
Our research has a strong multidisciplinary dimension, with ramifications into neutrino physics; superheavy element formation; astrophysical processes, like binary neutron-star mergers; and fermionic many-body systems like molecules and quantum dots.

Answering fundamental questions

Our research seeks to answer questions in nuclear physics, including:

  • What are the limits of nuclear existence?
  • How can nuclei be described in terms of the underlying fundamental interactions?
  • How do nuclear shells and shapes change with neutron excess?
  • How are the elements and isotopes found in the Universe formed?
  • How can knowledge of nuclear physics help our society?

We address these problems with a range of theoretical techniques including microscopic many-body theory, few-body approaches, and quantum computing algorithms.

Our research is strongly aligned with the UK and international nuclear physics strategies, as illustrated in the STFC Science Challenges, the 2016 NuPECC Long Range Plan and the USA Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science 2015. Our research and priorities are very strongly linked with radioactive-beam research worldwide.

Get in contact

If you want to find out more about the research we are doing or have any queries, please email the Head of Group, Dr Paul Stevenson, at

Research projects

Completed projects

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Join us

You can study with us through undergraduate, postgraduate and research courses and we are always on-hand to support fellowship applications.