Teams that advance Open Research at Surrey
The Library's Open Research, Content and Faculty Engagement teams work in partnership with staff and students from faculties across the University to create the Open Research community at Surrey.
The following teams consist of experts both in their field and in their particular area of Open Research. So they will advance, support, and facilitate Open Research at Surrey holistically, while also being equipped to find the most helpful answer for your specific needs. You can also find details of our Open Research Champions.
For help and enquiries, email openresearch@surrey.ac.uk. No matter how complex or niche, your enquiry will be directed to the right person.
Library and Learning Services
Open Research team

Dr Eleonora Gandolfi
UKRN Institutional Lead / Associate Director (Research and Innovation)
Areas of expertise: developing Open Research strategies, Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Digital Scholarship, FAIR and Open Data, Copyright
I have a PhD in Digital Heritage from King's College London looking at the contribution of Libraries in preserving and making Heritage collections, Open Educational Resources, and Research outputs discoverable and easily reusable by everyone.
In my current role, I am working with colleagues across the University to embed Open Research practices across the student and research lifecycle.
Twitter handle: eleonorag1

Dr Montserrat Rodriguez-Marquez
Open Research Manager (Infrastructure and Open Content)
Areas of expertise: setting up and developing Open Research services, Open Access publishing and transitional agreements, ORCID/identifiers, e-theses
I have a PhD in Translation Studies from the University of Surrey. I worked on Open Access for 10 years, before taking on the joint role of Open Research manager. In my current role I am responsible for team management and strategy for all Open Research services, with a focus on infrastructure and open content.
Over the years I led the development of the e-theses policies and service, set up the OA publishing service (APCs), and delivered several infrastructure projects.
In my current role, I am excited to contribute to the transition to fairer OA publishing, and to help develop seamless infrastructure for Open Research.
Twitter handle: @SurreyOR

Dr Michelle Willows
Research Data Librarian
Areas of expertise: All aspects of Research Data Management from initial data planning and collection, through to storage, sharing and final archiving/preservation including the generation of Data Management Plans and provision of training
I have a PhD in high velocity impact of composites from the Aeronautics Department at Imperial College and have worked for them as a consultant (ICON) on various EU and DSTL funded programmes. Most of my career has been ensconced in science/technology whilst working at BAeSEMA, Logica and QinetiQ on large scale National and EU collaborative programmes, where I performed complex numerical modelling simulations generating substantial quantities of data. More recently I have joined the Open Research Team at the University of Surrey where I now advise on all aspects of research data management ranging from more general enquiries regarding our repository to specific metadata creation for a variety of outputs including papers/articles, datasets, software code, etc. I also help generate and review of Data Management Plans both for grant applications/bids and research deliverables.

Greg Tank
Content Coordinator (Open Access)
Areas of expertise: Open Access, publisher agreements, article processing charges (APCs), and the University repository
I joined the Content Team at the start of 2022 having previously worked in the library for ten years in the Customer Services team. As Content Coordinator (Open Access) I work with both the Content and Open Research Teams. My aim is to help us lead a joined-up approach to all areas of our work including enquiry management and assessing publisher agreements.

Sabrina Flamenco
Content Assistant
Areas of expertise: Open Access
I joined the library in November 2020. My focus is on Open Access including APCs, repository deposits and e-theses.

Clive Harris
Content Assistant
Areas of expertise: Creation and editing of records and metadata in the University repository, including journal articles, conference papers and e-theses
I joined the Open Research team in 2016. Since then, my main area of responsibility has been the processing of papers and e-theses submitted to the repository.
Content and Faculty Engagement team

Carley Stirups
Faculty Librarian (FASS)
Areas of expertise: Supporting academic staff and postgraduate researchers with their teaching, research and learning requirements, and developing our library collections in line with these.
I joined the Faculty Librarian team in January 2023, after spending the past 8 years working as the Library Customer Services Team Leader, responsible for front of house operations. Open Research is a fairly new area for me, so I’m looking forward to working with colleagues across the University in partnership with our Open Research team to help showcase the benefits of Open Research practices.

Erin Bloxsidge
Faculty Librarian (FHMS)
Areas of expertise: Search strategy design, advanced database searching techniques, analysis of literature search results to identify: subject area funders, potential collaborators, prominent authors and affiliated research centres.
In my role as Faculty Librarian and drawing on my background in higher education libraries for over 8 years, I support researchers in discovering the many benefits of Open Research practices. I provide training offered via the Doctoral College’s Researcher Development Programme and guidance on search strategy design and reporting, encouraging researchers to adopt methods that will enhance the discoverability, transparency and reproducibility of their work.
UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) at Surrey Team

Dr Eleonora Gandolfi
UKRN Institutional Lead / Associate Director (Research & Innovation)
Areas of expertise: developing Open Research strategies, Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Digital Scholarship, FAIR and Open Data, Copyright

Dr Felix Pedrotti
Open Research Officer (UKRN ORCA)
Areas of expertise: (TBC)

Dr Michael Short
UKRN Local Network Lead/ Senior Lecturer of Process Systems Engineering SCCE
Areas of expertise: open-source software, open code and data, ORCID/identifiers, and preprints
I am the Surrey UKRN Local Network Lead, taking over from Dr Mojtaba Soltanlou in 2024, where, together with Prof Emily Farran, I act as the point of contact for UKRN, representing the grassroots network of researchers at Surrey. I joined Surrey in December 2019, after 2 years as a postdoc at Carnegie Mellon University developing open-source software for the pharmaceutical industry. I work to develop and grow the Open Research Culture within Surrey, coordinating with academics, early career researchers and professional services. In my own research, which develops optimisation algorithms and software for decision-making in energy and process systems, my group publishes pre-prints of papers, and openly shares code and data when possible. We attempt to use open-source software best-practices during our research to make our research transparent, reproducible, and accessible.
Twitter handle: @mchlshort
Contact our experts
If you'd like to speak with a member of one of the teams, then please email openresearch@surrey.ac.uk in the first instance.