Digital Health Expert Group
Our vision is to lead research in collaboration with engineering colleagues, commercial partners and citizens to create health technologies that are accessible for people using health services and their families; and demonstrate evidence of improvements in health, well-being and social care outcomes.
Our research
Healthcare delivery in 2030 will be vastly different from today. People will be living longer, with multi-morbidity. Integrated care will be central to delivering complex care to this dynamic population and the social context of people’s lives remain the key determinant of how health services are planned and delivered.
Technological innovations will transform the way we diagnose, treat and manage disease. Delivering care closer to people’s homes will be the norm and hospital-based care will be for the seriously ill.
Research areas
Our research focuses on creating and investigating on technological solutions to improve access and delivery of health care. We are interested in developing personalised models of care that will lead into delivery of patient centred care.

Methodological expertise
We specialise in user-led co-design of public healthcare and health applications. With our strong expertise in health statistics, machine learning and data mining, we leverage large datasets to generate novel insights and develop predictive models for various conditions. Our expertise extends to eHealth system development, where we focus on implementation strategies aimed at enhancing user engagement with digital solutions and improving health outcomes.

Doctoral studies with us
We welcome approaches from people wishing to undertake postgraduate research here with us.
Please contact Freda Mold (freda.mold@surrey.ac.uk) and Jenny Harris (jen.harris@surrey.ac.uk), our postgraduate research directors, if you are considering postgraduate research.
Doctoral College
Learn moreRecent publications
Expert Group lead

Professor Jo Armes
Professor of Cancer Care and Lead for Digital Health
Expert Group members
Dr Oluwakemi Akagwu
Postgraduate Research Student

Ayse Aslan
Postgraduate Research Student

Gayasha Batheegama Gamarachchige
Postgraduate Research Student

Dr Alison Callwood
Associate Professor

Dr Theopisti Chrysanthaki
Lecturer in Integrated Care/ehealth

Hugh Claridge
Postgraduate Research Student

Dr Jane Cockle Hearne
Research Fellow

Dr Christos Dadousis
Research Fellow in Health and Biomedical Informatics Research Group

Hongxin Gao
Postgraduate Research Student

Professor Nophar Geifman
Professor of Health and Biomedical Informatics

Dr Nyangi Gityamwi
Research Fellow

Dr Richard Green
Surrey Future Fellow

Dr Wendy Grosvenor
Associate Professor, Associate Head of School - External Engagement.

Dr Jenny Harris
Senior Lecturer in Cancer Care and Health Statistics

Dr Arsene Hobabagabo
Postgraduate Researcher

Dr Haomiao Jin
Lecturer in Health Data Sciences

Dr Robert Kerrison
Senior Lecturer and Co-Lead for Cancer Care

Dr Agnieszka Lemanska
Senior Lecturer in Health Data Science

Dr Freda Elizabeth Mold
Senior Lecturer in Integrated Care

Professor Caroline Nicholson
Professor of Palliative Care and Ageing

Dr Tony Onoja
Research Fellow

Claire Price
Postgraduate Research Student

Professor Emma Ream
Professor, Director of Health Sciences Research

Yvonne Smyth
Postgraduate Research Student (PhD)

Matt Spick
Lecturer in Health and Biomedical Data Analytics

Professor Cath Taylor
Professor of Healthcare Workforce Organisation and Wellbeing
The digital health research grouping has a range of multidisciplinary collaborations with patient/public groups, academic organisations and health providers and networks across Kent, Surrey and Sussex, and industry both nationally and internationally. It also contributes to the digital innovation theme of the Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) for Kent, Surrey and Sussex.