
We run cross-disciplinary seminars and discussion groups aimed at sharing expertise, learning new techniques for collecting data, understanding data or combining data with models.

Discussion group

Over the last two years our Data and Rhythms: Expertise, Analytics, Modelling and Simulation (DREAMS) group have met once a month. Our discussions have been wide ranging and have included:

  • Methods for the analysis of genomic data
  • Identifying 24 hour rhythmicity in short time series
  • Measurement and analysis of EEG signals
  • Analysing sound
  • Novel sensors for collecting data
  • Nonlinear time series techniques
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Music motivated by physiological time series.

Join us

If you would like to give a presentation about some research you are doing, discuss a new technique you are using or have some data that you would like to share, then please contact the academic working in the area you are interested in.

Past seminars

Find us


University of Surrey
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