Mobility Committee

The Mobility Committee focuses on discussions around student and staff mobility within our international agenda. The Committee is led and chaired by Professor Prashant Kumar, Associate Dean (International). Each department is represented by an exchange/erasmus coordinator.

Committee members

Tao Chen profile image

Professor Tao Chen

Committee Lead


S. Alireza Behnejad profile image

Dr Alireza Behnejad

Civil and environmental engineering

Tim Brown profile image

Dr Tim Brown

Electrical and electronic engineering

Lirong Liu profile image

Dr Lirong Liu

Centre for Environment and Sustainability

Guohong Tian profile image

Dr Guohong Tian

Mechanical engineering sciences

Cesare Tronci profile image

Dr Cesare Tronci

Mathematics and physics

Lei Xing profile image

Dr Lei Xing

Chemical and process engineering