Dr Anh Phan
Dr Anh Phan is Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at University of Surrey. Her research builds on thermodynamics and transport knowledge, acquired in the Chemical Engineering curriculum, using synergistical combination of analytical theory and advanced simulation techniques (ranging in scale from the atomic, molecular, to the coarse-grained levels) to quantify how interfaces affect the properties of fluids. While this research is fundamental, its goal is to uncover the structure-function relations that connect these level observations to large-scale applications.
Before joining Surrey, she was a post-doctoral research associate in the Chemical Engineering Department at University College London (UCL) from July 2018 to December 2021, where she contributed to the Horizon 2020 project Science4CleanEnergy (S4CE) and the hydrate management project in collaboration with Colorado School of Mines. Before UCL, she was a Research Scientist in Institute of High-Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore, from June 2017 to June 2018. She was awarded her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from UCL in 2016. She is also familiar with the US academic and research environment, as she was a graduate student at The University of Oklahoma from 2011 to 2013.
ResearchResearch interests
Using advanced simulation techniques, research interests focus on understanding of fundamental phenomena related to fluid–rock interactions for various applications, e.g., CO2 capture storage, gas storage, seawater desalination, membrane separation for wastewater treatment, unconventional hydrocarbon productions, enhanced oil recovery, hydrate management, etc.
Research interests
Using advanced simulation techniques, research interests focus on understanding of fundamental phenomena related to fluid–rock interactions for various applications, e.g., CO2 capture storage, gas storage, seawater desalination, membrane separation for wastewater treatment, unconventional hydrocarbon productions, enhanced oil recovery, hydrate management, etc.
ENG2113 - Reaction Engineering and Numerical Methods
ENG3193 - Design Project
- A. Phan, M. Stamatakis, C. A. Koh, A. Striolo, Surface morphology effects on clathrate hydrate wettability, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2022), 611, 421.
- H. M. Stoner, A. Phan, M. Stamatakis, A. Striolo, C. A. Koh, Water Wettability Coupled with Film Growth on Realistic Cyclopentane Hydrate Surfaces, Langmuir (2021), 37, 12447.
- A. Phan, M. Stamatakis, C. A. Koh, A. Striolo, Correlating Antiagglomerant Performance with Gas Hydrate Cohesion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021), 13, 40002.
- A. Phan, H. Schlösser, A. Striolo, Molecular Mechanisms by which Tetrahydrofuran Affects CO2 Hydrate Growth: Implications for Carbon Storage, Chemical Engineering Journal (2021), 418, 129423.
- A. Phan, A. Striolo, Aqueous Films on Pore Surfaces Mediate Adsorption and Transport of Gases through Crowded Nanopores, The Journal of Chemical Physics (2021), 154, 094706.
- A. Phan, D. Fan, A. Striolo, Fluid transport through heterogeneous pore matrices: Multiscale simulation approaches, Physics of Fluids (2020), 32, 101301.
- A. Phan, A. Striolo, Evidence of Facilitated Transport in Crowded Nanopores, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2020), 11(5), 1814-1821. Covert Art.
- D. Fan, A. Phan, A. Striolo, Accurate permeability prediction in tight gas rocks via lattice Boltzmann simulations with an improved boundary condition, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (2020), 73, 103049.
- A. Striolo, A. Phan, M.R. Walsh, Molecular properties of interfaces relevant for clathrate hydrate agglomeration, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering (2019), 25, 57-66.
- A. Phan, A. Striolo, Methane transport through hierarchical silica micro-mesoporous materials: From non-equilibrium atomistic simulations to phenomenological correlations, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2019), 288, 109559.
- T. Bui, A. Phan, D.R. Cole, A. Striolo, Transport Mechanism of Guest Methane in Water-Filled Nanopores, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2017), 121(29), 15675-15686. Covert Art.
- T. Bui, A. Phan, D. Monteiro, Q. Lan, M. Ceglio, E. Acosta, P. Krishnamurthy, A. Striolo, Evidence of Structure-Performance Relation for Surfactants used as Anti-Agglomerants for Hydrate Management, Langmuir (2017), 33(9), 2263-2274.
- A. Phan, D.R. Cole, R.G. Weiß, J. Dzubiella, A. Striolo, Confined Water Determines Transport Properties of Guest Molecules in Narrow Pores, ACS Nano (2016), 10(8), 7646-7656.
- A. Phan, T. Bui, E. Acosta, P. Krishnamurthy, A. Striolo, Molecular mechanisms responsible for hydrate anti-agglomerant performance, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2016), 18(36), 24859-24871. Cover Art.
- A. Phan, D.R. Cole, A. Striolo, Factors governing the behaviour of aqueous methane in narrow pores, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (2016), 374, 20150019.
- Y. Hu, D. Devegowda, A. Striolo, A. Phan, T.A. Ho, R. Sigal, The impact of pore size and kerogen maturity on the behavior of water in organic kerogen nanopores in shales, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (2015), Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Y. Hu, D. Devegowda, A. Striolo, A. Phan, T.A. Ho, F. Civan, R. Sigal, The dynamics of hydraulic fracture water confined in nano-pores in shale reservoirs, Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources (2015), 9, 31-39.
- A. Phan, D.R. Cole, A. Striolo, Preferential Adsorption from Liquid Water-Ethanol mixtures in Alumina Pores, Langmuir (2014), 30 (27), 8066-8077.
- A. Phan, D.R. Cole, A. Striolo, Aqueous Methane in Slit-Shaped Silica Nanopores: High Solubility and Traces of Hydrates, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014), 118 (9), 4860-4868.
- Y. Hu, D. Devegowda, A. Striolo, A. Phan, T.A. Ho, F. Civan, R.F. Sigal, Microscopic dynamics of water and hydrocarbon in shale-kerogen pores of potentially mixed wettability, SPE Journal (2014), 20 (01), 112-124.
- D.R. Cole, S. Ok, A. Phan, G. Rother, A. Striolo, L. Vlcek, Carbon-bearing Fluids at Nanoscale Interfaces, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2013), 7, 175-178.
- D. Argyris, A. Phan, P.D. Ashby, A. Striolo, Hydration Structure at the a-Al2O3 (0001) Surface: Insights from Experimental AFM Force Spectroscopy Data and Atomistic Molecular Simulations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117 (20), 10433-10444.
- Y. Hu, D. Devegowda, A. Striolo, T.A. Ho, A. Phan, F. Civan, R.F. Sigal, A pore scale study of slickwater systems in shale reservoirs: Implications for frac-water distribution and produced water salinity, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (2013), Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Y. Hu, D. Devegowda, A. Striolo, T.A. Ho, A. Phan, F. Civan, R.F. Sigal, A pore scale study describing the dynamics of slickwater distribution in shale gas formations following hydraulic fracturing, SPE Unconventional Resources Conference-USA (2013), Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- A. Phan, D.R. Cole, A. Striolo, Liquid Ethanol Simulated on Crystalline Alpha Alumina, Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2013), 117 (14), 3829-3840.
- D.R. Cole, S. Ok, A. Striolo, A. Phan, Hydrocarbon Behavior at Nanoscale Interfaces, in ‘Carbon in the Earth’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, R.M. Hazen, R.J. Hemley, A. Jones, and J. Barross Editors, 2012.
- A. Phan, T.A. Ho, D.R. Cole, A. Striolo, Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Thin Water Films at Metal Oxide Surfaces: Magnesium, Aluminum, and Silicon Oxide Surfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2012), 116 (30), 15962-15973. Cover Art.