Dawn Brenchley
My research project
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Young Fathers with a History of Domestic Violence in their ChildhoodResearching the lived experiences of young fathers with a history of domestic abuse in childhood. Supported by a full time studentship awarded by South East Doctoral Training ARC (SEDarc). https://www.sedarc.ac.uk/
Researching the lived experiences of young fathers with a history of domestic abuse in childhood. Supported by a full time studentship awarded by South East Doctoral Training ARC (SEDarc). https://www.sedarc.ac.uk/
My qualifications
2009 - 2012
Grade: 2:1
2006 - 2008
Experienced Registered Nurse, Family Nurse and Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor). Most recent focus on supporting the needs of young parents and children through the Family Nurse Partnership Programme.
My previous role as Family Nurse Supervisor for Hampshire’s Family Nurse Partnership Programme included leadership of the team, fulfilment of the FNP service as part of the 0-19 public health nursing programme , developing and writing policy, leadership of high impact areas for health visiting , facilitation of weekly supervision for Family Nurses, developing significant expertise in safeguarding infants, children, and adults.
As a former Specialist Health Visitor in Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, I have an established background in supporting vulnerable families including knowledge and understanding of the mental health needs and emotional wellbeing of mothers, fathers, children and infants.
My professional experience extends beyond the NHS, where I successfully created and led patient support programmes. Creation and facilitation of advisory boards and advocating for the voice of patients. This was by collaborating with third-party organisations through a multi-agency approach, working within the Pharmaceutical Industry for many years.
MSc research published: https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/johv.2019.7.9.442