Student profile
Photo of Josh


As well as working in luxury hotels, I also got to travel. I made some amazing friends from all over the world, tried incredible food from different cultures and met thousands of guests over the year. It will always be a time I look back on with fond memories and I am very grateful for the opportunity.

Describe your placement experience

In order to develop my exposure to hospitality, I decided to undergo a placement year somewhere where I had never ventured before. When I thought about where would be most suitable, Australia was the top of my list. For the duration of my placement year, I worked at two luxury hotels and orientated around the departments of Communications, Front Desk, Bell Desk and Concierge.

What were the best things about it?

As well as working in luxury hotels, I also got to travel. I ventured off to New Zealand, Queensland, New South Wales and Hong Kong whilst I was on placement. I made some amazing friends from all over the world, tried incredible food from different cultures and met thousands of guests over the year. It will always be a time I will look back on with fond memories and I am very grateful for the opportunity. 

Have your career plans been informed by your placement?

Absolutely. Gaining first hand experience really changed my perspective on what graduate role to apply for now in final year. You may be surprised by what the job actually involves, which will be better to do on placement than when you graduate. 

What advice do you have for students considering doing a placement?

  • Don’t hold back from applying where you would love to go. It’s a once in a life time experience!
  • Explore the local culture: food, language, people, festivals.
  • Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself. You may meet your new best friend.
  • Travel. If you’ve travelled across the world you must explore the surrounding country/countries.
  • Don’t forget to do your placement report and poster!