Undergraduate students
Find out how and when to apply for student accommodation at Surrey.
Our guarantee
New* undergraduate students who hold the University of Surrey as their firm choice are guaranteed a place in accommodation, provided they have applied for accommodation by 25 July 2025 and have met their formal academic offer by 22 August 2025.
New* undergraduate students who hold the University of Surrey as their insurance choice are guaranteed a place in accommodation, provided they have applied for accommodation by 17 August 2025 and have met their formal academic offer by 22 August 2025.
New* undergraduate students who apply through Clearing will be prioritised for accommodation provided they have applied for accommodation by 19 August 2025 and have met their formal academic offer by 22 August 2025
Please note: Accommodation guarantees only apply to students joining or securing accommodation from the start of the academic year in September. If you are applying at any other time of the year, your application will be considered and a room may be offered depending on availability.
* 'New' refers to students who have not previously studied at the University of Surrey, at any level of study, including on a foundation course.
Application portal for academic year 2025/26 will open 6 February 2025.
What you need to know
Make Surrey your firm choice
In order to be able to apply for accommodation, you must have received an offer to study and made Surrey your firm choice. Once you have accepted your offer to study it can take up to 72 hours for your details to be transferred to the accommodation system, at which time you can apply.
Make sure you apply for the correct academic year
If you are starting in September 2025, you must apply for academic year 2025/26. Failing to do so may invalidate your application.
Check your preferences before submitting
You are unable to change your preference online, if you decide that you want to change your preferences please email us at accommodation@surrey.ac.uk and we can change them for you (if you request changes you will not be able to see them online). Please note that you are unable to apply for accommodation in a specific location and each price band band can have accommodation across different locations.
After you have applied
You can login and check your room preferences at any time. It is advisable to log back in and check once to be sure that all your preferences have been saved.
If you have successfully entered room preferences on the application system you will receive an email within five hours confirming the choices you have made. If you do not get this email, please log back in and check that your preferences appear. If they do not, please re-enter them and make sure you click the ‘continue’ button on each page.
You will receive the outcome of you application via email. If you have been successful, you will receive an offer of accommodation and have seven days to accept or reject it.
To secure your room you will need to make an advance rent payment of £250 and accept the licence agreement.
Further information
See our frequently asked questions page for further information.