Special interest groups
As part of fostering greater cross-campus collaboration, the Urban Living theme identifies areas in which there are numerous individuals or groups already engaged in research, but in which some greater co-ordination or capacity building would be valuable.
The group includes academic and research staff from all three faculties, representing a wide range of interests within the scope of transport in the urban world. Through a series of internal workshops the group is working towards strong interdisciplinary research funding applications.
As of summer 2018, the SIG's focus has been incorporated into the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund activity on mobility. Once this activity comes to an end, the Transport group focus will resume as before.
Professor Matthew Leach
Emeritus Professor (Energy and Environmental Systems)
Professor Abigail Bristow
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor Scott Cohen
Professor of Tourism and Transport, School Director of Research
Dr Suparna De
Lecturer in Computer Science
John Doherty
Reader in Vehicle Engineering
Professor Birgitta Gatersleben
Professor of Environmental Psychology
Professor Patrick Gruber
Professor in Advanced Vehicle Systems Engineering
Dr Alex Hagen-Zanker
Associate Professor in Infrastructure Systems
Professor Klaus Moessner
Professor in Cognitive Networks
Dr Sotiris Moschoyiannis
Reader in Complex Systems
Professor Aldo Sorniotti
Professor in Advanced Vehicle Engineering, Head of the Centre for Automotive Engineering
Dr Guohong Tian
Senior Lecturer in Automotive Engineering