Make your research discoverable and visible
Guidance on ORCID and other persistent identifiers; advice on making your research more discoverable and visible.
Tips for getting your research data discovered
There are a number of things you can do to make your research data easy to find, easy to reuse and importantly, easy to cite.
Use a disciplinary repository
Deposit your data in a disciplinary repository (see storing and preserving your data):
- A recognised disciplinary repository is the first place others in your field will look for data that is relevant to their research
- Disciplinary repositories will often put more effort into curating and promoting your data
- Data repositories will rank highly in search engine results
- If an appropriate disciplinary repository doesn’t exist, you can use a generic one such as Zenodo and Figshare or use the University’s Open Research Repository.
Write clear metadata
Ensure the metadata record associated with your research data is as clear, comprehensive, and as complete as possible. The better the description of your data, the easier it will be to find and identify it.
Use a DOI
Get a DOI assigned to your research data and use it:
- A DOI is a permanent link to the location of your data; it’s the quickest way to ensure that other researchers can find your data quickly and easily
- Remember to include the DOI in the data statement of any relevant publications.
See open data guidance on how to make your data understandable and reusable.