
Dr Vasanth Kumar Kannuchamy

Lecturer of Chemical and Process Engineering
PhD (India), PhD (Portugal)

Academic and research departments

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.



In the media

Fundamentals of crystallisation and process analytical technology (PAT):  I created lecture videos on the fundamentals of crystallisation and process analytical technology (PAT) which is available to the general public via YouTube. These videos were created to deliver chemical engineering lectures on the topic of 'crystallisation' an important unit operation which is widely used in pharmaceutical industries to active pharmaceutical ingreidents (e.g., ibuprofen, paracetamol, curcumin, etc). These lecture videos were created using my research experience on this topic. As part of the lecture series, I generated problems on crystallisation in the classroom based on the results obtained from the virtual experiments on nucleation of salicylic acid and crystal growth of paracetamol. I created two play-lists (lecture videos were created by me): (1) First play-list: You will learn about the defenition of crystallisation, purpose of crystallisation, crystallisation mechanism at molecular level, solubility, Meta Stable Zone Width (MSZW), imporantance of solubility and MSZW in crystallisation, defenition for supersaturation, nucleation, classical nucleation theory (CNT), full derivation of a classical nucleation theory, a probability model that is commonly used to obtain nucleation rate, a model (research grade) crystal growth experiment on crystallisation assisted by the Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tools that includes FBRM, FTIR and PVM, importance of PAT  and how to design a crystal growth experiment. Link to play list 1 (2) In the second play-list:  I showed a laboratory (research grade) nucleation experiment on the nucleation of salicylic acid and showed how to obtain the nucleation rate and how to use a classical nucleation theory to obtain important parameters that are relevant to crystallisation/nucleation (surface energy and prenucleation factor). Link to play list 2 Note: These lecture series were made with an intention to deliver chemical engineering science from a researcher point of view rather than providing students the text-book material.  The PDF of the hand-written notes is available upon request.  


Research interests

Indicators of esteem


    Postgraduate research supervision


    Additional publications