HEALTHGRAIN: Exploiting bioactivity of European cereal grains for improved nutrition and health benefits
HEALTHGRAIN is a large European project which aims to improve well-being and reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome related diseases in Europe by increasing the intake of protective compounds in whole grains. It involves plants breeders, food scientists and nutritionists along with groups interested in consumer behaviour. The University of Surrey input is on consumer beliefs and expectations about whole grain products and consumer understanding of health claims relate to such products.
Arvola, A., Lahteenmaki, L., Dean, M., Vassallo, M., Winkelmann, M., Claupein, E., Saba, A., & Shepherd, R. (2007). Consumers' beliefs about whole and refined grain products in UK, Italy and Finland. Journal of Cereal Science, 46, 197-206.
Dean, M., Raats, M. M., Shepherd, R., Arvola, A., Lahteenmaki, L., Saba, A., Vassallo, M., Claupein, E., & Winkelmann, M. (2007). Consumer perceptions and expectations for healthy cereal products. Journal of Cereal Science, 46, 188-196.
Poutanen, K., Shepherd, R., Shewry, P., Delcour, J. A., Bjorck, I., & van der Kamp, J. W. (2008). Beyond whole grain: the European HEALTHGRAIN project aims at healthier cereal foods. Cereal Foods World, 53 (1), 32-35.
Vassallo, M., Saba, A., Arvola, A., Dean, M., Messina, F., Winkelmann, M., Claupein, E., Lahteenmaki, L., & Shepherd, R. (2009). Willingness to use functional breads: Applying the Health Belief Model across four European countries. Appetite, 52, 452-460.
Poutanen, K., Shepherd, R., Shewry, P. R., Delcour, J. A., Bjorck, I., van der Kamp, J. W., & Ranieri, R. (2010). More of the grain - Progress in the HEALTHGRAIN project for healthy cereal foods. Cereal Foods World, 55 (2), 79-84.
Saba, A., Vassallo, M., Shepherd, R., Lampila, P., Arvola, A., Dean, M., Winkelmann, M., Claupein, E., & Lahteenmaki, L. (2010). Country-wise differences in perception of health-related messages in cereal-based food products. Food Quality and Preference, 21, 385-393.
Conference Presentations
Shepherd, R. (2006). Consumer attitudes towards healthy cereal grain products in four European countries. Invited presentation at IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology 'Food is Life', Nantes, 17-21 September 2006.
Shepherd, R. (2006). Consumer perceptions of functional cereal products – evidence from four European countries. Invited paper at HEALTHGRAIN Workshop 'Cereal products and health – consumer perceptions and market opportunities', Munich, 2-3 October 2006.
Shepherd, R. (2007). Consumer attitudes towards healthy cereal products.
Invited presentation at 'Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science meets Industry', Montpellier, 2-4 May 2007.
Shepherd, R. (2007). Consumer attitudes towards healthy cereal products. In P. Weegels, C. Courtin, M. Silvestri & A. Arrachid (Eds.), C&E Spring Meeting 2007 Proceedings. St Paul, MN: AACC International.
Winkelmann, M., Claupein, E., Arvola, A., Dean, M., Vassallo, M., Lahteenmaki, L., Saba, A., & Shepherd, R. (2007). Consumer's presumption of grain based functional food and whole grain (Verbrauchererwartungen bei getreidebasiertem Functional Food und Vollkornprodukten). Poster presented at the Congress of the German Nutrition Society, March 2007.
Shepherd, R. (2008). Introduction and outline of the Healthgrain consumer study. Invited presentation at HEALTHGRAIN Workshop ‘Cereal products and health – Consumer perceptions and behaviour’, Paris, 3-4 November 2008.
Shepherd, R. (2008). Consumer attitudes towards healthy cereal products. 2008. Invited presentation at PepsiCo 'Advantaged Bakery & Grains Workshop', Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, 8-9 December 2008.
Shepherd, R. (2009). Grains and health - expectations of European consumers. Invited paper at 'Grains are Functional' 17th International Conference at IGV, Bergholz-Rehbrucke, Germany, 11-12 May 2009.
Shepherd, R. (2009). Consumer responses to grain products and health claims. Invited paper at AACCI Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 13-16 September 2009.
- Prof Richard Shepherd
- Dr Moira Dean
- Dr Monique Raats