Memory for liking food
This is a BBSRC CASE studentship with Unilever Research, Colworth. Product choice is partly influenced by the remembered liking for that product at the time that the choice is made. Little research has been carried out on memory for the liking of foods, and yet remembered liking at the time of purchase maybe more influential on choice than liking ratings obtained during actual product consumption. This project brings together research from cognitive psychology on memory and perception with research on the determinants of consumer behaviour to address this issue.
The objectives of the project are to gain a greater understanding of:
- The relationship between actual experienced liking for a food and remembered liking
- How to make a food product memorable, e.g. how to get the right experience at the right time
- How the dynamics of sensory delivery influence remembered liking
Conference presentations
Jefferies, L., Groeger, J. A. & Shepherd, R. (2005). Food memory: the role of levels of processing and papillae density. Poster presented at the 6th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Harrogate, 7-11 August 2005.
- Luke Jefferies
- Prof. Richard Shepherd
- BBSRC Case Studentship