Preregistration and Registered Reports
Guidance on study preregistration and Registered Reports.
When you preregister (or create a pre-analysis plan) you specify your research plan and publicly register it in a repository in advance of undertaking your study e.g., the Open Science Framework; see the UKRN primer for a list of repositories by discipline). The preregistration is a time-stamped, read-only plan (see some examples). When this plan is extended and undergoes formal peer review at a journal ahead of the research, it is called a Registered Report. If they meet the required standards, Registered Reports are accepted by the journal before the research is conducted, independent of the results (“in-principle acceptance").
Why preregister?
- There is inherent flexibility in the process of conducting, analysing and writing up research. So called “researcher degrees of freedom (e.g., decisions about outliers, conducting sub-group analyses, etc) create a garden of forking paths where a series of small decisions can opportunistically influence the research outcome and produce a neater, more publishable but less accurate narrative. Detailing, justifying and declaring your decisions before you begin your research, choosing which path to take before setting out, limits your researcher degrees of freedom, and brings the focus off outcomes and on to the process of research
- The primary goal of preregistration is to be transparent about your research process, and to avoid poor research practice. Others can compare your preregistered plans to the final study and evaluate the evidential value of the research, particularly in relation to the ability of your analysis plan to falsify predictions and control for type 1 errors (i.e., incorrectly concluding that an effect exists). For more information see Lakens (2019) (PDF)
- An additional benefit of specifying your research a priori (i.e., independent of the results of the research) is that it encourages you to formulate precise research questions and fine tune your design prior to conducting the study
- It gives you a time-stamped record of your study plans, allowing you to establish priority of ideas earlier in the research process.
When can you preregister?
- Before you start data collection, or data synthesis such as a systematic review or meta-analysis
- When you have been asked to collect more data in peer review
- Before you begin analysis of an existing data set.
Which types of research can be preregistered?
Preregistration can be used for a variety of different research designs and methods, including:
- Quantitative hypothesis testing research (Bosnjak et al., 2021)
- Qualitative research (Haven & Van Grootel, 2019)
- Exploratory research (Dirnagl, 2020)
- Evidence synthesis/reviews (i.e., scoping reviews, reviews of qualitative studies, meta-analysis, or any other type of review) (Stewart et al., 2012; Topor et al., 2020; Van den Akker et al., 2020 ) [template]
- Secondary/pre-existing data (Van den Akker et al., 2021; Weston et al., 2021; Mertens & Krypotos, 2019)
- Applied research (Evans et al., 2021)
- Experience sampling (Kirtley et al., 2019)
- Mathematical/cognitive modelling (Crüwell and Evans, 2019)
- Clinical trials – using established international registries.
Explore preregistration templates for a range of different types of research.
Do preregistration and Registered Reports work?
Work that is preregistered is not automatically better than work that isn’t. But the fact that the research is transparent is necessarily better in the sense that we can check the quality of the work. There is also a greater probability of errors being detected and corrected. In this way, preregistration works.
In terms of evidence for a more direct effect on research quality, we would look for a lower prevalence of “positive” findings, implying that hypotheses had not been adjusted post hoc to fit the data, and that preregistered studies are a more faithful representation of the research conducted. Initial meta-scientific research suggests that this is the case: The proportion of ‘positive’ results in preregistered psychological research (66%; based on preliminary data), in preregistered clinical trials, and in Registered Reports (PDF) (44%), is lower than that in non-preregistered research (PDF) (96%).
For preregistration to be truly effective, researchers need to create clear, precise preregistrations and then adhere to their plans. Research looking at (non-reviewed) preregistrations in economics and political science, and psychology suggests that this is not always the case. But checking both the precision of and adherence to the preregistered plan is central to the Registered Reports review process.
Watch a video discussing the effectiveness of preregistration “Preregistration in the Social Sciences Empirical Evidence of its Effectiveness” from Metascience 2021.