International Engagement Committee

The Committee is led by Professor Prashant Kumar, Associate Dean (International).

Each department or research centre is represented by a faculty international officer. Relevant University central services are also represented at this committee, including the International Engagement Office, International Student Recruitment, Marketing, Advancement and Alumni.

The Committee is chaired by Professor Ferrante Neri, Associate Dean (International).

Each School is represented by its Associate Head of External Engagement (AHEE). Relevant central university services are also represented, including the International Engagement Office, International Student Recruitment, Marketing, Advancement, and Alumni. Additionally, the mobility leads of each School serve as adjunct members of the Committee.

Committee members

Associate Head of External Engagements (AHEE)

Wenwu Wang profile image

Professor Wenwu Wang

Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)

Cesare Tronci profile image

Dr Cesare Tronci

Mathematics and Physics (M&P)

S. Alireza Behnejad profile image

Dr Alireza Behnejad

Engineering (E)

Central University services

Paddi Clark profile image

Paddi Clark

International Engagement Office (Admin)

Tina Schilbach

International Engagement Office (Partnership)

Elizabeth Lync

International Engagement Office (Mobility)

Sharath Meppallil

International Recruitment

Elena Mistry


Amintha Buckland

Advancement and Alumni


Tim Brown profile image

Dr Tim Brown

Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)

Dr Daniela Carta

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE)

Lei Xing profile image

Dr Lei Xing

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE)

Wooli Bae profile image

Dr Wooli Bae

Mathematics and Physics (M&P)

Devendra Saroj profile image

Dr Devendra Saroj

Engineering (E)

Guohong Tian profile image

Dr Guohong Tian

Engineering (E)