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Governance, equality and sustainability

Our shared vision rests on the reality that powerful mobilisation is needed to achieve societal transformations to repair the damage wrought by our extractive and destructive global systems, and ensure that the needs of all are met within the means of the Earth. 

At a time when planetary boundaries are being exceeded and governments are lagging behind in decarbonisation efforts, we need nothing less than the regeneration of our planet.

Our manifesto

People holding hands

We recognise that our vision cannot be achieved through ambitions and soft targets. We concluded that transformation cannot happen without the creation of more just and equitable societies and the development of more sustainable consumption and production systems. Our manifesto advocates for impactful research which reconnects us with ourselves, our fellow human beings, our communities and the living planet.

Programme priorities

This complex, multifaceted and interconnected programme has three priorities;  ​

  • To create an inclusive forum for networking and discussion about our research and wider interests in sustainability to learn from each other. ​

  • To share and collaborate on funding opportunities and events .​

  • To create a supportive network for all scientific experts and advocate for a more equal and sustainable future in systems .​

Ecological regeneration and transformation requires a structural shift towards equity. 

We embrace diverse methodologies and approaches and will foster a culture that respects and amplifies these. 

Ultimately, we wish to learn from each other, contribute to the challenging sustainability research agenda, and advocate for a more equal and sustainable future in systems, which are regenerative and facilitate the flourishing of humans, biodiversity and ecosystems.

This programme aligns to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) SDG1, SDG2, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16 and SDG17.

We are delighted to be part of the Institute for Sustainability. Although only just established, the Institute has already created many opportunities for us to meet, exchange ideas and be challenged, encouraging working across disciplines and creating new partnerships. We look forward to being part of a community of scientists and other colleagues working together towards a sustainable and fairer future.