Distributed systems


The distributed systems theme explores challenges emerging from modern concurrent and networked environments, including cloud computing, blockchain technology, multicore systems, and shared memory architectures. Our research focuses on designing resilient, secure and trustworthy distributed solutions that can withstand diverse failure modes and adversarial behaviours, from node crashes to malicious attacks. Key areas of investigation include distributed coordination protocols, with emphasis on consistent data replication, blockchain consensus, transaction management, recoverable computing, and concurrent data structures. We combine formal and empirical methods to develop precise problem specifications and conduct rigorous correctness and complexity analyses.  

Our team collaborates with leading academic institutions - including IMDEA Software Institute, Telecom Sud-Paris, National Autonomous University of Mexico, and UCSB - as well as industry partners such as IBM, NVIDIA, Neo4j, and the Stellar Development Foundation. 


Theme lead

Gregory Chockler profile image

Professor Gregory Chockler

Professor in Computer Science

Theme members

Ioana Boureanu (Carlson) profile image

Professor Ioana Boureanu

Professor in Secure Systems & Head of Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS)

Liqun Chen profile image

Professor Liqun Chen

Professor in Secure Systems

Brijesh Dongol profile image

Professor Brijesh Dongol

Director of the UK Research Institute on Verified Trustworthy Software Systems (VeTSS)

Sasa Radomirovic profile image

Dr Sasa Radomirovic

Senior Lecturer in Secure Systems; Programme Lead of MSc Information Security

Nishanth Sastry profile image

Professor Nishanth Sastry

Professor, Associate Head of Research and Innovation

Steve Schneider profile image

Professor Steve Schneider

Director of Computer Science Research Centre