
As physicists, we’re passionate about understanding the world around us. From the origins of galaxies and dark matter, to developing ultra-fast lasers and exploring the sub-atomic world, we seek to understand how the world works, and to harness this understanding to improve lives.

Our physics courses put you on a fascinating path of scientific discovery, with topics spanning the breadth of this diverse subject.

Home to a range of state-of-the-art facilities, including a student observatory and high performance computer facilities, we have a strategic partnership with the National Physical Laboratory and host world-leading research groups.

We are also a member of the Institute of Physics equality and diversity initiative, Project Juno, that rewards physics departments for promoting gender equality in physics, and have been awarded Juno Champion status.

Top 10

We are ranked top ten in the UK for overall student satisfaction* in physics by the National Student Survey 2023


96 per cent of our undergraduate students go on to employment or further study, Graduate Outcomes 2023, HESA

*Measured by % positivity across all questions for all providers listed in the Guardian University Guide League Tables.


Development of time-temperature indicators to monitor food safety

Funding information:

Stipend £20,780 per annum, fees covered, research training support grants.

Reconstructing EVolutionary histories for organisms on EArth and stars in gaLaxies (REVEAL)

Funding information:

UKRI stipend, £20,780

Microswimmers with autonomous propulsion inspired by biology and designed with physics

Funding information:

£20,780 UKRI standard stipend.
0800 052 2248 +44 1483 686828 Thursday - Friday: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm Off Off We are currently experiencing a problem with our Clearing call centre. Staff are currently working on the problem and we expect normal service to resume shortly. Please keep checking our website for further updates. Off Disabled Off Non-active Clearing Off Clearing hotline On Off Hotline opening hours Thursday 22 Aug 10am - 12pm Thursday 22 Aug 2pm - 4pm Friday 23 Aug 10am - 12pm Friday 23 Aug 2pm - 4pm On