Student research
PhD in Environmental Psychology
The Environmental Psychology Research Group currently has PhD students conducting research in a wide range of areas.
Recently completed PhDs
- Amy Isham (2019). Flow, materialism, and well-being: exploring the psychology of sustainable prosperity
- Patrick Elf (2019). Supporting sustainable lifestyle change: An evaluation of IKEA’s Live Lagom project
- Laura Cowen (2019). Householders' perceptions of energy use and energy saving
- Clara Weber (2018). Privacy Fit in Open-Plan Offices: Its Appraisal, Associated Outcomes & Contextual Factors
- Emma White (2018). Perceptions of naturalness
- Catherine Turton (2016). Defining residential place attachment and exploring its contribution to communityand personal environmental actions.
- Eleanor Ratcliffe (2015). The effects of listening to birdsong on restoration from stress and cognitive fatigue.
- Seung Ho Youn (2014) Symbolic heritage and the reconstruction of identity;
- Alison Armstrong (2012). Mindfulness and Consumerism; A Social Psychological Investigation.
- Matthew Andrews (2010). When Walking in Nature is not Restorative.
- YeonKoo Hong (2007). People and the Workplace: A conceptual model of Structural Congruence.
- Miriam Pepper (2007). Christianity and Sustainable Consumption: A Social Psychological Investigation.
MSc in Environmental Psychology
Examples of MSc projects conducted by past students
- Stien Poncelet (2019). Exploring the Designed Balance Between Social Interaction and Privacy In Maggie’s Centre.
- Emily Greensill (2019). The Restorative Potential of the ‘Really-Real’ and the Not ‘Really-Real’: An Investigation of Perceptions of Authenticity, and Psychological Restoration, of Main Streets
- Carys Thomas-Osborne (2018). The effects of workplace personalisation and wellbeing on creativity: a mediation model
- Simon Holstöm (2016). Towards the Green Stay: Persuasive Psychology in the Hotel Room
- Kaitlyn Gillis (2015). The Effect of Biophilic Design on the Perceived Restorative Potential of Living and Work Environments
- Evgenia Gorantonaki (2013). The aspects of cosiness: An exploratory study of students experiences in the academic library
- Sarah Hewitt (2013). How does the external appearance of new housing affect the identity and satisfaction of residents?
- Kiera Kent (2013). Understanding fun and safe affordances on the playground from children’s and parent’s perspectives
- Henry Pelly (2013). How do academics use their workspace? An investigation into the current use and needs of allocated academic workspaces in order to inform future attempts at optimisation reorganisation
- Ahdya Zylfa Rahman (2013). The Muslim prayer room as a restorative environment
- Sigrid Soeldner (2013). Exploring the social aspects that contribute to or hinder wider social acceptance of community renewable energy projects: A case study of the Lockleaze ‘Streets of Solar’ scheme
- Andrew Tobias (2013) Home is where the military sends you; exploring how the US military develop a sense of home and its effect on wellbeing
- Rachel Al-Azzawi (212). Green unions, green workplaces
- BurcakErdogan Onur (2011). The influence of Soundscapes on Restorative Experience
- Craig Stasiuk (2011). Can the Car be a Primary Territory?
- Franscesca Gianni (2010). Reactions to and consequences of exlcusion from a public space: A case study of Mom, Italy
- Anne Hamilton (2010). Chronically temporary: The experience of repeated overseas relocation as perceived and explained by expatriate mothers
- Veronica Simpson (2010). Design education for your people: enhancing environmental awareness, identity and self-efficacy. Case study: The Sorrell Foundation’s Joinedupdesign for schools.
- Carey Newson (2009) Older people and place: The role of place identity in eliciting restorative experiences among older people
- Justin Dothard (2009). Exploring the Relationships between Spatial Configuration and Senses of Community and Privacy: A Space-Syntax-Based, Workplace POE
- Nora Davis (2008). Experience in Nature, Connectedness to Nature and Pro-Environmental Behaviour
- Emma White (2008). Greenery on Residential Buildings: Its Ability to Increase Preference, Beauty, Restoration, and Positive Affective Quality
- Paul Collingwood (2007). I was trying to make a bit of a statement” What role do sustainable products play in the negotiation of identity?
- Elizabeth Loving (2007). When “happiness was shining down on us”: Urban children’s experience of a farm visit.
- Susan Chrisp (2006). An Exploratory Study of Garden Designers’ Perceptions of Gardens and their Owners.
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