Student Dush Patel Master of Business Administration MBA I felt my career was stagnating and I needed a new challenge which would give me a confidence boost. I wanted to make sure I was ready for the next phase in my career."
Student Fiona Sweny Master of Business Administration I absolutely love the course. Due to the smaller cohort size we have excellent support from the staff and we all get to know each other well.
Graduate Ricky D'Costa Entrepreneurship MSc Surrey Business School's MSc Entrepreneurship course allowed me to experience real entrepreneurism by taking on projects with actual start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SME).
Graduate Rita Lewis Management Education PGCert The course was run efficiently. It was both stimulating and challenging, and advice and support was always available if required.
Student Jennifer White Master of Business Administration MBA I have loved the course and feel I have learnt so much; the ability to mix with students who work in a multitude of settings has been so beneficial, the lectures have been stimulating and class discussion has been rich, enlightening and memorable.
Student Ivalena Martinova Digital Marketing and Channel Management MSc The course offers flexibility around the optional modules, so I’ve been able to match to my career interests and aspirations.
Student Lilly Andreevska International Marketing MSc I have changed since coming to Surrey, I have developed academically and feel more mature and independent.
Student Christiana Demetriou Business Analytics MSc The University of Surrey proved to be a great place to live, experience new things and develop myself further - both personally and professionally.
Student Chris Boyle Occupational and Organizational Psychology MSc I enjoy learning in-depth about behaviours in the workplace, some of which I used to take for granted.