Healthy ageing and supporting long-term conditions research theme

Defining mechanisms and markers of age-related disease to improve intervention and care.

The challenge

The world's population is ageing. In Europe and North America there are already more people older than 60 years than under the age of 15. The life expectancy of those living with conditions such as dementia, metabolic illness, cancers and genetic conditions that previously prevented progression beyond childhood or middle age is increasing. And this is not just an issue for high-income countries — by 2050, 80 per cent of all older people will be living in low- and middle-income countries. Throughout the world, the increased quantity of years is not always being matched by a rise in quality of life and we need to better manage age-related changes and prevent social isolation.

Our response

Research programmes in our Healthy Ageing and Supporting Long-term Conditions Research Theme investigate long-term conditions and ageing from a subcellular to a systems and population level. Fundamental molecular and clinical investigations determine the biological mechanisms involved in ageing and disease progression and provide information about biomarkers and symptoms to monitor to assess response to treatment. Analysis of big data – from genomics to healthcare costs — enable complexities around clinical decision making to be unravelled and personalised care plans to be devised. Studies to co-design interventions and services inform approaches to maximise independence, physical capability and cognitive function, to prevent or minimise complications and to enable successful adaptation to multimorbidity.

Research projects

Active projects

Completed projects

Start date: January 2024

End date: December 2024

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Start date: September 2021

End date: December 2023

Start date: October 2020

End date: October 2021

Start date: October 2020

End date: October 2023

Start date: October 2020

End date: October 2023

Start date: March 2020

End date: March 2021

Start date: January 2020

End date: January 2023

Start date: October 2019

End date: October 2022

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Start date: January 2019

End date: January 2022

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Start date: January 2019

End date: July 2021

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Playing A/Part: investigating the experiences of autistic girls through drama, interactive media and participatory arts

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Time is of the essence: Revealing the elusive ‘bone clock’ in humans

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Timing, quality, and physiology of sleep in a deprived community cohort in South Africa, and their relationship with chronic disease

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Start date: January 2018

End date: February 2023

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An exploration of the use of patient reported outcomes (PROs) by Clinical Nurse Specialists in the delivery of supportive care to peoplewith colorectal or gynaecological cancers

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Start date: 2015

End date: 2019

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Research theme members

Contact us

Find us


Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Kate Granger Building
30 Priestley Road, Surrey Research Park
See map