Library and Learning Services Complaints Procedure
Read our general principles and how to make an informal and formal complaint.
General principles
- The Complaints Procedure may be invoked by any user of the Library
- These procedures set out how users of the Library may raise a complaint about the Library service. We aim for the majority of complaints to be resolved without the necessity of a formal complaint
- The Library commits to ensuring all complaints are dealt with promptly, fairly and with consistency. There will be no discrimination against any user who makes a complaint
- If a complaint is upheld, the Library will take the appropriate action and will do so promptly. If the complaint is not upheld, the reason for the decision will be communicated in a timely manner to the user
- A Library user making a complaint, and those whom the complaint is made about, can expect the complaint to be dealt with confidentially. It may be necessary however, to disclose information to others in order to deal with the complaint and in these circumstances the parties concerned will be informed of such disclosure
- A complaint should be made by the user. Complaints made on behalf of the user by another third party will only be considered in exceptional cases where there are clear reasons for doing so. Complaints that are made anonymously cannot be dealt with under this Complaints Procedure.
This Complaints Procedure covers both the informal and formal stages in handling a complaint. Advice on the University Complaints Procedure can be obtained from Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulation.