Criminology and criminal justice

We have a thriving community of scholars working in the field of criminology. Sociology researchers conduct empirical research, together with theoretically oriented work, on the nature of crime and social control and the operation of the principal institutions of the criminal justice system in contemporary society.

Members are part of the Centre for Criminology, where you can see more details about our work in the areas of crime and justice, our publications, news and information about forthcoming events.

Research areas

  • Asset recovery, organised and syndicated crime
  • Community, neighbourhood and intelligence led policing
  • Cyber and criminal justice system (incorporating the police service, courts and sentencing, prisons and probation)
  • Criminal statistics
  • Early intervention, anti-social behaviour and social control
  • Ethnicity, community and identity
  • Hate crime
  • Human rights
  • Interventions with offenders
  • Meta-analysis and realist evaluation techniques
  • Methods for researching crime especially survey methodology, advanced quantitative methods, spatial modelling, public opinion research and mixed methods
  • Prison effects
  • Racism and crime
  • Technology and surveillance, securitization and biometrics
  • The deployment of female and ethnic minority group police officers impact on community engagement and crime reduction
  • Victims of crime, victimization
  • Youth justice.

Find an expert

Maria Adams profile image

Dr Maria Adams

Associate Professor in Criminology

Michael McGuire profile image

Dr Michael McGuire

Senior Lecturer

Francesca Menichelli profile image

Dr Francesca Menichelli

Lecturer in Criminology

Emily Setty profile image

Dr Emily Setty

Senior Lecturer in Criminology