Student profile
Julian Peplow

Julian Peplow

"My summer internship at Flock Mobility has given me a number of opportunities such as creating software for sustainable mobility and getting an insight into the work culture of a start-up."

Entry year


Why did you decide to study computer science at Surrey?

What stood out with Surrey was that the course covered a wide range of fields in computer science – many of which are practical disciplines that are useful in industry. The state-of-the-art facilities and the fact that Surrey is close to London were also attractive.

What were the best things about your course?

I liked how lab sessions are an integral part of the course. This not only enables you to apply what you’re taught in lectures but also – as there are students from higher years acting as lab helpers – gives you different cognitive approaches to the task at hand.

You’re currently on a summer internship at Flock Mobility…

Yes, I wanted to do an internship to gain work experience in software development quite early on, and Flock Mobility appealed because its values aligned with mine: using technology to help make a positive impact on the world. The company wants to revolutionise workplace transport by using a shared fleet of electric vehicles managed by a single mobility platform – helping companies meet their sustainability targets and also contributing to fighting climate change.

How did you land this internship and what’s the experience been like?

My personal tutor recommended me for the internship and I was offered it following an interview with the company’s CEO and co-founder. My role is server-side developer in the development team.

It’s been a great experience! We use the ‘Scrum’ agile project management method which means that every day starts with a stand-up meeting where everyone is asked to give a brief update on their progress and what they aim to achieve that day. Then I spend most of my day programming the features on my to-do list. Every Friday I demo the work produced that week to the CEO, Product Owner and development team.

My summer internship at Flock Mobility has given me a number of opportunities such as creating software for sustainable mobility and getting an insight into the work culture of a start-up. I’m also lucky enough to be flying to Munich in Germany to help promote Flock Mobility at the IAA Mobility Show.

What's great about life in general at Surrey?

One of the best things is the number of clubs and societies on offer and how these create a real sense of community. At the beginning of first year I started playing polo with the Equestrian and Polo Club which has given me some incredible experiences such as competing against other universities at the SUPA Summer Nationals. In second year I’ve signed up to be one of the club’s social secretaries.

What would you like to do when you graduate?

I’d like to either further my study, possibly in Artificial Intelligence, or go into industry. My plan is to go on a Professional Training placement, possibly working for a big tech company, which would be an interesting comparison with working in a start-up.


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