Eco-labelling for food items project
Find out more about the work we are doing in collaboration with our students to increase sustainable purchases in our catering outlets.
About the project
To raise awareness of the environmental impact of food and analyse if this changes purchasing behaviours, we are working in collaboration with our students to trial a carbon footprint labelling system.
The labelling system informs customers regarding the environmental impact of food options in the University catering outlets, helping them to make more sustainable choices.
The trial has been launched in June 2021 and will take place in the Lakeside Café, with green, amber and red footprints indicating the environmental impact of meals.
How you can support us
Share your feedback
If you would like to share feedback regarding the trial, you can complete our short survey which takes 2-4 minutes to complete. During the survey, no personally identifiable information will be collected.
Get involved
If you would like to get involved with the project or find out more, please send us an email to sustainability@surrey.ac.uk.