Yaz Hasan
I had the chance to apply to this brilliant university that was right on my doorstep, and it would have been unforgivable not to snatch up the opportunity, which is why Surrey was my first choice!
Law LLB (Hons)Entry year
2021Is there a song that reminds you of Surrey?
Not a song as such, but I absolutely love Panic at the Disco, and have all their songs on repeat when studying on campus. Some are upbeat, some are sombre, which articulates the journey at Surrey: full of highs and lows (exams, ugh!), and everything in between...
What’s one snack you couldn’t live without?
Anyone who knows me knows that I've always got some sort of goodies in my handbag, be it a 14-pack of KitKats, cookies from Canada, pains au chocolat or custard doughnuts. However, one staple of mine is brioche rolls. You'll often see me try and quietly sneak one out mid-lecture when I feel a bit peckish!
Why did you choose Surrey?
I was actually born at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, and have lived near Guildford all my life. That wasn't the reason I decided to go to Surrey, however (although I get to stay with my family!). Surrey has always been in the rankings, but in recent years, especially for law, it has improved massively. Not only this, but the campus is its own little world within Guildford. From Lakeside to Rubix, Hillside to Wates, and not forgetting Manor Park too, it's like a Tardis; so much packed into such a small space!
I had the chance to apply to this brilliant university that was right on my doorstep, and it would have been unforgivable not to snatch up the opportunity, which is why it was my first choice!
What was your first impression when you got here?
The sense of community within the School of Law. I've been fortunate from day one to feel so welcomed by all the staff in my School.
I can chat to them about anything, be it academic or what I got up to on the weekend, and we have this little community which feels very homely.
Why are you passionate about law?
Having studied Law at A-Level and fallen in love with it back then, I knew I wanted to choose a degree which would lead me to a career in which I help people. Being a competitive person allows me to strive to do the best in my degree, which will reflect in my career as I strive to win cases.
What do you like about your course?
The variety within my course. I like how not everything is 100% coursework or 100% exam-based, but how there is some variety such as a 50/50 or 25/75 split. It changes things up and allows you to interchange your focus.
Who are your favourite academics?
This is a tricky one because I love all of my academics in the School of Law! It has got to be said, though, that Nick [Clapham], Krystof [Turek], Ambrose [Lee] and Timothy [James] are just a fantastic bunch of people – I can talk to them for ages about anything, and they all come and disturb me in the Common Room, but I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Tell us about your role in the Law Society
I was elected Vice-President of the Law Society for 2022-23. It's been an unforgettable year.
I discovered I can multi-task pretty well, met so many new people and made friends that will last a lifetime!
What are the best things about life at Surrey?
I love using the Surrey Sports Park; I cannot stress enough how worthwhile it is to get a Gold membership there. You just have to pay it at the start of the academic year and you don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the year. You then have access to all facilities! I go to the gym the most (3-4 times per week), but also love to play squash and go swimming!
What has been your best moment at Surrey so far?
My Vice-Presidency of the Law Society definitely is up there as one of the top best moments; however, I think meeting so many new people and creating good friendships has been another highlight.
How has your time at Surrey had an impact on you?
It has completely changed me as a person; I have performed a U-turn on my personality and become more of an extrovert – all for the better!
Do you know what you want to do when you graduate?
Had you asked me a year ago, I'd have said 'go straight into the LPC'. However, having the past year to think, I've realised I'd like to take a break from studying prior to starting my solicitor's qualification, and use a year or two to work in a legal firm and gain experience, but also see the world!
Any final comments about your time at Surrey?
Make the most of the time that you have at Surrey; grab every opportunity because many students don’t get the same opportunities that we, as Surrey students, are offered. Use all the facilities to the best of your ability.
Finally, the lake will be your best friend for quick walks and study breaks!