The Jonathan Sime award

In memory of Jonathan Sime, this is an award to recognise a significant contribution to the field of people-environment research in an undergraduate dissertation.

About the Jonathan Sime Award

This prestigious annual award is open to all undergraduates attending a British University.

The Award Panel welcomes applications which clearly exhibit originality of thought, quality of research and reflects Jonathan’s interests in people-environment relationships.

It is required that dissertation tutors or heads of departments nominate dissertations for this award which includes a cash prize of £150 for the winner and £50 for a runner up/special commendation. The annual closing date for applications is 1 July.

How to submit 

Nomination form

Download our nomination form (docx) (including the extended abstract).

Dissertations should be sent by email to:

Download nomination form (docx)

Key dates

  • 1 July: Submission of abstracts
  • 15 July: Notification of decision on need for submission of full dissertation
  • 31 July: Submission of full dissertation
  • 15 September: Notification of winner of the award.

Award winners

Students doing beach clean

Environmental Psychology MSc

From personal space in offices environments to climate change awareness, we study the relationship between people and environments at every scale.