11am - 12 noon GMT
Friday 26 November 2021
Hybrid models for multiscale reaction-diffusion dynamics
This event has passed
This seminar will take place online via Zoom.
Keynote speaker

Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Germany
Dr Stefanie Winkelmann
About the talk
Accurate modelling and simulation of biochemical reaction kinetics is important for understanding the functionality of biological cells. Depending on the particle concentration and their mobility in space, different mathematical models are appropriate. For well-mixed systems with multiple population scales there exist hybrid approaches which combine the different models in an efficient way.
Based on the spatio-temporal master equation, such hybrid approaches can also be extended to spatially inhomogeneous settings. In this talk, Dr Winkelmann will give an overview of the existing approaches and discuss ideas for further recombinations, with the aim of appropriately modelling reaction-diffusion kinetics. Applications are given by the processes of gene expression and neurotransmission.
Join the seminar
This is an online seminar taking place via Zoom, please join us 11am - 12 noon UK time.
Get in contact
If you have any questions then please contact the organiser Matteo Barberis at m.barberis@surrey.ac.uk.