Involving low income consumers in policy making: Developing consultation methods and improving participation levels
This project addresses the Food Standards Agency's need to develop innovative methods for accessing the views of low income consumers on food policy issues and for increasing their level of participation in policy making. It will build on and extend current knowledge of food policy communication. Novel methods will be developed to understand communication networks between low income consumers and the Agency. The impact of communication networks based on a variety of methods (e.g. opinion leaders, citizens' jury, citizen's workshop, groups purporting to represent low-income groups) will be determined. The Agency will be
Refereed papers
Timotijevic L, Raats MM (2007) Evaluation of two methods of deliberative participation of older people in food-policy development. Health Policy 82(3), 302-319.
Raats M, Timotijevic L (2004) Evaluating direct and indirect public involvement in food policy development. Vienna, Austria, European Academy of Sciences Conference 2004. May 2004.
Raats M, Timotijevic L (2004) Evaluation of two methods of deliberative participation of older people in food-policy development. Washington DC, USA, ISBNPA 2004 -- 3rd Annual International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference. June 2004.
Raats M, Timotijevic L (2004) Stakeholder involvement in food policy development - social construction of social policy. Washington DC, USA, ISBNPA 2004 -- 3rd Annual International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference. June 2004.
Raats M, Timotijevic L, Green J, Mitchell J (2004) Evaluating Public Involvement in Food Policy Development. HDA conference 2004 - Mainstreaming action on health Inequalities: linking evidence, policy and practice, London, 23-24 September 2004.
Raats M, Timotijevic L. (2004) Evaluating indirect and direct involvement of older people in food policy development. Toulouse, France, Fourth European Congress on Nutrition and Health in the Elderly. November 2004.
Raats MM (2004) The role of food in older people's lives. Lambourn, UK, The BIG Food Debate - the Food and Health Conference for the South East. 25 June 2004.
Timotijevic L, Raats M (2003) Direct and indirect public involvement in food policy development. Food Standards Agency Second Annual Open Meeting on Research on London, 6 November 2003.
Timotijevic L, Raats M (2004) Networks of communication: involving the “hard to reach” in food policy development. Oral presentation at “From Agriculture to Culture: The Social Transformation of Food”, the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) 2004 Annual Joint Meetings. June 2004.
Timotijevic L, Raats M (2004) Networks of Communication: Involving the "hard to reach" in food policy development. Brighton, UK, 18th World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education.
- Lada Timotijevic
- Monique Raats
- Prof. Richard Shepherd