Student profile
Picture of Yui Sun, Koo (Zach)

Koo (Zach) Yui Sun

"Studying here at Surrey has definitely broadened my horizons and also widened my networks, which is the one thing that people in the hospitality field need the most!"

What’s something you couldn’t live without at university? 

Some true friends who can get you through the tough times when you doubt yourself. 

Why did you choose to come to Surrey?  

Surrey was recommended by the lecturers in my school in Hong Kong. Later I found out Surrey has a high ranking for my course. 

What was your first impression when you got here? 

Diverse: everything you seek, you can always find in Surrey! 

What do you like about your course and why? 

The course is very interactive: we don’t just sit there and listen to the theories. 

Instead, we have interactive sessions, such as running a hotel using a simulator, attending food and wine tastings, and visiting hotels, theme parks and presentations. The sessions are great fun but also valuable for learning, because we’re learning from the authentic perspective of the real market. 

Who was/were your favourite academic/s and why? 

Tough question! The academics are all very helpful and will always give the exact guidance you need, as well as advice on career development or personal travel tips. But if I had to say, Sylvia Ganbert, Dr Bora Kim and Dr Jihwan Yeon. Sylvia is the most humorous lecturer I’ve ever met and thanks to Bora and Dr Yeon, I was able to adapt to university life very quickly! 

What careers support have you received?  

For our programme, there is a careers fair for students to meet employers in the hospitality field and find out about job opportunities.  Our lecturers are very experienced, so we can always ask them questions about career-related matters; they’re very helpful. 

If you went on a Turing exchange or studied abroad, why did you choose to go and where did you go?  

I attended a two-week Summer School Programme at Rennes studying Sustainable Business.  At first, I thought to myself it would be something fun to do just because it’s free, and it’s during summer break so why not? 

Only after I got there, did I realise how much of a valuable and rare opportunity it is - you get to meet people from all around the world, all having different backgrounds and speaking different languages. 

Throughout the two weeks, we had good fun cooking together, learning about sustainable practices and travelling to different places. It was just perfect, and I can’t wait to do it again next year! 

What were the highlights of the experience? Would you recommend it to others? 

Everything was just wonderful: I would definitely recommend doing it!  It’s free after all - plus if you are attending programmes that are more than a certain duration, you may qualify for the Turing Fund as well! 

Are you part of any clubs?  

My sense of belonging was greatly increased by playing for the University of Surrey Futsal Club.  Although I had to step away from the field due to injury, my teammates have been fighting hard, which taught me the spirit of never giving up. I’ve also been a member of the Scuba Society

What are the best things about life at Surrey?  

It would definitely be the social life. Surrey Students' Union is one of the best students’ unions in the UK, so there are over 150 clubs and societies which you can join to make friends, develop your hobbies or just pass time! 

How has your time at Surrey had an impact on you? 

Studying here at Surrey has definitely broadened my horizons and widened my networks, which is the one thing that people in the hospitality field need the most!  Not to mention the opportunities that you get here to develop yourself personally, academically and career-wise.