Graduate profile
Max Carter

Max Carter

Getting your foot in the door early is crucial. If securing work experience proves difficult, focus on developing interesting side projects—they can be just as impressive to potential employers!

Graduation year


What were the best things about your course?

One of the best aspects of my course was the final year dissertation, a year-long project that allowed for complete freedom to explore technologies that truly fascinated me. It was a major draw for me when choosing Surrey, and it exceeded my expectations. The opportunity to have your project sponsored by a company is another highlight, providing invaluable exposure to the professional world and offering an excellent addition to your CV as real-world experience.

What do you do now? How did your degree from Surrey help you achieve this?

After graduating last year, I joined Citibank as their Assistant Vice President for Equity Derivatives Trade Management, where I develop software for Post Trade Affirmations. I thrive in this role because of its high-impact, high-reward nature, which keeps me both challenged and motivated.

What’s your advice to current students?

Securing a good graduate job becomes much easier with prior work experience, so I strongly recommend using your summers to gain as much experience and as many internships as possible. Getting your foot in the door early is crucial. If securing work experience proves difficult, focus on developing interesting side projects—they can be just as impressive to potential employers!

Additionally, get involved in societies and campus activities. Not only does this expand your network, but it’s also a fantastic way to make lifelong friends.