Visiting international fellowship 2023-24

We have a long-established Visiting International Fellowship (VIF) scheme which aims to develop links with international scholars who should be at least five years post-doctorate.


The Fellowship is an exciting opportunity for scholars to collaborate with sociology colleagues and contribute to its academic life and commence a planned piece of scholarship. The focus of the Fellowship can be on any substantive area of interest.

Visiting international fellows will become honorary research fellows of the University of Surrey and be entitled to use the University Library and make use of University facilities. The holder of a fellowship is usually permanently resident outside the United Kingdom.

Entry requirements

Applicants will normally hold, or recently have held, an academic appointment in social science. The Fellowship Committee regrets that it cannot consider applications from candidates seeking training or the updating of methodological skills. Proposals for collaborative activities with members of the Department of Sociology are especially welcome.


An award of up to £3,000 will be made as a contribution towards the Fellowship and this can be spent on various activities to support collaborative scholarship between the fellow and member(s) of the Department. This might include visiting the Department, although we also welcome online activities and collaboration, developing or commencing a small collaborative project, including writing projects, disseminating findings, and promoting knowledge exchange. Overall, we encourage innovative use of the funds and would like to hear your ideas.


Applications for 2023-24 are now closed.

Applications must be received by 5pm (British Summer Time) on Friday 6 October 2023 for a Fellowship to take place during the academic year 2023-24. Applications must be made on the application form (docx) and submitted by email as an attachment. To ensure parity for all candidates, there can be no extension to this deadline. We aim to communicate decisions by 5pm (British Summer Time) on Monday 23 October 2023.

Apply now (docx)

Previous holders

  • Wolfgang Lehmann (University of Western Ontario)
  • Alistair Harkness (University of New England)
  • Amanda Haynes (University of Limerick)
  • Barbara Perry (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
  • Bob Belli (Lincoln)
  • Carl Roberts (Iowa)
  • Catherine Harnois (Wake Forest University)
  • Cesar Cisneros (Mexico)
  • Dariusz Jemielniak (Kozminski University)
  • David De Vaus (La Trobe)
  • David Morgan (Portland State)
  • Ed Brent (Missouri)
  • Edith de Leeuw (Utrecht)
  • Gerd Wagner (Germany)
  • Irwin Deutscher (Akron)
  • Jin-Kyu Jung (Grand Forks)
  • Linda Williams (Massachusetts Lowell)
  • Luis Antunes (Lisbon)
  • Michelle Salmona (Institute for Mixed Methods Research)
  • Ming Yan (Beijing)
  • Norman Blaikie (Emeritus, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
  • Peter Davis (Auckland)
  • Premalatha Karupiah (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
  • Roos Pijpers (Radboud University)
  • Seppo Laaksonen (Helsinki)
  • Tom W Smith (Chicago)
  • Warren Thorngate (Ottawa).

Contact us

For more information, please get in touch.