Research Room regulations
In order to protect the archives and special collections held by the University of Surrey for posterity; please follow these regulations.
- You will be asked to provide photographic ID (for instance, a driving licence, passport, or student ID.) Please email the Archives and Special Collections team at archives@surrey.ac.uk if this will be a problem
- All bags and laptop cases must be placed in the lockers provided. All personal items taken into and out of the research room may be subject to inspection
- Only pencils, paper and laptops may be used in the Research Room to make notes: No pens, sticky notes, or correction fluid are allowed
- Researchers must not smoke, eat, or drink in the Research Room. This includes throat lozenges, chewing gum, and bottled water
- Researchers must not lean on, write on, or mark documents in any way, or place any other items on documents. Please use a paper slip (not a finger) to follow text, and report any damage to staff
- Archive material is issued at staff discretion. When files contain loose documents, please leave them in the order you found them. Archive material must not be taken from the Research Room for any reason
- Please return items you are finished with to Archives and Special Collections staff before the end of each session
- Please keep the Research Room as quiet as possible by switching your mobile to silent or off. Please do not make or receive telephone calls
- Copying is carried out by Archives and Special Collections staff. The Reprographics Policy and charges are available on request. The Archives and Special Collections staff reserves the right to refuse to reproduce documents on the grounds of preservation issues or copyright restrictions. A copyright declaration must be signed ahead of receiving any copies
- Researchers may, on payment of a session fee, photograph documents with their own digital camera or device. Archives and Special Collections staff will advise on what can and can’t be photographed. A copyright declaration must be signed and the document references noted
- All records are open to public access under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 unless subject to specific exemption. Records containing personal information on individuals are subject to the terms of UK Data Protection Legislation
- Signing the Researcher Sign-In sheet indicates that you have read these regulations and agree to follow them. Researchers violating them, or the University Library’s rules, will be asked to leave immediately and Archives and Special Collections staff reserves the right to deny such researchers further access.