in the energy storage field.
Recently, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been utilized to investigate the barrier properties of human skin stratum corneum (SC) lipid bilayers. Different MD methods and force fields have been utilized, with predicted permeabilities varying by few orders of magnitude. In this work, we compare constrained MD simulations with restrained MD simulations to obtain the potential of the mean force and the diffusion coefficient profile for the case of a water molecule permeating across an SC lipid bilayer. Corresponding permeabilities of the simulated lipid bilayer are calculated via the inhomogeneous solubility diffusion model. Results show that both methods perform similarly, but restrained MD simulations have proven to be the more robust approach for predicting the potential of the mean force profile. Critical to both methods are the sampling of the whole trans-bilayer axis and the following symmetrization process. Re-analysis of the previously reported free energy profiles showed that some of the discrepancies in the reported permeability values is due to misquotation of units, while some are due to the inaccurately obtained potential of the mean force. By using the existing microscopic geometrical models via the intercellular lipid pathway, the permeation through the whole SC is predicted from the MD simulation results, and the predicted barrier properties have been compared to experimental data from the literature with good agreement.
Multiphase complex fluids such as micelles, microemulsions, and dispersions are ubiquitous in product formulations of foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and fine chemicals. Quantifying how active solutes partition in the microstructure of such multiphase fluids is necessary for designing formulations that can optimally deliver the benefits of functional actives. In this paper, we at first predict the structure of a heptane/butanol/sodium dodecyl sulfate droplet in water that self-assembled to form a microemulsion through the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and subsequently investigate the thermodynamic equilibrium of solute partitioning using COSMOmic. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the MD/COSMOmic approach is used for predicting solute partitioning in a microemulsion. The predicted partition coefficients are compared to experimental values derived from retention measurements of the same microemulsion. We show that the experimental data of droplet–water partition coefficients (Kdroplet/w) can be reliably predicted by the method that combines MD simulations with COSMOmic.
Apatite-type lanthanum silicate (LSO) electrolyte is one of the most promising candidates for developing intermediate-temperature solid oxide electrolysis cells and solid oxide full cells (IT-SOECs and SOFCs) due to its stability and low activation energy. However, the LSO electrolyte still suffers from unsatisfied ionic conductivity and low relative density. Here in this work, a novel co-doped method is reported to prepare highly purified polycrystalline powders of Mg-Mo co-doped LSO (Mg/Mo-LSO) electrolytes with high excellent densification properties and improved ionic conductivity. Introducing the Mo 6+ and Mg 2+ ions into the LSO structure can increase the number of interstitial oxide ions and improve the degree of densification at lower sintering temperatures, more importantly, expand the migration channel of oxide ions to enhance the ionic conductivity. As a result, the relative density of the fabricated Mo/Mg-LSO electrolytes pellets could achieve more than 98% of the theoretical density after sintering at 1500 ℃ for 4 h with a grain size of about 1-3 μm and the EIS results showed the ionic conductivity increased from 0.782 mS·cm-1 for the pristine LSO to 33.94 mS·cm-1 for the doped sample La 9.5 Si 5.45 Mg 0.3 Mo 0.25 O 26+δ at 800 ℃. In addition, the effect of different Mo 6+ doping contents was investigated systematically, in which La 9.5 Si 5.45 Mg 0.3 Mo 0.25 O 26+δ possessed the highest ionic conductivity and relative density. The proposed Mo/Mg co-doped method in this work is one step forward in developing apatite-structured electrolytes offering excellent potential to address the common issues associated with the fabrication of dense, highly conductive, and thermochemically stable electrolytes for solid oxide electrolysers and fuel cells.
Hard carbon anodes have shown significant promise for next‐generation battery technologies. These nanoporous carbon materials are highly complex and vary in structure depending on synthesis method, precursors, and pyrolysis temperature. Structurally, hard carbons are shown to consist of disordered planar and curved motifs, which have a dramatic impact on anode performance. Here, the impact of position on defect formation energy is explored through density functional theory simulations, employing a mixed planar bulk and curved surface model. At defect sites close to the surface, a dramatic decrease (≥50%) in defect formation energy is observed for all defects except the nitrogen substitutional defect. These results confirm the experimentally observed enhanced defect concentration at surfaces. Previous studies have shown that defects have a marked impact on metal storage. This work explores the interplay between position and defect type for lithium, sodium, and potassium adsorption. Regardless of defect location, it is found that the energetic contributions to the metal adsorption energies are principally dictated by the defect type and carbon interlayer distance.
Carbon nanofiber (CNF) papers have been widely used in many renewable energy systems, and the development of its catalytic function is of great significance and a major challenge. In this work, we pioneer a time- and cost-efficient strategy for the preparation of large-area flexible CNF films with uniformly distributed diatomic FeN3-CoN3 sites (Fe1Co1-CNF). Due to the excellent compatibility and similar functionality of the pre-designed ZnFeCo-NC precursors (ZnFeCo-pre) with the electrospun polymer polyacrylonitrile (PAN), the mixture of ZnFeCo-pre and PAN can be co-electrospun and subject to a standard CNF fabrication process. The resulting Fe1Co1-CNF exhibits excellent bifunctional catalytic performance for both oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), attributing to the abundant dual catalytic FeN3-CoN3 sites which are mutually beneficial for attaining optimal electronic properties for the adsorption/desorption of reaction intermediates. The assembled liquid-electrolyte ZAB provides a high specific power of 201.7 mW cm−2 and excellent cycling stability. More importantly, due to the good mechanical strength and flexibility of Fe1Co1-CNF, portable ZAB with exceptional shape deformability and stability can be demonstrated, in which Fe1Co1-CNF utility as an integrated free-standing membrane electrode. These findings provide a facile strategy for manufacturing flexible multi-functional catalytic electrodes with high production. [Display omitted] •Large-area self-standing flexible CNF film with diatomic Fe-Co sites was developed.•The diatomic Fe-Co sites render optimized adsorption of O-containing intermediates.•The Fe1Co1-CNF exhibits superior bifunctional ORR/OER performance.•The Fe1Co1-CNF shows great potential in liquid/flexible Zn-air battery.
In this paper, the computational parameters for a 3D model for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrodes developed to link the microstructure of the electrode to its performance are investigated. The 3D microstructure model, which is based on Monte Carlo packing of spherical particles of different types, can be used to handle different particle sizes and generate a heterogeneous network of the composite materials. Once formed, the synthetic electrodes are discretized into voxels (small cubes) of equal sizes from which a range of microstructural properties can be calculated, including phase volume fraction, percolation and three-phase boundary (TPB) length. Transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions taking place within the electrode are modelled so that the performance of the synthetic electrode can be predicted. The degree of microstructure discretization required to obtain reliable microstructural analysis is found to be related to the particle sizes used for generating the structure; the particle diameter should be at least 20-40 times greater than the edge length of a voxel. The structure should also contain at least 25 discrete volumes which are called volume-of-fluid (VOF) units for the purpose of transport and electrochemical modelling. To adequately represent the electrode microstructure, the characterized volume of the electrode should be equivalent to a cube having a minimum length of 7.5 times the particle diameter. Using the modelling approach, the impacts of microstructural parameters on the electrochemical performance of the electrodes are illustrated on synthetic electrodes. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To support the development of hydrogen production by high temperature electrolysis using solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), the effects of operating conditions on the performance of the SOECs were investigated using a one-dimensional model of a cathode-supported planar SOEC stack. Among all the operating parameters, temperature is the most influential factor on the performance of an SOEC, in terms of both cell voltage and operation mode (i.e. endothermic, thermoneutral and exothermic). Current density is another influential factor, in terms of both cell voltage and operation mode. For the conditions used in this study it is recommended that the SOEC be operated at 1,073 K and with an average current density of 10,000 A m , as this results in the stack operating at almost constant temperature along the cell length. Both the steam molar fraction at the inlet and the steam utilisation factor have little influence on the cell voltage of the SOEC but their influence on the temperature distribution cannot be neglected. Changes in the operating parameters of the SOEC can result in a transition between endothermic and exothermic operation modes, calling for careful temperature control. The introduction of air into the anode stream appears to be a promising approach to ensure small temperature variations along the cell. Copyright © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Electrode microstructure plays an important role in the performance of electrochemical energy devices including fuel cells and batteries. Building a clear understanding of how the performance is affected by the electrode microstructure is necessary to design the optimal electrode microstructure, to achieve better device performance. 3D microstructure modelling enables us to perform simulations directly on a 3D electrode microstructure and thus link structure with performance. This paper provides an extensive review on the current state of the art in 3D microstructure modelling of transport and electrochemical performance for four promising electrochemical energy technologies: solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), redox flow batteries (RFBs) and lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Each technology has different electrode microstructures and processes, and thus presents different challenges. The most commonly used modelling methods including the finite element method (FEM) and the finite volume method (FVM) are reviewed, together with the developing lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), with the advantages and disadvantages of each method revealed. Whilst FEM and FVM have been extensively applied in simulating SOFC and LIB electrodes where the methods are capable of dealing with single phase (gas or liquid) transport, they face challenges in simulating the multiphase phenomenon present in PEMFC and some RFB electrodes. LBM is, on the other hand, well suited in simulating gas-liquid two phase flow and applications in PEMFCs and RFBs, as well as single-phase phenomenon in SOFCs and LIBs. The review also points to current challenges in 3D microstructure modelling, including the simulations of nanoscale gas transport and phase transition, moving interfaces associated with structural changes, accurate reactions kinetics, experimental validation, and how to make 3D microstructure modelling truly impactful through the design of better electrochemical devices.
The performance of metal-ion batteries at low temperatures and their fast charge/discharge rates are determined mainly by the electrolyte (ion) transport. Accurate transport properties must be evaluated for designing and/or optimization of lithium-ion and other metal-ion batteries. In this review, we report and discuss experimental and atomistic computational studies on ion transport, in particular, ion diffusion/dynamics, transference number, and ionic conductivity. Although a large number of studies focusing on lithium-ion transport in organic liquids have been performed, only a few experimental studies have been conducted in the organic liquid electrolyte phase for other alkali metals that are used in batteries (such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc.). Atomistic computer simulations can play a primary role and predict ion transport in organic liquids. However, to date, atomistic force fields and models have not been explored and developed exhaustively to simulate such organic liquids in quantitative agreement to experimental measurements.
Constructing the M-N-C (M = Fe, Co, etc.) with meso- and macroporous structures is an effective strategy for designing the high-performance catalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). However, these structures can hardly be achieved via the pyrolysis of classic metal-organic frameworks. Herein, we prepare the CoFe nanoparticles with surface oxides dispersed in Co/Fe-N-C support via carbonizing melamine and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid chelated with metal ions. This hybrid exhibits high proportions of meso- and macropores along with excellent ORR catalytic activity, as evidenced by the half-wave potentials of 0.91 and 0.61 V (vs. RHE) in 0.1 M KOH and 3.5 wt% NaCl, respectively. The Al/Mg-air batteries with this catalyst exhibit superior performance to those employing Pt/C, primarily derived from the enlarged pore diameters and the exposed ORR active sites substantially enhancing the air-electrode performance. Our study provides an avenue to broaden the pore sizes of M-N-C for boosting its ORR catalytic activity. •The hybrid catalyst composed of CoFe nanoparticles and Co/Fe-N-C support is prepared.•This hybrid has high ratios of meso- and macropores with exposed ORR active sites.•Excellent ORR catalytic activity is achieved due to the unique structure of hybrid.•The Al/Mg-air batteries with hybrid exhibit better performance than those with Pt/C.
Modelling the electrochemical and thermal behaviours of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is complicated by their multi-unit jellyroll structure. To evaluate the accuracy of cylindrical LIB models, eight electrochemical-thermal models (ECT) with different levels of fidelity and dimensionality (from one-dimensional (1D) to three-dimensional (3D) electrochemical and thermal models) are established for a Li[Ni8Co1Mn1]O2/graphite 18,650 type cylindrical LIB. The effect of different levels of model simplification on the predicted LIB thermal and electrochemical characteristics are compared under different discharge and cooling rates. Non-uniformity indexes are also introduced to compare the differences between the eight models for predicting electrochemical reactions and heat generation non-uniformity. The accuracy and computation time of different models are compared, and the applicable scope of different models is discussed comprehensively. Furthermore, the non-uniformity mechanism inside the battery are also analysed. The present work can be used to help other researchers select appropriate electrochemical thermal models under different applicable conditions and study the battery thermal management system.
Alkali metal ion batteries are instrumental in the widespread implementation of electric vehicles, portable electronics, and grid energy storage. From experimental characterisation of hard carbons, these carbon anodes were shown to contain a variety of functional groups. Through density functional theory simulations, the effect of functional groups (O, OH, NH2, and COOH) on edges and basal plane surfaces of carbonaceous materials on the adsorption of lithium, sodium, and potassium are investigated. These simulations show that the functionalisation of H-terminated edges and curved surfaces rather than basal planes is more energetically favourable and thus more likely to be present. Comparison of experimental FTIR and computational vibrational frequency analysis confirmed the occurrence of the investigated functional groups (O, OH, NH2, and COOH) in the synthesised hard carbon materials. Metal adsorption on the functionalised models showed that adsorption energies were stronger on the functionalised basal plane in comparison to the functionalised edge sites and contribute to the metal ion immobilization and consequent irreversible capacity loss. The metal adsorption on the curved surface was further improved by the addition of functional groups, benefitting the initial lithiation/sodiation/potassiation of the carbon anode. Hence, the morphology of the functionalised carbon systems plays an important role in the charge/discharge performance of carbonaceous anodes.
•Non-precious catalysts for production of syngas from CO2 dry reforming of methane.•Extensive review of Ni-based bimetallic and transition metal phosphides.•Fundamental mechanisms of anti-coking and stability of catalysts in DRM reactions.•Recommendation of future research directions in non-precious catalysts for DRM. It is worthwhile to invest in the development of CO2 reforming of methane, as it presents a promising alternative for transforming two global warming gases into a very versatile product such as syngas. A syngas rich feed gas presents extensive prospects for existing downstream industrial processes for producing valuable fuels and chemicals. The commercialization of the DRM process greatly depends upon the development of low cost, non-precious transition metal-based catalysts, to provide a desirable balance between catalytic activity and stability. In this review, the progress in the advancements of non-precious catalytic materials have been discussed from a theoretical point of view. A theoretical perspective gives an opportunity to gain fundamental information at the atomic level, such as the interaction of reaction intermediates with particular crystal facets (typically active sites in the reaction), combined with electronic structure insights, directly influencing the kinetic behaviour of the catalyst system. Theoretical insights into the DRM reaction mechanisms on non-precious Ni-based bimetallic and transition metal phosphide catalysts are extensively discussed, together with the mitigation mechanisms to avoid carbon deposition and catalyst deactivation under DRM reaction conditions. Prospects of future development of DRM are also provided, highlighting the importance of computational chemistry studies in the development of the next-generation advanced DRM catalysts.
Voltage plateau is an eigenvalue associated with the electrochemical reaction and hence a feasible tool for real-time detection of the state of charge in batteries. The variation of voltage plateau generally relates to the degradation of batteries, indicating the changes in the structure and/or the composition of electrode materials. In this work, we focus on a voltage plateau variation in a bismuth-potassium cell, investigating the electrode evolutions by two in situ methodologies. The phase transition reveals an intermediate phase in the reaction process, featuring a very limited but constant mass fraction. An irreversible structural collapse that follows leads to the exponential magnifying of the intermediate phase, taking responsibility for the distinct diffraction peaks and new voltage plateaus in the following cycles. This reaction mechanism builds the bridge between voltage plateau variation and electrode evolution, highlighting a combined effect of intermediate phase and structural collapse.
Progression of computational resources towards exascale computing makes possible simulations of unprecedented accuracy and complexity in the fields of materials and molecular modelling (MMM), allowing high fidelity in silico experiments on complex materials of real technological interest. However, this presents demanding challenges for the software used, especially the exploitation of the huge degree of parallelism available on exascale hardware, and the associated problems of developing effective workflows and data management on such platforms. As part of the UKs ExCALIBUR exascale computing initiative, the UK-led MMM Design and Development Working Group has worked with the broad MMM community to identify a set of high priority application case studies which will drive future exascale software developments. We present an overview of these case studies, categorized by the methodological challenges which will be required to realize them on exascale platforms, and discuss the exascale requirements, software challenges and impact of each application area.
Lithium-rich oxides have been considered as one of the most promising cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries due to the competitively high specific capacity contributed by both anionic and cationic redox reactions. Recent years have witnessed the successful achievements of lithium-rich oxides with layered structure due to their high capacity. More recently, another new class of lithium-rich oxides with disordered-rocksalt structure has been demonstrated to possess high capacity and high energy density with moderate structural changes during cycling. A comprehensive comparison and greater fundamental understanding of these two classes of lithium-rich oxides have not been achieved, however, which has greatly hindered the further application of these lithium-rich materials. Herein, an overview of the lithium-rich oxide cathode materials, including the conventional layered and the emerging disordered structure, is provided. Their structural characteristics, mechanisms of anionic redox reactions, and lithium diffusion pathways are systematically summarized. The key challenges to practical application and related strategies to enhance the electrochemical performance of the lithium-rich oxide cathodes are also discussed. At the end, the possible directions for the future development of the lithium-rich oxide cathodes are outlined.
Hydrogen is regarded as a leading candidate for alternative future fuels. Solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOEC) may provide a cost-effective and green route to hydrogen production especially when coupled to a source of renewable electrical energy. Developing an understanding of the response of the SOEC stack to transient events that may occur during its operation with intermittent electricity input is essential before the realisation of this technology. In this paper, a one-dimensional (1D) dynamic model of a planar SOEC stack has been employed to study the dynamic behaviour of such an SOEC and the prospect for stack temperature control through variation of the air flow rate. Step changes in the average current density from 1.0 to 0.75, 0.5 and 0.2 A/cm have been imposed on the stacks, replicating the situation in which changes in the supply of input electrical energy are experienced, or the sudden switch-off of the stack. Such simulations have been performed both for open-loop and closed-loop cases. The stack temperature and cell voltage are decreased by step changes in the average current density. Without temperature control via variation of the air flow rate, a sudden fall of the temperature and the cell potential occurs during all the step changes in average current density. The temperature excursions between the initial and final steady states are observed to be reduced by the manipulation of the air flow rate. Provided that the change in the average current density does not result in a transition from exothermic to endothermic operation of the SOEC, the use of the air flow rate to maintain a constant steady-state temperature is found to be successful. © 2010 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
CO2/CH4 separation using ionic liquids (ILs) encapsulated metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), especially ZIF-8, has shown promise as a new technique for separating CO2 from CH4. However, the mechanisms behind the high CO2/CH4 selectivity of the method remain indistinct. Here we report the progress of understanding the mechanisms from examining the ZIF-8 aperture configuration variation using DFT and MD simulations. The results indicate that the pristine aperture configuration exhibits the best separation performance, and the addition of ILs prevents the apertures from large swing (i.e. configuration variation). Subsequently, the effect of IL viscosity on the ZIF-8 configuration variation was investigated. MD simulations also show that the pristine aperture configuration is more stabilized by ILs with large viscosity (0-87Cp). Further increase of IL viscosity above 87Cp did not result in noticeable changes in the aperture stability.
A novel amorphous phosphorus chalcogenide (a-P4SSe2) compound as anode material delivers excellent electrochemical performance for lithium-ion batteries, owing to its isotropic nature, synergetic effect and unique reaction mechanism. [Display omitted] The ever-increasing demands for modern energy storage applications drive the search for novel anode materials of lithium (Li)-ion batteries (LIBs) with high storage capacity and long cycle life, to outperform the conventional LIBs anode materials. Hence, we report amorphous ternary phosphorus chalcogenide (a-P4SSe2) as an anode material with high performance for LIBs. Synthesized via the mechanochemistry method, the a-P4SSe2 compound is endowed with amorphous feature and offers excellent cycling stability (over 1500 mA h g−1 capacity after 425 cycles at 0.3 A g−1), owing to the advantages of isotropic nature and synergistic effect of multielement forming Li-ion conductors during battery operation. Furthermore, as confirmed by ex situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), the a-P4SSe2 anode material has a reversible and multistage Li-storage mechanism, which is extremely beneficial to long cycle life for batteries. Moreover, the autogenous intermediate electrochemical products with fast ionic conductivity can facilitate Li-ion diffusion effectively. Thus, the a-P4SSe2 electrode delivers excellent rate capability (730 mA h g−1 capacity at 3 A g−1). Through in situ electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) measurements, it can be revealed that the resistances of charge transfer (Rct) and solid electrolyte interphase (RSEI) decrease along with the formation of Li-ion conductors whilst the ohmic resistance (RΩ) remains unchanged during the whole electrochemical process, thus resulting in rapid reaction kinetics and stable electrode to obtain excellent rate performance and cycling ability for LIBs. Moreover, the formation mechanism and electrochemical superiority of the a-P4SSe2 phase, and its expansion to P4S3−xSex (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) family can prove its significance for LIBs.
We investigate sulfur infiltration and formation of lower order allotropes in heated porous hosts during fabrication of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery cathodes. Sulfur existence in cathode ultramicropores has been an important question for Li-S batteries, as ultramicropores reduce the polysulfides " shuttle effect " but also delay sulfur dissolution and Li + ion diffusion in the trapped solid sulfur. A novel continuum-level model is presented including heat transfer and sulfur infiltration, either from the top of a porous host or from the porous host particle surface, and taking into account the pore size distribution. A novel decay factor in modeling sulfur infiltration incorporates the pore wall repulsion energy and allotrope formation energy (predicted by density functional theory [DFT] simulations). Simulations are performed for a microporous carbon fabric host and an activated carbon powder host with bimodal micropore and macropore size distribution , with Raman and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) spectroscopy confirming the predicted existence of linear S 6 and S 4 in ultramicropores. K E Y W O R D S lithium-sulfur batteries, melt and vapor infiltration, pore size distribution in cathode, sulfur allotropes 1 | INTRODUCTION Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have been in the research focus in the last decade because of their high theoretical energy density, 2510 Wh kg À1 , abundance and low toxicity of sulfur. 1 Intensive effort has been devoted on the cathode, where sulfur is incorporated in a porous conductive host with the aim for the host to not only enhance electronic conductivity but also allow for cathode expansion on the insertion of Li + ions and formation of polysulfides Li 2 S x during discharge. 2 Additionally, effective cathode hosts offer means to trap the sulfur and polysulfides to limit polysulfide shuttling between cathode and anode, which would cause reduction in capacity and coulombic efficiency. 3,4 Suitable microstructural architectures, including small pores, pores with necks and hollow particles, 5,6 and hosts functionalized with chemical groups with high adsorption energy to sulfur and sulfides 7 can provide such good traps. Additional specifications for host porosity and pore size distribution (PSD) target a sulfur mass greater than 5 mg cm À2 , making up at least 70% of the cathode weight, to realize the high theoretical energy density of Li-S batteries. 8 There is a vast range of porous host material candidates for Li-S battery cathodes: porous carbons, 5,6,9 activated carbon (AC) fabrics or fibers, 10,11 graphene and graphene oxide, 12–15 and
Hybridizing a fuel cell with an energy storage unit (battery or supercapacitor) combines the advantages of each device to deliver a system with high efficiency, low emissions, and extended operation compared to a purely fuel cell or battery/supercapacitor system. However, the benefits of such a system can only be realised if the system is properly designed and sized, based on the technologies available and the application involved. In this work we present a sizing-design methodology for hybridisation of a fuel cell with a battery or supercapacitor for applications with a cyclic load profile with two discrete power levels. As an example of the method's application, the design process for selecting the energy storage technology, sizing it for the application, and determining the fuel load/range limitations, is given for an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). A system level mass and energy balance shows that hydrogen and oxygen storage systems dominate the mass and volume of the energy system and consequently dictate the size and maximum mission duration of a UUV. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effective conductivity of a thick-film solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrode is an important characteristic used to link the microstructure of the electrode to its performance. A 3D resistor network model that has been developed to determine the effective conductivity of a given SOFC electrode microstructure, the Resistor Network or ResNet model, is introduced in this paper. The model requires the discretization of a 3D microstructure into voxels, based on which a mixed resistor network is drawn. A potential difference is then applied to this network and yields the corresponding currents, allowing the equivalent resistance and hence conductivity of the entire structure to be determined. An overview of the ResNet modeling methodology is presented. The approach is general and can be applied to structures of arbitrary complexity, for which appropriate discretization resolutions are required. The validity of the model is tested by applying it to a set of model structures and comparing calculated effective conductivity values against analytical results. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.