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Sustainable transport and mobility

The Institute for Sustainability is contributing to the global sustainability debate among researchers and practitioners through this programme focusing on mobility and transport. 

The challenge

Drone flying over city

Transport has been consistently among the sectors emitting the highest volumes of greenhouse gases (GHGs).  Energy use and buildings are the most highly polluting sectors currently, but GHGs from the transport sector have more than doubled in the last 50 years. 

Remarkably, about 80% of the increase is due to road transport, whereas aviation is responsible for another 10% of global emissions.​

Rental bicycles

The increasing divide between the Global South and the Global North is evident across sectors. Yet, it is more acute in transport, with an estimated 1% of the global population generating more than half of transport emissions, including aviation emissions. 

Transport is a means to meet various human needs, from socialising and studying, to working and travelling for tourism. In addition, the tourism industry hires around 10% of the global workforce. As a result, the implications on wellbeing, equity and inclusion require further research at a local, national and international level. ​

This programme aims to address these challenges by bringing together experts from all three faculties of the University to create an inclusive platform focusing on transdisciplinary, collaborative  solutions.

This programme aligns to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) SDG3, SDG7, SDG8, SDG9, SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG14 and SDG17.​

This theme paves the way towards impactful contributions to sustainable development. By fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations amongst experts from the three faculties, we aim to deliver pioneering outputs that not only align with the broader objectives of the Institute for Sustainability but also actively contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals.