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Institute for Sustainability

The creation of a pan-university Institute for Sustainability demonstrates the University of Surrey’s commitment to be at the forefront of transdisciplinary sustainability research.

This Institute will increase the scale and enhance the excellence of the University’s research and innovation in priority areas of sustainability research. Through transdisciplinary collaborations across faculties, and business and external partner engagement, we will break new ground to produce world-class research and effecting significant change for the long-term wellbeing for all.

Our mission

Our purpose

We harness the power of collaboration across all disciplines (in the University of Surrey and beyond) to drive the transition to a sustainable world of long-term wellbeing for all.

Our approach

  • We are a synthesis platform, holistically bringing together education and research for action.
  • We use systems thinking and disruptive innovation to develop environmental, technological, social, economic and governance solutions.
  • We partner with real-world champions in the public, private and third sector to showcase how change can happen.

Our commitment

We commit to achieving our purpose in a way that protects and enhances the health of social and environmental systems.

We must use our best expertise and passion to build a more sustainable and just society. It is the imperative of our generation. The Institute for Sustainability is at the forefront of this endeavour bringing together all scientific disciplines, from the natural to the social sciences, developing technologies for sustainable prosperity and wellbeing, and working closely with innovators, policy makers and business leaders, both in the Global North and the Global South.

Sustainability Innovation Hub

Our Hub brings together researchers from a range of disciplines to foster an ecosystem that encourages collaboration, with a commitment to turn research into actionable solutions.

More about sustainability at Surrey

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