Research courses

Our research students will advance their careers in healthcare and research, enabling them to become independent researchers contributing to the wider health and policy agendas. 

How to apply

If you are interested in doing a PhD with us, please look at the interests of our School's research themes.  

Prior to making a formal application, in the first instance, please email a copy of your CV and outline research proposal of your intended study copied to both Dr Freda Mold ( and Dr Jenny Harris ( 

The outline research proposal should be structured (comprising of an introduction, outline research question, aims/objectives, methods between 5-7 pages, plus references). By providing us with an outline we are better able to identify available academic supervisors who might share your interests.

Please note that due to the large number of requests for PhD supervision we are not able to respond to all enquiries. If you have not heard back from us within 6 to 8 weeks you should assume that we were not able to identify a suitable supervisor within the School of Health Sciences. 

Research clusters

Our research programmes are organised into the following five clusters of professional and research expertise: 

First class facilities

The School of Health Sciences moved to a new premises on the Surrey Manor Park campus in April 2019.

The new building features:

  • Flexible and technologically enabled teaching/study space
  • A large active learning space (180 capacity)     
  • A new simulation centre – consisting of two large wards, an operating theatre, a community flat and ambulance bay
  • Self-directed learning lab – a dedicated space for students to learn and practice essential clinical skills
  • Virtual environment – two rooms equipped with wall-to-wall immersive projector systems
  • Large student study spaces and computer facilities
  • A coffee shop and large seated social space in the atrium. 
A person is using a tablet, there are graphics emerging from the screen which demonstrate a medical technology concept

Health Sciences PhD

Our PhD programme is aimed at all healthcare professionals who wish to undertake research at the highest level.

Expert support

The Doctoral College supports the academic and professional development of postgraduate researchers to ensure our world-leading research continues to grow. There is also an extensive Researcher Development Programme run at university level.

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