Quantum dynamics: Elements creation in dense stellar plasma
Start date
01 October 2020End date
30 September 2023Overview
New basic studies of chemical element creation in the universe is being carried out by Dr Alexis Diaz-Torres and the team to develop a new model based on the theory of open quantum systems, allowing us to characterise quantum mechanically fusion reactions of atomic nuclei in dense stellar plasma for the first time. This will expand our knowledge of nucleosynthesis, as accelerator experiments on Earth cannot probe important effects on element creation caused by stellar plasma. The new model will provide a breakthrough in our understanding of the origin of the elements and, therefore, of life itself.
Funding amount
Principal investigator

Research team

Iain Lee
PhD student, University of Surrey

Dr Laura Moschini
Research Associate, University of Surrey

Dr Gilbert Gosselin
CEA, France

Dr Adriana Palffy
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany

Professor Peter Saalfrank
University of Potsdam, Germany