Dr Achala Gupta

Research Fellow
PhD in Sociology


Areas of specialism

Sociology of Education; Educational Studies; Shadow education research

University roles and responsibilities

  • Research Fellow at ERC-funded Eurostudents project (http://eurostudents.net/)
  • Undergraduate thesis supervision

    My qualifications

    Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology) [Research and teaching]
    National University of Singapore
    Master of Philosophy (Educational Research) [Research]
    St. John’s College, University of Cambridge
    Master of Population Studies [Research]
    International Institute for Population Sciences
    Master of Arts (Social Work) [Research and Practice]
    Tata Institute of Social Sciences


    Research interests

    Research projects




    Gupta, A. (2021). Social legitimacy of private tutoring: an investigation of institutional and affective educational practices in India, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 

    Gupta, A. (2020). Heterogeneous middle-class and disparate educational advantage: parental investment in their children’s schooling in Dehradun, IndiaBritish Journal of Sociology of Education41(1), 48-63.

    Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S., Abrahams, J., & Lažetić, P. (2020). Students as political actors? Similarities and differences across six European nationsBritish Educational Research Journal. [open-access]

    Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S., Abrahams, J. (2020) Students’ understanding of the purpose of higher education: a comparative analysis of six European countriesHigher Education Research and Development. [open-access]

    Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S., Lainio, A. (2020) Students in Marketised Higher Education Landscapes: An introduction. Sociological Research Online. [open-access]

    Gupta, A. (2019). Teacher-entrepreneurialism: a case of teacher identity formation in neo-liberalising education space in contemporary IndiaCritical Studies in Education.


    Please get in touch for the full list of publications.