Place and space
Places are spaces have meaning to people. The meaning people attach to places is strongly linked to how they feel and act in those places. Our research examines people-place connections by examining environmental psychology concepts such as place attachment and place identity as well as personalisation, appropriation, territoriality and privacy. Concepts that are strongly associated with meaningful places.
Example projects
- 2017 - : RIBA Tristan da Cunha project. More information: g.speller@surrey.ac.uk
- 2014 – 2018: Privacy in open plan offices. More information: c.weber@surrey.ac.uk
- 2017: The effect of experiencing nature on people’s connection to the natural world. More information: k.wyles@surrey.ac.uk
- 2007 – 2009: Space, Place and Sustainability Network (STINT). More information: d.uzzell@surrey.ac.uk
- 1988: The effect of the building of the Channel Tunnel Terminal at Folkestone on local place attachment and wellbeing. More information: g.speller@surrey.ac.uk
- 2002: Impacts on place attachment and wellbeing of the enforced relocation of Arkwright Town, a coal mining community in Derbyshire, over a 6 year period. More information: g.speller@surrey.ac.uk
- 1998 – 2001: The impact of the Jubilee Line Extension on residential satisfaction, attachment and wellbeing. More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk