Policies and regulations
Please ensure you read and follow our regulations when using the Library.
We welcome your comments and suggestions and will use them to improve the services we provide. You can provide feedback by filling in a comments form in the Library, emailing the Library or speaking to any member of Library staff.
Library regulations
Read through the regulations for using the Library.
Library access and membership
- Staff and registered students of the University of Surrey are members of the Library and can use the full range of services and resources
- External visitors seeking to use the Library for the purpose of study or research may be admitted at the discretion of the Director of Library and Learning Services
- Users of the Library must produce a valid university campus card or external membership card to enter the Library
- Users are responsible for all items issued in their name
- Users are responsible for the safe-keeping of their card and may be charged replacement costs if it is lost or damaged
- It is the responsibility of Library users to ensure their contact details are correct and must inform the University of any change of address
- Users must produce their campus or membership card if requested to do so by a member of staff
- Children under the age of 16 may only visit the Library with an adult, who must accompany them at all times and be responsible for their safety and behaviour.
- Loans and renewals may only be carried out in person using a valid campus or membership card, or online via a username and password
- Users are responsible for replacing lost and damaged items, including those on loan to them from other libraries and for paying any fines incurred
- Fines will be levied on all overdue reserved items. Users who fail to return items may be invoiced for accumulated fines and/or the cost of replacements and may have their borrowing rights suspended
- Users who fail to return overdue items will receive notices via email
- Users are responsible for ensuring that all items on loan to them are returned to the Library before they leave the University.
Use of library facilities and resources
- Users must not write in, damage, or vandalise, any item of Library property
- Use of electronic information resources (e-journals, e-books and databases) must conform to the licensing regulations indicated by each publisher or supplier
- Copies of print material can only be made in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act (1988)
- Mains powered equipment (e.g. laptops) must be tested for electrical safety by its owner and users will be held responsible for any damage to Library property as a result.
- Use of the Library is on the understanding that library and IT regulations are followed. The University may impose fines and other penalties, e.g. suspension of borrowing rights, if these regulations are not observed
- The Library reserves the right to impose penalties for misconduct in accordance with the University’s Student Disciplinary Regulations. This does not affect the Library’s right to levy fines for late return of items
- The Library can suspend membership for external users if they do not follow the Library regulations or Code of Conduct
- All Library users are required to obey instructions from the Library staff, or Campus Safety. Failure to obey may result in a user being required to leave the University Library premises
- The University reserves the right to take legal action against individuals who cause it to become involved in legal proceedings as a result of violation of its licensing agreements.
We welcome your comments and suggestions and will use them to improve the services we provide. You can provide feedback by filling in a comments form in the Library, emailing us, or speaking to any member of Library staff.