Responsible use of research and innovation metrics
Understand the responsible use of research and innovation metrics, the University’s commitment to DORA, and the actions we are taking to support this.
Defining the responsible use of metrics
The term “research and innovation metrics” refers to the quantitative indicators which can be used to evidence research activity, quality and characteristics.
There is a wealth of data on research and innovation outputs and impact which can evidence the quality of research and innovation activity. Such metrics encompass publication data (bibliometrics such as citation data and journal impact factors), indicators of social and economic impact (such as those incorporated into the knowledge exchange framework), indicators supporting contributions to the research culture and environment (such as supervision, collaboration, and open research practices) and related measures such as funding income, and measures of esteem (such as honours, awards, and invitations to present).
The ‘responsible use of metrics’ is defined as “framing appropriate uses of quantitative indicators in the governance, management and assessment of research" (The Metric Tide, 2005), with the Universities UK Forum for the Responsible Use of Metrics defining responsible use by five key principles:
- Robustness: Base metrics on the best possible data in terms of accuracy and scope
- Humility: Recognise that quantitative evaluation should support, but not supplant, qualitative, expert assessment
- Transparency: That those being evaluated can test and verify the results
- Diversity: Account for variation by research field, and use a range of indicators to reflect and support a plurality of research and researcher career paths across the system
- Reflexivity: Recognise and anticipate the systemic and potential effects of indicators, and updating them in response.
Research funders, government, institutions, and researchers all place importance on the responsible use of metrics.
Resources: Sector statements
- San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
- DORA resources
- Overview of the UK Forum for Responsible Research Metrics
- The Metric Tide (2015 Independent Report)
- Wellcome’s Guidance for research organisations on how to implement responsible and fair approaches for research assessment
- Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics
- UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)’s Statement on Responsible Research Evaluation
- Plan S Principles (Principle 10)
- International Network of Research Management Societies (INFORMS) scope model
- UKRI’s Research England terms and conditions of grant (Item 45) (PDF)
- European University Association (EUA), Science Europe, and the European Commission agreement on reforming research assessment
- Cesaer next generation metrics (white paper)
- World Conferences on Research Integrity Hong Kong principles.