Graduate profile
Ricky D'Costa

Ricky D'Costa

"Surrey Business School'sMSc Entrepreneurship course allowed me to experience real entrepreneurism by taking on projects with actual start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SME)."


Entrepreneurship MSc

Graduation year


Choosing Surrey

The beautiful, nature-friendly campus was one of the main reasons why I chose Surrey. I completed my MPhys degree here, and the world class research in aerospace and physics was the second thing that attracted me to the University. Having met a lot of entrepreneurial spirits later in my degree, led me to embark on the MSc Entrepreneurship course which greatly changed the way I think about the world and helped me start my own business.

My course

Surrey Business School's MSc Entrepreneurship course allowed me to experience real entrepreneurism by taking on projects with actual start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SME). Through the course, I also represented the University at the 3-Day Startup event, which was a pivotal moment in my life as it helped me discover my passion and love for business.

Favourite memory

Undoubtedly the university lake. It’s absolutely beautiful and is one of my most favourite places in the world!

Life after Surrey

Since graduating, I’ve worked in an SME, a multinational aerospace and defence organisation and I’m currently at a space communications start-up. I’m a Business Development Manager within this start-up organisation where my responsibilities are to grow the business through sales and marketing activities. The team is very supportive, helpful and encourages growth, which to me are the most important traits that I look for within a company.

The MSc Entrepreneurship degree helped me develop my knowledge in business, sales and marketing. I always knew that I was not going to get into heavy engineering, hence why I am developing my skills in sales and marketing, which are not only useful skills to have in general, but also crucial for my own business.

Advice for students

"Always start with a goal. What is it that you want from life? Write it down and then go after it!"

I am extremely grateful for my time at the University of Surrey. It helped me shape my ideologies, passion and drive. The people that I have met and the experiences that I have had will remain with me forever. Forever Surrey!


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